TRENT UNIVERSITY 2007 CGPSS REPORT September 2007 Office of Institutional Research and Strategic Planning Christopher Michael Director Institutional Research Ralph Jarvis Institutional Research Assistant 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
CGPSS – Frequency Report Project Summary: Institution: Trent Ontario Canada Number of students invited to participate 277 39,614 99,619 Responses received (partially or totally completed): 136 16,695 36,039 Response rate: 49.1% 42.1% 36.2% Number of universities participating: 15 28 AVERAGE number of days open for data collection: 42 days 39.9 days 38.6 days Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
SECTION 1 – EDUCATIONAL STATUS S1-Q1: At which degree level are you currently enrolled? S1-Q2: In what disciplinary area are you pursuing your degree? S1-Q3: What is your current year of study? S1-Q4: What is your current status in your graduate program? S1-Q5: Do you expect to graduate by the end of the current academic year? S1-Other: Academic Load (from enhanced dataset only) Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
S1-Q1: At what degree level are you currently enrolled S1-Q1: At what degree level are you currently enrolled? (enhanced dataset used where available) Institution: Trent Ontario Canada Response Frequency Count Master's 65.4% 89 61.6% 10,277 62.5% 22,510 Doctoral 34.6% 47 38.4% 6,413 37.5% 13,516 Not Answered 5 13 Valid Response 136 16,690 36,026 Total Responses 16,695 36,039 Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
S1-Q2: In what disciplinary area are you pursuing your degree? Institution: Trent Ontario Canada Response Frequency Count Humanities 28.7% 39 11.2% 1,846 11.6% 4,138 Fine and Applied Arts 0.0% 3.1% 517 4.0% 1,420 Social Sciences 19.9% 27 19.1% 3,284 17.5% 6,248 Business/Management 9.9% 1,632 8.3% 2,974 Education 0.7% 1 6.1% 1,013 2,981 Engineering 16.2% 2,678 15.1% 5,394 Physical and Mathematical Sciences 2.2% 3 1,377 8.1% 2,895 Environmental Science 33.8% 46 521 3.5% 1,242 Biological Sciences 14.7% 20 8.5% 1,408 9.7% 3,471 Health Science 13.8% 2,278 13.9% 4,959 Not Answered 141 317 Valid Responses 136 16,554 35,722 Total Responses 16,695 36,039 Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
S1-Q3: What is your current year of study S1-Q3: What is your current year of study? (enhanced dataset used where available) Institution: Trent Ontario Canada Response Frequency Count 1st year 28.7% 39 42.7% 7,113 38.6% 13,900 2nd year 62.5% 85 29.2% 4,874 29.5% 10,630 3rd year 2.2% 3 11.9% 1,991 14.3% 5,159 4th year 3.7% 5 7.7% 1,291 8.6% 3,109 5th year 1.5% 2 4.8% 802 5.0% 1,797 6th year or above 3.6% 605 3.9% 1,404 Not Answered 19 40 Valid Responses 136 16,676 35,999 Total Responses 16,695 36,039 Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
S1-Q4: What is your current status in your graduate program? Institution: Trent Ontario Canada Response Frequency Count I am still taking courses 36.8% 50 58.5% 9,747 53.0% 19,064 I have completed coursework 27.2% 37 16.6% 2,762 19.3% 6,947 I have passed qualifying exams/paper 12.5% 17 9.2% 1,536 9.9% 3,566 I have had my thesis/dissertation proposal accepted 17.6% 24 13.9% 2,313 14.9% 5,359 I have defended my thesis/dissertation/research paper 5.9% 8 1.7% 290 2.8% 1,003 Not Answered 47 100 Valid Responses 136 16,648 35,939 Total Responses 16,695 36,039 Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
S1-Q5: Do you expect to graduate by the end of the current academic year? Institution: Trent Ontario Canada Response Frequency Count No 63.2% 86 65.0% 10,825 66.0% 23,715 Yes 36.8% 50 35.0% 5,830 34.0% 12,218 Not Answered 40 106 Valid Responses 136 16,655 35,933 Total Responses 16,695 36,039 Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
S1-Other: Academic Load (from enhanced data set only) Institution: Trent Ontario Canada Response Frequency Count No 89.0% 121 88.3% 11,652 86.2% 24,572 Yes 11.0% 15 11.7% 1,544 13.8% 3,935 Valid Responses 136 13,196 28,507 Total Responses Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
SECTION 2 – GENERAL SATISFACTION S2-Q1: Please select your response to the following statements: If you were to start your graduate/ professional career again, would you select this same university? If you were to start your graduate/ professional career again, would you select the same field of study? Would recommend this university to someone considering your program? Would you recommend this university to someone in another filed? If you were to start your graduate career again, would you select the same faculty supervisor? Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
1. If were to start your graduate/ professional career again, would you select this same university? Institution Definitely Probably Maybe Probably Not Definitely not Total Trent Count 39 40 26 25 5 135 % by Row 28.9% 29.6% 19.3% 18.5% 3.7% 100.0% Ontario 5,472 6,217 3,007 1,354 510 16,560 33.0% 37.5% 18.2% 8.2% 3.1% Canada 11,353 13,786 6,479 2,976 1,135 35,729 31.8% 38.6% 18.1% 8.3% 3.2% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
2. If you were to start your graduate/ professional career again, would you select this same field of study? Institution Definitely Probably Maybe Probably Not Definitely not Total Trent Count 79 31 18 6 1 135 % by Row 58.5% 23.0% 13.3% 4.4% 0.7% 99.9% Ontario 8,778 4,767 1,852 950 202 16,549 53.0% 28.8% 11.2% 5.7% 1.2% Canada 18,759 10,155 4,152 2,150 485 35,701 52.5% 28.4% 11.6% 6.0% 1.4% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
3. Would you recommend this university to someone considering your program? Institution Definitely Probably Maybe Probably Not Definitely Not Total Trent Count 54 29 33 14 5 135 % by Row 40.0% 21.5% 24.4% 10.4% 3.7% 100.0% Ontario 7,259 5,243 2,510 1,014 503 16,529 43.9% 31.7% 15.2% 6.1% 3.0% 99.9% Canada 15,020 11,691 5,481 2,293 1,187 35,672 42.1% 32.8% 15.4% 6.4% 3.3% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
4. Would you recommend this university to someone in another field? Institution Definitely Probably Maybe Probably Not Definitely Not Total Trent Count 23 31 56 21 3 134 % by Row 17.2% 23.1% 41.8% 15.7% 2.2% 100.0% Ontario 4,089 6,022 5,084 940 284 16,419 24.9% 36.7% 31.0% 5.7% 1.7% Canada 8,554 13,623 10,881 1,842 551 35,451 24.1% 38.4% 30.7% 5.2% 1.6% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
5. If you were to start your graduate career again, would you select the same faculty supervisor? Institution Definitely Probably Maybe Probably Not Definitely not Total Trent Count 66 22 29 9 8 134 % by Row 49.3% 16.4% 21.6% 6.7% 6.0% 100.0% Ontario 6,818 4,297 2,753 1,212 809 15,889 42.9% 27.0% 17.3% 7.6% 5.1% 99.9% Canada 15,025 9,236 5,685 1,666 1,961 33,573 43.5% 26.7% 7.7% 5.7% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
S3 – Q1: Please rate the following dimensions of your Program. SECTION 3 – SATISFACTION WITH PROGRAM, QUALITY OF INTERACTIONS, AND COURSEWORK S3 – Q1: Please rate the following dimensions of your Program. The intellectual quality of the faculty The intellectual quality of my fellow students The relationship between faculty and graduate students Overall quality of graduate level teaching by faculty Advice on the availability of financial support Quality of academic advising and guidance Helpfulness of staff members in program Availability of area courses I needed to complete my program Quality of instruction in my courses Relationship of program content to my research/professional goals Opportunities for student collaboration or teamwork Opportunities to take coursework outside my own department Opportunities to engage in interdisciplinary work Amount of coursework Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
