Suzanne Tracey Director of Finance and Business Development Annual Plan 2009/10 Suzanne Tracey Director of Finance and Business Development July 2009
Content Introduction Strategic Objectives Process Operating Context Key Milestones Major Capital Schemes
Annual Plan versus Operational Plan Operational plan presented by CE to April COG Operational Plan aimed at internal stakeholders includes individual directorate plans Annual Plan Formally required by Monitor Need to include prescribed information Based on Trustwide view Content re objectives to be achieved is the same
Content of Annual Plan Past performance 2008/09 Future Business Plans Overall Vision Strategic Overview Summary of Financial Forecasts Risk Analysis Declarations and Self Certification Membership Report and Commentary
Key areas of focus Towards a Strategic Direction 2007
Strategic Objectives Respond Deliver Enable Service provider of choice Elimination of avoidable hospital acquired infections Comfortable, acceptable, patient friendly environment Wider responsibility to environment and local community Consistently high levels of care Cost effective accessible local services Broad range of specialist services where Trust can excel Employer of choice Welfare of staff to ensure a work/life balance Encourage & invest in Education, Research & Innovation Ongoing financial well being of Trust Respond Deliver Enable
Key Milestones 2009/10 Meet all existing and new national standards and targets Reducing waiting times Infection control Single sex wards Increased number of patients (day case and outpatients) treated in community settings
2009/10 Draft Capital Programme Programme based on £20m capital expenditure inc: Renal Services at Heavitree South Devon Renal Satellite Unit Daycase Surgery Expansion at Heavitree Reconfiguration of Main Concourse 3rd Linear Accelerator Replacement Nursery Facilities Emergency Hub Enabling Works
Revision to Plan Monitor require FT to report on its consideration of impact of reduction in health funding from 2011 Trust currently working through possible scenarios – presented to BoD July Submission to Monitor 30 September Work between BoD and CoG required August and September to assess impact on strategy