Head-On Collision Portsmouth, VA September 22, 2005 ~3:00am Train IDs K95921 (Lead Engine 9011) & K96021 (Lead Engine 471) Authority for movement: CTC
Dispatcher Recording 2:16 am Dispatcher.Hello K960. A train crew.K960 over. Dispatcher.K960 engine number 471 absolute north and south Boykins and Branchville blocks 2 blocks JCC over. Crew absolute both directions Branchville and Boykins blocks 2 blocks over. Dispatcher.Boykins and Branchville, Boykins and Branchville 0217 over. Crew.Boykins and Branchville, Boykins and Branchville. Dispatcher,That is correct over. Crew.What's that time over? Dispatcher.Show that at 0217 over. Crew.217, where is that other train er other Rock train over? Dispatcher.Waiting for you at Branchville over. Crew.OK alright. Dispatcher gave block to CSXT 471 CSXT 9011 copied the block in error
Dispatcher Recording 2:57 am Dispatcher.Jax. dispatcher answering over. Crew.K960 JCC over. Dispatcher.Be right back to you over Jax. dispatcher to 447 can you clear that Seaboard block over?
Dispatcher Recording 2:58 am Dispatcher.Jax. dispatcher to 447 over. Crew.Yea Jimmy we can clear the Seaboard block but not the Weldon over, uh 8658 clear the Seaboard block one block. Dispatcher.One block 8658 clearing the Sea what the Seaboard Seaboard block on one block 258 over. Dispatcher.258 one block Seaboard over. Crew.You talking to 447 Jimmy over? Dispatcher.Yea 258 one block over. Crew.Yea understand 258 on that one block, we got about 2 hours to work. Dispatcher.Yea straight run no pick up all the way to Delmar to meet Amtrak over. Crew.Understand over.
Dispatcher Recording 2:59 am Dispatcher.Hello K960 over. Crew.K960 over. Dispatcher.Engine number 471 absolute north and south Seaboard block, 1 block only JCC over.
Dispatcher Recording 2:59 am Crew.K engine 471 permission to occupy the Seaboard block absolute block 1 block JCC over. Dispatcher.That's right 259 over. Crew.OK what about the uh Boykins and Branchville blocks over. Dispatcher.What about them over. Crew.We never got those over. Dispatcher.Show giving them to you at 217 over.
Dispatcher Recording 3:00 am Crew.Uh we don't we don't recall getting uh at 217 JCC over. Dispatcher.I got um in the computer 217 I remember giving them to you but will do it again. 471 absolute north and south Boykins Branchville and Seaboard blocks 3 blocks JCC over. Crew.Alright on the engine 471 has permission to occupy absolute north and south Boykins, Branchville, Seaboard, that's 3 blocks JCC over. Dispatcher.Show that at 0259 over. Crew.OK 0259 thank you JCC over. Dispatcher.Alright.
Dispatcher Recording 3:17 am Crew.AE this is the uh K960 we just hit we had a head on collision at MP just past the Hand siding. Dispatcher.Who did you hit? Crew.I'm not sure I don't know who the other train was hold on. Another crew member. AE. Dispatcher.Yea Crew.Yea we got a fire going down here, and everything I pitched in we need to get some help right now to get the fire out we (garbled) pass train. Dispatcher:OK getting people right now. Crew.What's that again, get somebody out here ASAP. Dispatcher.Doing it right now, what's the MP. Crew.We're just south of Hand siding we just went by the southend of the Hand siding. Dispatcher.Alright getting somebody right now. Crew.OK I don't know it don't look good here AE. Dispatcher.OK alright getting people right now. Crew.Thank you very much. Dispatcher. Alright.
The Aftermath
6 CSX employees injured 6 potential fatalities Damage to equipment Who is affected by this? Everyone! Train crews Dispatchers The general public!
Rules to LIVE by! 420 – Mandatory Directive Procedures 424 – Repeat Oral Instructions 171 – CTC Track Authority – Crew on CSXT 9011 acted upon authority given to CSXT A - Announce entrance to CTC block or block signal