1. The intellectual quality of the faculty Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Total Trent Count 59 58 12 5 134 % by Row 44.0% 43.3% 9.0% 3.7% 0.0% 100.0% Ontario 6,806 6,617 2,250 561 119 16,353 41.6% 40.5% 13.8% 3.4% 0.7% Canada 13,739 14,778 5,230 1,250 285 35,282 38.9% 41.9% 14.8% 3.5% 0.8% 99.9% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
2. The intellectual quality of my fellow students Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Total Trent Count 40 57 27 8 2 134 % by Row 29.9% 42.5% 20.1% 6.0% 1.5% 100.0% Ontario 3,717 7,464 3,822 1,100 206 16,309 22.8% 45.8% 23.4% 6.7% 1.3% Canada 7,521 16,408 8,494 2,342 418 35,183 21.4% 46.6% 24.1% 1.2% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
3. The relationship between faculty and graduate students Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Total Trent Count 45 34 33 16 6 134 % by Row 33.6% 25.4% 24.6% 11.9% 4.5% 100.0% Ontario 3,625 6,170 4,225 1,689 597 16,306 22.2% 37.8% 25.9% 10.4% 3.7% Canada 7,849 13,418 9,118 3,541 1,252 35,178 22.3% 38.1% 10.1% 3.6% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
4. Overall quality of graduate level teaching by faculty Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Total Trent Count 26 48 37 19 3 133 % by Row 19.5% 36.1% 27.8% 14.3% 2.3% 100.0% Ontario 2,836 6,753 4,490 1,716 500 16,295 17.4% 41.4% 27.6% 10.5% 3.1% Canada 5,862 14,826 9,919 3,542 1,024 35,173 16.7% 42.2% 28.2% 10.1% 2.9% 100.1% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
5. Advice on the availability of financial support Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Total Trent Count 9 34 39 32 19 133 % by Row 6.8% 25.6% 29.3% 24.1% 14.3% 100.1% Ontario 1,670 3,664 5,214 3,499 1,939 15,986 10.4% 22.9% 32.6% 21.9% 12.1% 99.9% Canada 3,263 7,801 11,222 7,850 4,376 34,512 9.5% 22.6% 32.5% 22.7% 12.7% 100.0% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
6. Quality of academic advising and guidance Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Total Trent Count 27 43 28 17 18 133 % by Row 20.3% 32.3% 21.1% 12.8% 13.5% 100.0% Ontario 2,433 4,885 4,814 2,701 1,317 16,150 15.1% 30.2% 29.8% 16.7% 8.2% Canada 5,005 10,296 10,763 5,981 2,825 34,870 14.4% 29.5% 30.9% 17.2% 8.1% 100.1% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
7. Helpfulness of staff members in my program Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Total Trent Count 53 41 23 11 6 134 % by Row 39.6% 30.6% 17.2% 8.2% 4.5% 100.1% Ontario 4,629 5,729 3,745 1,585 580 16,268 28.5% 35.2% 23.0% 9.7% 3.6% 100.0% Canada 9,495 12,427 8,209 3,661 1,290 35,082 27.1% 35.4% 23.4% 10.4% 3.7% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
8. Availability of area courses I needed to complete my program Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Total Trent Count 23 29 37 25 20 134 % by Row 17.2% 21.6% 27.6% 18.7% 14.9% 100.0% Ontario 2,670 4,512 4,619 2,814 1,591 16,206 16.5% 27.8% 28.5% 17.4% 9.8% Canada 5,512 9,829 10,209 6,215 3,204 34,969 15.8% 28.1% 29.2% 17.8% 9.2% 100.1% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
9. Quality of instruction in my courses Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Total Trent Count 27 52 38 11 6 134 % by Row 20.1% 38.8% 28.4% 8.2% 4.5% 100.0% Ontario 2,671 6,700 4,770 1,697 429 16,267 16.4% 41.2% 29.3% 10.4% 2.6% 99.9% Canada 5,750 14,674 10,346 3,484 847 35,101 41.8% 29.5% 9.9% 2.4% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
10. Relationship of program content to my research/ professional goals Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Total Trent Count 24 38 40 8 134 % by Row 17.9% 28.4% 29.9% 6.0% 100.1% Ontario 2,984 5,727 4,582 2,181 753 16,227 18.4% 35.3% 28.2% 13.4% 4.6% 99.9% Canada 6,076 12,419 10,150 4,751 1,629 35,025 17.3% 35.5% 29.0% 13.6% 4.7% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
11. Opportunities for student collaboration or teamwork Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Total Trent Count 17 29 39 28 20 133 % by Row 12.8% 21.8% 29.3% 21.1% 15.0% 100.0% Ontario 2,984 4,748 4,569 2,561 1,303 16,165 18.5% 29.4% 28.3% 15.8% 8.1% 100.1% Canada 6,343 10,558 9,903 5,423 2,692 34,919 18.2% 30.2% 28.4% 15.5% 7.7% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
12. Opportunities to take coursework outside my own department Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Total Trent Count 20 34 32 22 23 131 % by Row 15.3% 26.0% 24.4% 16.8% 17.6% 100.1% Ontario 2,567 4,288 4,601 2,775 1,689 15,920 16.1% 26.9% 28.9% 17.4% 10.6% 99.9% Canada 5,345 9,577 9,950 5,942 3,502 34,316 15.6% 27.9% 29.0% 17.3% 10.2% 100.0% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
13. Opportunities to engage in interdisciplinary work Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Total Trent Count 43 37 25 15 10 130 % by Row 33.1% 28.5% 19.2% 11.5% 7.7% 100.0% Ontario 2,641 4,120 4,685 2,933 1,456 15,835 16.7% 26.0% 29.6% 18.5% 9.2% Canada 5,341 8,867 10,307 6,518 3,160 34,193 15.6% 25.9% 30.1% 19.1% 99.9% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
14. Amount of coursework Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Total Trent Count 15 50 39 23 7 134 % by Row 11.2% 37.3% 29.1% 17.2% 5.2% 100.0% Ontario 1,632 5,565 6,587 1,958 461 16,203 10.1% 34.3% 40.7% 12.1% 2.8% Canada 3,531 12,642 13,914 3,902 979 34,968 36.2% 39.8% 100.1% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
SECTION 4 – PROFESSIONAL SKILLS DEVELOPMENT S4 – Q1: How would you rate the quality of the support And training you received in these areas? Courses, workers, or orientation on teaching Advice/ workshops on preparing for candidacy examinations Feedback on your research Advice/ workshops for the standards for academic writing in your field Advice/ workshops on writing grant proposals Advice/ workshops on publishing your work Advise/ workshops on career options within academia Advice/ workshops on career options outside academia Advice/ workshops about research positions Advice/ workshops about research ethics in human subject research Advice/ workshops about research ethics in the use of animals Advice on intellectual property issues Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
1. Courses, workers, or orientation on teaching Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Did not participate No Applicable Total Trent Count 23 36 34 20 7 12 2 134 % by Row 19.2% 30.0% 28.3% 16.7% 5.8% 100.0% Ontario 1,669 3,849 4,036 1,792 749 2,024 1,765 15,884 13.8% 31.8% 33.4% 14.8% 6.2% Canada 3,436 8,404 8,638 3,623 1,592 4,680 3,978 34,351 13.4% 32.7% 33.6% 14.1% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
2. Advice/ workshops on preparing for candidacy examinations Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Did not participate No Applicable Total Trent Count 6 5 15 9 18 19 59 131 % by Row 11.3% 9.4% 28.3% 17.0% 34.0% 100.0% Ontario 743 1,718 2,441 1,650 1,292 2,687 5,162 15,693 9.5% 21.9% 31.1% 21.0% 16.5% Canada 1,531 3,714 5,160 3,564 2,855 6,058 11,141 34,023 9.1% 22.1% 30.7% 21.2% 100.1% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
3. Feedback on your research Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Did not participate No Applicable Total Trent Count 22 34 37 21 9 1 10 134 % by Row 17.9% 27.6% 30.1% 17.1% 7.3% 100.0% Ontario 1,884 3,788 4,132 2,000 790 547 2,635 15,776 15.0% 32.8% 15.9% 6.3% 100.1% Canada 3,988 8,178 8,736 4,399 1,844 1,553 5,413 34,111 14.7% 32.2% 16.2% 6.8% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
4. Advice/ workshops for the standards for academic writing in your field Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Did not participate No Applicable Total Trent Count 7 18 21 34 14 19 134 % by Row 6.9% 17.8% 20.8% 33.7% 100.0% Ontario 1,054 2,450 3,447 2,235 1,648 2,994 1,879 15,707 9.7% 22.6% 31.8% 20.6% 15.2% 99.9% Canada 2,068 5,178 7,145 4,917 3,783 6,742 4,163 33,996 9.0% 22.4% 30.9% 21.3% 16.4% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
5. Advice/ workshops on writing grant proposals Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Did not participate No Applicable Total Trent Count 7 20 21 22 36 18 10 134 % by Row 6.6% 18.9% 19.8% 20.8% 34.0% 100.1% Ontario 873 1,833 2,556 2,000 1,836 3,314 3,295 15,707 9.6% 20.1% 28.1% 22.0% 20.2% 100.0% Canada 1,712 3,869 5,414 4,439 4,259 7,468 6,857 34,018 8.7% 19.6% 27.5% 22.5% 21.6% 99.9% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
6. Advice/ workshops on publishing your work Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Did not participate No Applicable Total Trent Count 9 15 20 14 40 21 133 % by Row 9.2% 15.3% 20.4% 14.3% 40.8% 100.0% Ontario 857 1,776 2,476 2,064 2,273 2,995 3,205 15,646 9.1% 18.8% 26.2% 21.9% 24.1% 100.1% Canada 1,768 3,783 5,316 4,563 4,871 6,879 6,689 33,869 8.7% 18.6% 22.5% 24.0% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
7. Advise/ workshops on career options within academia Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Did not participate No Applicable Total Trent Count 6 4 25 26 41 16 15 133 % by Row 5.9% 3.9% 24.5% 25.5% 40.2% 100.0% Ontario 755 1,770 2,807 2,528 2,623 2,959 2,229 15,671 7.2% 16.9% 26.8% 24.1% 25.0% Canada 1,487 3,646 6,028 5,552 5,821 6,744 4,659 33,937 6.6% 16.2% 24.6% 25.8% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
8. Advice/ workshops on career options outside academia Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Did not participate No Applicable Total Trent Count 4 3 16 18 57 19 133 % by Row 4.1% 3.1% 16.3% 18.4% 58.2% 100.1% Ontario 779 1,611 2,546 2,547 3,281 2,940 1,972 15,676 7.2% 15.0% 23.7% 30.5% Canada 1,505 3,385 5,588 5,550 7,042 6,670 4,205 33,945 6.5% 14.7% 24.2% 24.1% 100.0% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
9. Advice/ workshops about research positions Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Did not participate No Applicable Total Trent Count 7 3 22 23 45 17 16 133 % by Row 7.0% 3.0% 22.0% 23.0% 45.0% 100.0% Ontario 642 1,500 2,628 2,482 2,744 2,904 2,694 15,594 6.4% 15.0% 26.3% 24.8% 27.5% Canada 1,232 3,184 5,542 5,504 6,040 6,662 5,640 33,804 5.7% 14.8% 25.8% 25.6% 28.1% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
10. Advice/ workshops about research ethics in human subject research Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Did not participate No Applicable Total Trent Count 10 12 11 16 18 56 134 % by Row 16.7% 20.0% 18.3% 26.7% 100.0% Ontario 1,064 2,155 2,639 1,564 1,054 2,468 4,683 15,627 12.6% 25.4% 31.1% 18.5% 12.4% Canada 2,282 4,557 5,667 3,386 2,352 5,568 10,028 33,840 12.5% 25.0% 18.6% 12.9% 100.1% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
11. Advice/ workshops about research ethics in the use of animals Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Did not participate No Applicable Total Trent Count 6 3 20 12 18 67 132 % by Row 12.8% 6.4% 42.6% 25.5% 100.1% Ontario 557 978 1,247 792 656 2,654 8,686 15,570 13.2% 23.1% 29.5% 18.7% 15.5% 100.0% Canada 1,200 2,213 2,782 1,684 1,443 5,788 18,606 33,716 12.9% 23.7% 29.8% 18.1% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
12. Advice on intellectual property issues Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Did not participate No Applicable Total Trent Count 9 11 22 21 30 18 133 % by Row 9.7% 11.8% 23.7% 22.6% 32.3% 100.1% Ontario 948 1,930 2,670 1,998 2,039 2,697 3,343 15,625 9.9% 20.1% 27.9% 20.8% 21.3% 100.0% Canada 2,088 4,257 6,043 4,547 4,400 6,123 6,386 33,844 9.8% 20.0% 28.3% 20.6% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
SECTION 5 – RESEARCH EXPERIENCE S5 – Q1: How would you rate the quality of the support And opportunities you received in these areas? Conducting independent research since starting your graduate program Training in research methods before beginning your own research Faculty guidance in formatting a research topic Research collaboration with one or more faculty members Collaboration with faculty in writing a grant proposal Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
1. Conducting independent research since starting your graduate program Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Did not participate No Applicable Total Trent Count 38 31 37 18 7 2 1 134 % by Row 29.0% 23.7% 28.2% 13.7% 5.3% 99.9% Ontario 2,997 4,008 3,410 1,647 920 779 1,965 15,726 23.1% 30.9% 26.3% 12.7% 7.1% 100.1% Canada 6,625 8,968 7,376 3,563 1,972 1,595 3,909 34,008 23.2% 31.5% 25.9% 12.5% 6.9% 100.0% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
2. Training in research methods before beginning your own research Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Did not participate No Applicable Total Trent Count 14 24 39 22 26 2 7 134 % by Row 11.2% 19.2% 31.2% 17.6% 20.8% 100.0% Ontario 1,619 3,057 3,617 2,632 2,063 754 1,986 15,728 12.5% 23.5% 27.8% 20.3% 15.9% Canada 3,544 6,826 8,093 5,688 4,392 1,754 3,721 34,018 12.4% 23.9% 28.4% 19.9% 15.4% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
3. Faculty guidance in formatting a research topic Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Did not participate No Applicable Total Trent Count 28 41 27 19 17 1 133 % by Row 21.2% 31.1% 20.5% 14.4% 12.9% 100.1% Ontario 2,758 3,710 3,448 2,139 1,393 470 1,779 15,697 27.6% 25.6% 15.9% 10.4% 100.0% Canada 5,988 8,275 7,630 4,655 3,050 1,042 3,331 33,971 20.2% 28.0% 25.8% 15.7% 10.3% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
4. Research collaboration with one or more faculty members Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Did not participate No Applicable Total Trent Count 29 34 23 22 7 5 13 133 % by Row 25.2% 29.6% 20.0% 19.1% 6.1% 100.0% Ontario 2,292 2,965 2,781 1,654 1,432 1,395 3,114 15,633 20.6% 26.7% 25.0% 14.9% 12.9% 100.1% Canada 5,140 6,637 6,157 3,467 3,047 3,179 6,226 33,853 21.0% 27.1% 14.2% 12.5% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
5. Collaboration with faculty in writing a grant proposal Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Did not participate No Applicable Total Trent Count 12 15 16 18 25 32 133 % by Row 15.8% 19.7% 21.1% 23.7% 100.0% Ontario 1,079 1,553 1,666 1,285 1,723 3,208 5,096 15,610 14.8% 21.3% 22.8% 17.6% 23.6% 100.1% Canada 2,414 3,453 3,775 2,834 3,731 7,448 10,156 33,811 14.9% 23.3% 17.5% 23.0% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
SECTION 6 – PRESENTATIONS AND PUBLICATIONS S6 – Q1: Please select if the following occurs in your department Seminars/colloquia at which students present their research Departmental funding for students to attend national or regional meetings Attend national scholarly meetings Deliver any papers or present a poster at national scholarly meetings Co-authored in refereed journals with your program faculty Published as sole or first author in a refereed journal Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
1. Seminars/ colloquia at which students present their research If YES, number of occurrences Institution Yes No Total 1 2 3 4+ Trent Count 121 11 132 26 23 31 14 120 % by Row 91.7% 8.3% 100.0% 21.7% 19.2% 25.8% 11.7% 100.1% Ontario 11,593 3,969 15,562 2,148 2,368 2,022 1,027 3,789 11,354 23.1% 30.9% 54.0% 12.7% 7.1% 41.1% Canada 26,141 7,554 33,695 4,602 5,185 4,472 2,347 9,003 25,609 77.6% 22.4% 18.0% 20.2% 17.5% 9.2% 35.2% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
If YES, number of occurrences 2. Departmental funding for students to attend national or regional meetings If YES, number of occurrences Institution Yes No Total 1 2 3 4+ Trent Count 71 60 131 33 20 12 5 70 % by Row 54.2% 45.8% 100.0% 47.1% 28.6% 17.1% 7.1% 0.0% 99.9% Ontario 7,260 8,000 15,260 3,373 1,880 931 411 481 7,076 47.6% 52.4% 47.7% 26.6% 13.2% 5.8% 6.8% 100.1% Canada 15,971 17,180 33,151 7,345 4,283 2,064 843 1,021 15,556 48.2% 51.8% 47.2% 27.5% 13.3% 5.4% 6.6% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
3. Attend national scholarly meetings If YES, number of occurrences Institution Yes No Total 1 2 3 4+ Trent Count 71 58 129 22 27 9 7 5 70 % by Row 55.0% 45.0% 100.0% 31.4% 38.6% 12.9% 10.0% 7.1% Ontario 8,186 7,042 15,228 3,016 2,022 1,205 649 1,104 7,996 53.8% 46.2% 37.7% 25.3% 15.1% 8.1% 13.8% Canada 16,527 16,462 32,989 6,035 4,064 2,445 1,365 2,212 16,121 50.1% 49.9% 37.4% 25.2% 15.2% 8.5% 13.7% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
If YES, number of occurrences 4. Deliver any papers or present a poster at national scholarly meetings If YES, number of occurrences Institution Yes No Total 1 2 3 4+ Trent Count 84 46 130 23 27 17 8 7 82 % by Row 64.6% 35.4% 100.0% 28.0% 32.9% 20.7% 9.8% 8.5% 99.9% Ontario 8,186 7,042 15,228 3,016 2,022 1,205 649 1,104 7,996 53.8% 46.2% 37.7% 25.3% 15.1% 8.1% 13.8% Canada 18,337 14,725 33,062 6,806 4,517 2,669 1,486 2,411 17,889 55.5% 44.5% 38.0% 14.9% 8.3% 13.5% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
5. Co – authored in refereed journals with your program faculty If YES, number of occurrences Institution Yes No Total 1 2 3 4+ Trent Count 48 81 129 19 12 9 5 47 % by Row 37.2% 62.8% 100.0% 40.4% 25.5% 19.1% 4.3% 10.6% 99.9% Ontario 5,873 9,342 15,215 2,847 1,510 683 302 396 5,738 38.6% 61.4% 49.6% 26.3% 11.9% 5.3% 6.9% Canada 13,747 19,272 33,019 6,692 3,475 1,605 722 942 13,436 41.6% 58.4% 49.8% 25.9% 5.4% 7.0% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
6. Published as sole or first author in a refereed journal If YES, number of occurrences Institution Yes No Total 1 2 3 4+ Trent Count 45 84 129 20 16 4 44 % by Row 34.9% 65.1% 100.0% 45.5% 36.4% 4.5% 9.1% Ontario 5,690 9,509 15,199 2,915 1,560 578 261 259 5,573 37.4% 62.6% 52.3% 28.0% 10.4% 4.7% 4.6% Canada 13,311 19,672 32,983 6,845 3,608 1,377 629 580 13,039 40.4% 59.6% 52.5% 27.7% 10.6% 4.8% 4.4% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
SECTION 7 – ADVISOR AND THESIS / DISSERTATION / RESEARCH PAPER S7-Q1: Does your program include a Thesis, Dissertation, or Research Paper? (if NO, skip to section 8) S7-Q2: Thesis/Dissertation advisors engage in a variety of mentoring activities. For each of the following statements, indicate the extend that it DESCRIBES THE BEHAVIOUR of your advisor. S7-Q3: On average, how often per month do you meet or communicate with your dissertation advisor about: Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
S7-Q1: Does your program include a Thesis, Dissertation, or Research Paper? (if NO, skip to section 8) Institution: Trent Ontario Canada Response Frequency Count Yes 100.0% 134 81.9% 12,896 85.2% 29,034 No 0.0% 18.1% 2,853 14.8% 5,047 Not Answered 54 121 Valid Response 15,749 34,081 Total Responses 15,803 34,202 Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
1. Was knowledgeable about formal degree requirements S7-Q2: Thesis/Dissertation advisors engage in a variety of mentoring activities. For each of the following statements, indicate the extend that it DESCRIBES THE BEHAVIOUR of your advisor. 1. Was knowledgeable about formal degree requirements Institution Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree NA/No opinion Total Trent Count 55 58 6 1 10 130 % by Row 45.8% 48.3% 5.0% 0.8% 99.9% Ontario 5,141 5,098 663 194 1,372 12,468 46.3% 45.9% 6.0% 1.7% Canada 12,128 12,342 1,659 480 2,571 29,180 47.4% 44.3% 6.5% 1.9% 100.1% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
2. Served as my advocate when necessary S7-Q2: Thesis/Dissertation advisors engage in a variety of mentoring activities. For each of the following statements, indicate the extend that it DESCRIBES THE BEHAVIOUR of your advisor. 2. Served as my advocate when necessary Institution Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree NA/ No opinion Total Trent Count 58 35 8 4 22 127 % by Row 55.2% 33.3% 7.6% 3.8% 99.9% Ontario 4,987 4,220 516 210 2,485 12,418 50.2% 42.5% 5.2% 2.1% 100.0% Canada 11,428 9,168 1,238 572 5,662 28,068 51.0% 40.9% 5.5% 2.6% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
3. Gave me constructive feedback on my work S7-Q2: Thesis/Dissertation advisors engage in a variety of mentoring activities. For each of the following statements, indicate the extend that it DESCRIBES THE BEHAVIOUR of your advisor. 3. Gave me constructive feedback on my work Institution Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree NA/ No opinion Total Trent Count 66 38 11 6 8 129 % by Row 54.5% 31.4% 9.1% 5.0% 100.0% Ontario 5,537 4,414 640 265 1,575 12,431 51.0% 40.7% 5.9% 2.4% Canada 12,788 9,915 1,630 649 3,130 28,112 51.2% 39.7% 6.5% 2.6% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
4. Returned my work promptly S7-Q2: Thesis/Dissertation advisors engage in a variety of mentoring activities. For each of the following statements, indicate the extend that it DESCRIBES THE BEHAVIOUR of your advisor. 4. Returned my work promptly Institution Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree NA/ No opinion Total Trent Count 53 37 16 6 15 127 % by Row 47.3% 33.0% 14.3% 5.4% 100.0% Ontario 4,792 4,222 947 382 2,060 12,403 46.3% 40.8% 9.2% 3.7% Canada 10,874 9,552 2,392 1,040 4,198 28,056 45.6% 40.0% 10.0% 4.4% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
5. Promoted my professional development S7-Q2: Thesis/Dissertation advisors engage in a variety of mentoring activities. For each of the following statements, indicate the extend that it DESCRIBES THE BEHAVIOUR of your advisor. 5. Promoted my professional development Institution Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree NA/ No opinion Total Trent Count 51 45 10 6 17 129 % by Row 45.5% 40.2% 8.9% 5.4% 100.0% Ontario 4,858 4,211 942 325 2,062 12,398 47.0% 40.7% 9.1% 3.1% 99.9% Canada 11,257 9,447 2,295 875 4,154 28,028 47.2% 39.6% 9.6% 3.7% 100.1% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
6. Overall, performed the role well S7-Q2: Thesis/Dissertation advisors engage in a variety of mentoring activities. For each of the following statements, indicate the extend that it DESCRIBES THE BEHAVIOUR of your advisor. 6. Overall, performed the role well Institution Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree NA/ No opinion Total Trent Count 62 40 12 6 9 129 % by Row 51.7% 33.3% 10.0% 5.0% 100.0% Ontario 5,359 4,381 785 312 1,547 12,384 49.5% 40.4% 7.2% 2.9% Canada 12,320 9,833 2,018 868 2,973 28,012 49.2% 39.3% 8.1% 3.5% 100.1% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
7. Was available for regular meetings S7-Q2: Thesis/Dissertation advisors engage in a variety of mentoring activities. For each of the following statements, indicate the extend that it DESCRIBES THE BEHAVIOUR of your advisor. 7. Was available for regular meetings Institution Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree NA/ No opinion Total Trent Count 60 46 14 4 5 129 % by Row 48.4% 37.1% 11.3% 3.2% 100.0% Ontario 5,574 4,245 878 311 1,396 12,404 50.6% 38.6% 8.0% 2.8% Canada 12,635 9,683 2,234 805 2,696 28,053 49.8% 38.2% 8.8% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
8. Was very helpful to me in preparing for written qualifying exams S7-Q2: Thesis/Dissertation advisors engage in a variety of mentoring activities. For each of the following statements, indicate the extend that it DESCRIBES THE BEHAVIOUR of your advisor. 8. Was very helpful to me in preparing for written qualifying exams Institution Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree NA/ No opinion Total Trent Count 17 11 8 92 128 % by Row 47.2% 30.6% 22.2% 0.0% 100.0% Ontario 1,943 2,050 646 248 7,433 12,320 39.8% 41.9% 13.2% 5.1% Canada 4,060 4,378 1,587 668 17,160 27,853 38.0% 40.9% 14.8% 6.2% 99.9% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
9. Was very helpful to me in preparing for the oral qualifying exams S7-Q2: Thesis/Dissertation advisors engage in a variety of mentoring activities. For each of the following statements, indicate the extend that it DESCRIBES THE BEHAVIOUR of your advisor. 9. Was very helpful to me in preparing for the oral qualifying exams Institution Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree NA/ No opinion Total Trent Count 16 11 2 82 127 % by Row 35.6% 24.4% 4.4% 100.0% Ontario 1,940 2,151 650 223 7,338 12,302 39.1% 43.3% 13.1% 4.5% Canada 4,099 4,622 1,603 622 16,853 27,799 37.4% 42.2% 14.6% 5.7% 99.9% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
10. Was very helpful to me in selecting a dissertation topic S7-Q2: Thesis/Dissertation advisors engage in a variety of mentoring activities. For each of the following statements, indicate the extend that it DESCRIBES THE BEHAVIOUR of your advisor. 10. Was very helpful to me in selecting a dissertation topic Institution Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree NA/ No opinion Total Trent Count 41 52 9 4 23 129 % by Row 38.7% 49.1% 8.5% 3.8% 100.1% Ontario 3,890 3,946 941 328 3,248 12,353 42.7% 43.3% 10.3% 3.6% 99.9% Canada 8,793 9,133 2,435 905 6,655 27,921 41.3% 42.9% 11.5% 4.3% 100.0% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
S7-Q2: Thesis/Dissertation advisors engage in a variety of mentoring activities. For each of the following statements, indicate the extend that it DESCRIBES THE BEHAVIOUR of your advisor. 11. Was very helpful to me in writing a dissertation prospectus or proposal Institution Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree NA/ No opinion Total Trent Count 33 49 12 6 28 128 % by Row 33.0% 49.0% 12.0% 6.0% 100.0% Ontario 3,076 3,266 824 292 4,845 12,303 41.2% 43.8% 11.0% 3.9% 99.9% Canada 7,065 7,641 2,246 852 10,042 27,846 39.7% 42.9% 12.6% 4.8% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
12. Was very helpful to me in writing the dissertation S7-Q2: Thesis/Dissertation advisors engage in a variety of mentoring activities. For each of the following statements, indicate the extend that it DESCRIBES THE BEHAVIOUR of your advisor. 12. Was very helpful to me in writing the dissertation Institution Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree NA/ No opinion Total Trent Count 24 29 9 5 60 127 % by Row 35.8% 43.3% 13.4% 7.5% 100.0% Ontario 2,227 2,324 566 248 6,913 12,278 41.5% 10.5% 4.6% 99.9% Canada 5,019 5,409 1,568 699 15,077 27,772 39.5% 42.6% 12.4% 5.5% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
13. Was very helpful to me in selecting the dissertation committee S7-Q2: Thesis/Dissertation advisors engage in a variety of mentoring activities. For each of the following statements, indicate the extend that it DESCRIBES THE BEHAVIOUR of your advisor. 13. Was very helpful to me in selecting the dissertation committee Institution Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree NA/ No opinion Total Trent Count 30 57 8 4 29 128 % by Row 30.3% 57.6% 8.1% 4.0% 100.0% Ontario 2,986 3,065 495 208 5,540 12,294 44.2% 45.4% 7.3% 3.1% Canada 6,819 6,785 1,276 542 12,386 27,808 44.0% 8.3% 3.5% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
S7-Q3: On average, how often per month do you meet or communicate with your dissertation advisor about: Institution: Trent University Ontario Canada 12a. Your ongoing research and results 12b. Your writing of the dissertation draft Response Frequency Count For or more times (at least once a week) 25.8% 33 7.8% 10 30.8% 3,837 9.8% 1,217 29.6% 8,339 2,730 One to three times (at least once a month) 45.3% 58 26.6% 34 35.7% 4,446 20.7% 2,565 36.2% 10,209 21.0% 5,874 Less than once a month 24.2% 31 28.1% 36 16.3% 2,033 14.9% 1,837 17.9% 5,056 15.8% 4,418 Not applicable/No opinion 4.7% 6 37.5% 48 17.2% 2,140 54.6% 6,751 16.2% 4567 53.5% 14,967 Not answered 4 339 425 676 858 Valid Responses 128 12,456 12,370 28,171 27,989 Total Responses 132 12,795 28,847 Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
SECTION 8 – FINANCIAL SUPPORT S8-Q1: Please check all of the following forms of support you received while you have been enrolled in your program. Please check if you received support this source: S8-Q2: Please estimate the amount of undergraduate educational debt, if any, plus the amount of graduate educational debt, if any, you will to repay when you have completed your graduate degree here. Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
S8-Q1: Please check all of the following forms of support you received while you have been enrolled in your program. Please check if you received support from this source: Institution: Trent University Ontario Canada Response Frequency Count Federal Granting Council Scholarship/Fellowship 26.0% 34 17.0% 2,636 18.0% 6,058 Provincial Government Scholarship/Fellowship 19.8% 26 16.9% 2,630 16.7% 5,622 Support from a Foreign Government 0.8% 1 2.0% 313 2.6% 868 External ( to university) non-governmental fellowship 6.9% 9 7.0% 1,081 8.2% 2768 University funded fellowships 42.0% 55 35.6% 5,531 33.3% 11224 Graduate research assistantship 38.2% 50 5,938 34.9% 11,755 Graduate teaching assistantship 86.3% 113 49.7% 7,712 42.1% 14,166 Other part-time research employment 16.0% 21 7.1% 1,104 7.9% 2,663 Other part-time teaching employment 10.7% 14 5.6% 875 6.5% 2,184 Residence Donship 0.0% 0.5% 80 0.4% 123 Full tuition scholarships or waivers 13.0% 17 13.8% 2,140 3,614 Partial tuition scholarships or waivers 18.3% 24 2,141 12.1% 4,069 Other campus employment 4.6% 6 5.7% 883 6.7% 2,254 Off campus employment 14.5% 19 16.6% 2,572 19.4% 6,524 Employee benefit or employer funding 6.1% 8 6.8% 1,060 7.2% 2,427 Loans, savings, or family assistance 47.3% 62 40.2% 6,244 39.8% 13,395 Valid responses 131 15,531 33,674 Total Responses Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
S8-Q2a): Please estimate the amount of undergraduate educational debt, if any, plus the amount of graduate educational debt, if any, you will to repay when you have completed your graduate degree here. Undergraduate Educational Debt Institution: Trent University Ontario Canada Response Frequency Count $0 57.4% 74 64.4% 9,285 65.1% 20,298 $1 - $9,999 7.8% 10 8.6% 1,244 9.7% 3,021 $10,000 - $19,999 9.3% 12 8.8% 1,271 9.6% 3,004 $20,000 - $29,999 10.1% 13 8.1% 1,171 7.3% 2,259 $30,000 - $39,999 5.1% 728 4.1% 1268 $40,000 - $49,999 0.8% 1 2.4% 347 2.1% 655 $50,000 - $59,999 3.1% 4 1.1% 165 0.9% 282 $60,000 - $69,999 0.0% 0.5% 79 152 $70,000 - $79,999 1.6% 2 0.3% 46 0.2% 73 $80,000 or more 144 Not Answered 1,116 2,518 Valid responses 129 14,415 31,156 Total Responses 131 15,531 33,674 Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
S8-Q2b): Please estimate the amount of undergraduate educational debt, if any, plus the amount of graduate educational debt, if any, you will to repay when you have completed your graduate degree here. Graduate Educational Debt Institution: Trent University Ontario Canada Response Frequency Count $0 42.6% 55 49.5% 7,434 49.9% 16,199 $1 - $9,999 25.6% 33 17.7% 2,654 18.9% 6,136 $10,000 - $19,999 14.7% 19 13.2% 1,985 13.7% 4,451 $20,000 - $29,999 10.1% 13 8.0% 1,195 7.6% 2,479 $30,000 - $39,999 4.7% 6 4.4% 663 4.0% 1307 $40,000 - $49,999 1.6% 2 2.4% 366 2.1% 678 $50,000 - $59,999 0.0% 1.8% 273 1.4% 467 $60,000 - $69,999 0.8% 1 1.1% 160 256 $70,000 - $79,999 0.6% 88 0.4% 135 $80,000 or more 1.3% 194 1.0% 331 Not Answered 519 1,235 Valid responses 129 15,012 32,439 Total Responses 131 15,531 33,674 Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
SECTION 9 – FINANCIAL SUPPORT S9-Q1: Please rate the following university resources based on the quality you have experienced while using them. Please answer regarding your most recent year’s experience in the graduate school at this university. Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
S9-Q1: Please rate the following university resources based on the quality you have experienced while using them. Please answer regarding your most recent year’s experience in the graduate school at this university. 1. Library facilities Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Did not participate No Applicable Total Trent Count 6 26 34 32 33 131 % by Row 4.6% 19.8% 26.0% 24.4% 25.2% 100.0% Ontario 4,912 5,350 3,140 1,105 558 222 87 15,374 32.6% 35.5% 20.8% 7.3% 3.7% 99.9% Canada 10,688 12,063 6,744 2,099 929 550 236 33,309 32.9% 37.1% 20.7% 6.5% 2.9% 100.1% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
2. Graduate student office space S9-Q1: Please rate the following university resources based on the quality you have experienced while using them. Please answer regarding your most recent year’s experience in the graduate school at this university. 2. Graduate student office space Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Did not participate No Applicable Total Trent Count 14 23 28 26 38 2 131 % by Row 10.9% 17.8% 21.7% 20.2% 29.5% 100.1% Ontario 2,026 2,688 2,935 2,286 2,913 1,116 1,346 15,310 15.8% 20.9% 22.8% 22.7% 100.0% Canada 4,312 5,923 6,187 4,773 5,999 2,989 3,009 33,192 15.9% 21.8% 17.6% 22.1% 100.2% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
3. Research laboratories S9-Q1: Please rate the following university resources based on the quality you have experienced while using them. Please answer regarding your most recent year’s experience in the graduate school at this university. 3. Research laboratories Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Did not participate No Applicable Total Trent Count 15 28 27 8 3 34 130 % by Row 18.5% 34.6% 33.3% 9.9% 3.7% 100.0% Ontario 1,612 2,367 2,268 1,212 676 1,761 5,351 15,247 19.8% 29.1% 27.9% 14.9% 8.3% Canada 3,624 5,374 5,108 2,652 1,448 4,121 10,734 33,061 19.9% 29.5% 28.1% 14.6% 8.0% 100.1% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
S9-Q1: Please rate the following university resources based on the quality you have experienced while using them. Please answer regarding your most recent year’s experience in the graduate school at this university. 4. Health care services Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Did not participate No Applicable Total Trent Count 12 23 24 11 26 130 % by Row 12.9% 24.7% 25.8% 11.8% 99.9% Ontario 1,488 2,808 3,337 1,562 670 3,488 1,905 15,258 15.1% 28.5% 33.8% 15.8% 6.8% 100.0% Canada 2,968 5,793 6,906 3,276 1,421 8,549 4,156 33,069 14.6% 28.4% 33.9% 16.1% 7.0% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
S9-Q1: Please rate the following university resources based on the quality you have experienced while using them. Please answer regarding your most recent year’s experience in the graduate school at this university. 5. Child care services Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Did not participate No Applicable Total Trent Count 3 1 9 51 64 129 % by Row 21.4% 7.1% 0.0% 64.3% 99.9% Ontario 251 343 435 313 440 5,717 7,643 15,142 14.1% 19.2% 24.4% 17.6% 24.7% 100.0% Canada 508 686 878 629 1,015 13,443 15,691 32,850 13.7% 18.5% 23.6% 16.9% 27.3% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
S9-Q1: Please rate the following university resources based on the quality you have experienced while using them. Please answer regarding your most recent year’s experience in the graduate school at this university. 6. Financial aid office Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Did not participate No Applicable Total Trent Count 9 11 35 22 4 14 130 % by Row 11.1% 13.6% 43.2% 27.2% 4.9% 100.0% Ontario 684 1,523 2,581 1,674 1,016 4,660 3,040 15,178 9.1% 20.4% 34.5% 22.4% Canada 1,456 3,381 5,503 3,408 2,018 10,561 6,604 32,931 9.2% 21.4% 34.9% 21.6% 12.8% 99.9% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
S9-Q1: Please rate the following university resources based on the quality you have experienced while using them. Please answer regarding your most recent year’s experience in the graduate school at this university. 7. Career services Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Did not participate No Applicable Total Trent Count 2 6 9 10 4 66 33 130 % by Row 6.5% 19.4% 29.0% 32.3% 12.9% 100.1% Ontario 757 1,504 2,244 1,314 883 5,756 2,727 15,185 11.3% 22.4% 33.5% 19.6% 13.2% 100.0% Canada 1,515 3,181 4,569 2,743 1,844 13,116 5,935 32,903 10.9% 23.0% 33.0% 19.8% 13.3% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
8. Student counselling & resource center S9-Q1: Please rate the following university resources based on the quality you have experienced while using them. Please answer regarding your most recent year’s experience in the graduate school at this university. 8. Student counselling & resource center Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Did not participate No Applicable Total Trent Count 9 8 11 6 57 31 130 % by Row 21.4% 19.0% 26.2% 14.3% 99.9% Ontario 834 1,520 1,905 949 543 6,465 2,948 15,164 14.5% 26.4% 33.1% 16.5% 9.4% Canada 1,699 3,062 3,785 1,996 1,145 14,757 6,425 32,869 32.4% 17.1% 9.8% 100.0% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
S9-Q1: Please rate the following university resources based on the quality you have experienced while using them. Please answer regarding your most recent year’s experience in the graduate school at this university. 9. Athletics facilities Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Did not participate No Applicable Total Trent Count 3 7 29 27 20 31 13 130 % by Row 3.5% 8.1% 33.7% 31.4% 23.3% 100.0% Ontario 1,952 3,226 3,099 1,248 623 3,613 1,465 15,226 19.2% 31.8% 30.5% 12.3% 6.1% 99.9% Canada 4,784 7,295 6,293 2,429 1,160 7,849 3,209 33,019 21.8% 33.2% 28.7% 11.1% 5.3% 100.1% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
S9-Q1: Please rate the following university resources based on the quality you have experienced while using them. Please answer regarding your most recent year’s experience in the graduate school at this university. 10. International Office Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Did not participate No Applicable Total Trent Count 4 6 5 1 53 55 128 % by Row 20.0% 30.0% 25.0% 5.0% 100.0% Ontario 741 1,174 1,314 497 202 6,119 5,123 15,170 18.9% 29.9% 33.5% 12.7% 5.1% 100.1% Canada 1,807 2,772 2,776 1,059 464 13,849 10,199 32,926 20.4% 31.2% 31.3% 11.9% 5.2% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
S9-Q1: Please rate the following university resources based on the quality you have experienced while using them. Please answer regarding your most recent year’s experience in the graduate school at this university. 11. Housing assistance Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Did not participate No Applicable Total Trent Count 5 4 14 6 8 55 38 130 % by Row 13.5% 10.8% 37.8% 16.2% 21.6% 99.9% Ontario 505 1,085 1,423 896 668 6,076 4,531 15,184 11.0% 23.7% 31.1% 19.6% 14.6% 100.0% Canada 971 2,104 2,674 1,776 1,535 14,369 9,489 32,918 10.7% 23.2% 29.5% 16.9% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
S9-Q1: Please rate the following university resources based on the quality you have experienced while using them. Please answer regarding your most recent year’s experience in the graduate school at this university. 12. Ombudsperson's office Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Did not participate No Applicable Total Trent Count 1 3 5 69 50 129 % by Row 10.0% 0.0% 30.0% 50.0% 100.0% Ontario 265 430 606 322 194 7,725 5,475 15,017 14.6% 23.7% 33.4% 17.7% 10.7% 100.1% Canada 593 937 1,283 658 445 17,539 11,116 32,571 15.1% 23.9% 32.8% 16.8% 11.4% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
13. Campus transportation service S9-Q1: Please rate the following university resources based on the quality you have experienced while using them. Please answer regarding your most recent year’s experience in the graduate school at this university. 13. Campus transportation service Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Did not participate No Applicable Total Trent Count 11 17 33 16 4 31 18 130 % by Row 13.6% 21.0% 40.7% 19.8% 4.9% 100.0% Ontario 851 1,395 1,779 1,016 901 5,282 3,937 15,161 14.3% 23.5% 29.9% 17.1% 15.2% Canada 2,418 3,732 4,192 2,127 1,647 10,906 7,855 32,877 26.4% 29.7% 15.1% 11.7% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
S9-Q1: Please rate the following university resources based on the quality you have experienced while using them. Please answer regarding your most recent year’s experience in the graduate school at this university. 14. Food services Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Did not participate No Applicable Total Trent Count 3 6 14 31 56 130 % by Row 2.7% 5.5% 12.7% 28.2% 50.9% 100.0% Ontario 512 1,451 3,331 3,220 2,625 2,428 1,633 15,200 4.6% 13.0% 29.9% 28.9% 23.6% Canada 1,260 3,690 7,991 6,942 5,142 4,660 3,285 32,970 5.0% 14.7% 31.9% 27.7% 20.5% 99.8% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
S9-Q1: Please rate the following university resources based on the quality you have experienced while using them. Please answer regarding your most recent year’s experience in the graduate school at this university. 15. University bookstore Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Did not participate No Applicable Total Trent Count 3 14 36 44 20 11 131 % by Row 2.6% 12.0% 30.8% 37.6% 17.1% 100.1% Ontario 1,427 3,530 5,377 2,692 829 893 522 15,270 10.3% 25.5% 38.8% 19.4% 6.0% 100.0% Canada 3,495 8,728 11,522 5,117 1,468 1,785 987 33,102 11.5% 28.8% 38.0% 16.9% 4.8% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
16. Student government office S9-Q1: Please rate the following university resources based on the quality you have experienced while using them. Please answer regarding your most recent year’s experience in the graduate school at this university. 16. Student government office Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Did not participate No Applicable Total Trent Count 4 7 19 14 54 26 128 % by Row 8.3% 14.6% 39.6% 29.2% 100.0% Ontario 487 1,130 1,910 941 434 6,469 3,672 15,043 9.9% 23.1% 39.0% 19.2% 8.9% 100.1% Canada 1,173 2,774 4,358 2,048 984 13,876 7,436 32,649 10.3% 24.5% 38.4% 18.1% 8.7% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
17. Registrarial processes S9-Q1: Please rate the following university resources based on the quality you have experienced while using them. Please answer regarding your most recent year’s experience in the graduate school at this university. 17. Registrarial processes Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Did not participate No Applicable Total Trent Count 10 29 46 27 13 4 1 130 % by Row 8.0% 23.2% 36.8% 21.6% 10.4% 100.0% Ontario 1,426 3,297 4,837 2,484 1,140 1,125 876 15,185 10.8% 25.0% 36.7% 18.8% 8.6% 99.9% Canada 3,507 8,111 10,471 4,969 2,308 1,946 1,653 32,965 11.9% 27.6% 35.7% 16.9% 7.9% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
18. Information technology services S9-Q1: Please rate the following university resources based on the quality you have experienced while using them. Please answer regarding your most recent year’s experience in the graduate school at this university. 18. Information technology services Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Did not participate No Applicable Total Trent Count 3 14 28 30 39 9 6 129 % by Row 2.6% 12.3% 24.6% 26.3% 34.2% 100.0% Ontario 1,809 3,775 4,552 2,013 755 1,375 945 15,224 14.0% 29.3% 35.3% 15.6% 5.9% 100.1% Canada 4,419 9,056 9,903 3,934 1,414 2,588 1,707 33,021 15.4% 31.5% 34.5% 13.7% 4.9% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
SECTION 10 – SOCIAL LIFE S10-Q1: How often do the following social activities occur and how often do you attend them? 1. Organized university-wide social services Occurrence Attendance Institution Frequent Occasional Never Total Trent Count 21 85 20 126 7 54 40 101 % by Row 16.7% 67.5% 15.9% 100.1% 6.9% 53.5% 39.6% 100.0% Ontario 3,568 6,980 4,380 14,928 471 4,632 4,770 9,873 23.9% 46.8% 29.3% 4.8% 46.9% 48.3% Canada 7,775 15,598 9,016 32,389 967 10,612 10,442 22,021 24.0% 48.2% 27.8% 4.4% 47.4% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
2. Organized social activities within your department S10-Q1: How often do the following social activities occur and how often do you attend them? 2. Organized social activities within your department Occurrence Attendance Institution Frequent Occasional Never Total Trent Count 40 78 12 130 67 5 112 % by Row 30.8% 60.0% 9.2% 100.0% 35.7% 59.8% 4.5% Ontario 4,168 9,051 1,922 15,141 3,339 7,680 1,325 12,344 27.5% 12.7% 27.0% 62.2% 10.7% 99.9% Canada 8,699 19,650 4,418 32,767 7,047 16,439 3,181 26,667 26.5% 13.5% 26.4% 61.6% 11.9% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
3. Organized social activities within your advisor/research group S10-Q1: How often do the following social activities occur and how often do you attend them? 3. Organized social activities within your advisor/research group Occurrence Attendance Institution Frequent Occasional Never Total Trent Count 16 73 38 127 45 2 85 % by Row 12.6% 57.5% 29.9% 100.0% 44.7% 52.9% 2.4% Ontario 2,048 6,292 6,397 14,737 4,045 3,323 378 7,746 13.9% 42.7% 43.4% 52.2% 42.9% 4.9% Canada 4,477 14,206 13,279 31,962 9,088 7,530 872 17,490 14.0% 44.4% 41.5% 99.9% 52.0% 43.1% 5.0% 100.1% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
4. Organized social activities within your residence S10-Q1: How often do the following social activities occur and how often do you attend them? 4. Organized social activities within your residence Occurrence Attendance Institution Frequent Occasional Never Total Trent Count 7 10 95 112 9 2 6 17 % by Row 6.3% 8.9% 84.8% 100.0% 52.9% 11.8% 35.3% Ontario 1,141 2,056 9,790 12,987 834 1,369 718 2,921 8.8% 15.8% 75.4% 28.6% 46.9% 24.6% 100.1% Canada 2,452 4,867 20,965 28,284 1,960 3,244 1,515 6,719 8.7% 17.2% 74.1% 29.2% 48.3% 22.5% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
SECTION 11 – General Assessment S11-Q1: Overall, how would you rate the quality of: S11-Q2: Rate the extent to which the following factors are an obstacle to your academic progress. Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
Your academic experience at this university? S11-Q1: Overall, how would you rate the quality of: Your academic experience at this university? Your academic experience at this university? Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Total Trent Count 40 38 35 11 7 131 % by Row 30.5% 29.0% 26.7% 8.4% 5.3% 99.9% Ontario 4,090 6,069 3,474 1,226 435 15294 39.7% 22.7% 8.0% 2.8% Canada 8,342 13,613 7,654 2,589 948 33146 25.2% 41.1% 23.1% 7.8% 2.9% 100.1% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
Your student life experience at this university? S11-Q1: Overall, how would you rate the quality of: Your Student Life Experience at this University? Your student life experience at this university? Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Total Trent Count 21 44 34 24 8 131 % by Row 16.0% 33.6% 26.0% 18.3% 6.1% 100.0% Ontario 2,342 4,728 4,730 2,375 943 15,118 15.5% 31.3% 15.7% 6.2% Canada 4,968 10,583 10,434 4,871 1,897 32753 15.2% 32.3% 31.9% 14.9% 5.8% 100.1% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
Your graduate/professional program at this university? S11-Q1: Overall, how would you rate the quality of: Your Graduate / Professional Program at this University? Your graduate/professional program at this university? Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Total Trent Count 34 36 35 15 10 130 % by Row 26.2% 27.7% 26.9% 11.5% 7.7% 100.0% Ontario 3,790 5,727 3,532 1,584 621 15254 24.8% 37.5% 23.2% 10.4% 4.1% Canada 7,722 12,450 8,048 3,466 1,380 33066 23.4% 37.7% 24.3% 10.5% 4.2% 100.1% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
Your overall experience at this university? S11-Q1: Overall, how would you rate the quality of: Your Overall Experience at this University? Your overall experience at this university? Institution Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Total Trent Count 25 42 36 18 8 129 % by Row 19.4% 32.6% 27.9% 14.0% 6.2% 100.1% Ontario 3,222 5,914 4,019 1,622 477 15254 21.1% 38.8% 26.3% 10.6% 3.1% 99.9% Canada 6,641 13,094 8,968 3,359 1,004 33066 20.1% 39.6% 27.1% 10.2% 3.0% 100.0% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
Work/financial commitments S11-Q2: Rate the extent to which the following factors are an obstacle to your academic progress. Work/financial commitments Institution Not an obstacle A minor obstacle A major obstacle Total Trent Count 25 67 39 131 % by Row 19.1% 51.1% 29.8% 100.0% Ontario 4,486 6,148 4,589 15,223 29.5% 40.4% 30.1% Canada 9,460 13,060 10,483 33,003 28.7% 39.6% 31.8% 100.1% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
S11-Q2: Rate the extent to which the following factors are an obstacle to your academic progress. Family obligations Institution Not an obstacle A minor obstacle A major obstacle Total Trent Count 71 38 20 129 % by Row 55.0% 29.5% 15.5% 100.0% Ontario 7,455 5,498 2,247 15,200 49.0% 36.2% 14.8% Canada 16,637 11,519 4,785 32,941 50.5% 35.0% 14.5% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
Availability of faculty S11-Q2: Rate the extent to which the following factors are an obstacle to your academic progress. Availability of faculty Institution Not an obstacle A minor obstacle A major obstacle Total Trent Count 85 32 14 131 % by Row 64.9% 24.4% 10.7% 100.0% Ontario 9,571 4,415 1,158 15,144 63.2% 29.2% 7.6% Canada 20,271 9,834 2,762 32,867 61.7% 29.9% 8.4% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
Program structure or requirements S11-Q2: Rate the extent to which the following factors are an obstacle to your academic progress. Program structure or requirements Institution Not an obstacle A minor obstacle A major obstacle Total Trent Count 78 38 15 131 % by Row 59.5% 29.0% 11.5% 100.0% Ontario 7,958 5,551 1,654 15,163 52.5% 36.6% 10.9% Canada 17,267 12,070 3,554 32,891 36.7% 10.8% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
S11-Q2: Rate the extent to which the following factors are an obstacle to your academic progress. Course scheduling Institution Not an obstacle A minor obstacle A major obstacle Total Trent Count 90 29 12 131 % by Row 68.7% 22.1% 9.2% 100.0% Ontario 8,668 5,048 1,423 15,139 57.3% 33.3% 9.4% Canada 19,295 10,649 2,914 32,858 58.7% 32.4% 8.9% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
Immigration laws or regulations S11-Q2: Rate the extent to which the following factors are an obstacle to your academic progress. Immigration laws or regulations Institution Not an obstacle A minor obstacle A major obstacle Total Trent Count 119 8 2 129 % by Row 92.2% 6.2% 1.6% 100.0% Ontario 13,042 1,155 730 14,927 87.4% 7.7% 4.9% Canada 27,671 2,765 1,814 32,250 85.8% 8.6% 5.6% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
S11-Q2: Rate the extent to which the following factors are an obstacle to your academic progress. Other Institution Not an obstacle A minor obstacle A major obstacle Total Trent Count 10 5 16 31 % by Row 32.3% 16.1% 51.6% 100.0% Ontario 1,191 331 1,258 2,780 42.8% 11.9% 45.3% Canada 2,488 696 2,758 5,942 41.9% 11.7% 46.4% Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
SECTION 12 – PERSONAL DEMOGRAPHICS S12-Q1: Gender (enhanced dataset used where available) S12-Q2: Age S12-Q3: Which of the following housing situations best describes your CURRENT residence? S12-Q4: What is your marital status? S12-Q5: How many, if any, children do you have? S12-Q6: What is your present citizenship status? S12-Q7: Please indicate whether you consider yourself to be a member of one or more of the following visible minority groups: ( multiple responses allowed) S12-Q8: Do you self-identify with, or have ancestry as an Aboriginal person ( status or non-status Indian, Métis or Inuit)? S12-Other a): Language of Response: S12-Other b): Number of “Comments” Received: Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
S12-Q1: Gender (enhanced dataset used where available) Institution: Trent University Ontario Canada Response Frequency Count Male 36.0% 49 44.8% 7,333 44.1% 15,623 Female 64.0% 87 55.2% 9,031 55.9% 19,810 Not Answered 30 60 Valid responses 136 16,364 35,433 Total Responses 16,394 35,493 Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
S12-Q2: Age Institution: Trent University Ontario Canada Response Frequency Count 21 or younger 0.0% 0.2% 36 72 21 - 25 31.3% 41 29.6% 4,537 27.9% 9,262 26 - 30 37.4% 49 33.9% 5,194 34.6% 11,502 31 - 35 13.7% 18 17.0% 2,607 16.9% 5,608 36 - 40 5.3% 7 8.5% 1,300 2,831 41 - 45 6.1% 8 5.0% 772 5.4% 1,781 Over 45 5.7% 870 6.5% 2,160 Not Answered 99 190 Valid responses 131 15,316 33,216 Total Responses 15,415 33,406 Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
S12-Q3: Which of the following housing situations best describes your CURRENT residence? Institution: Trent University Ontario Canada Response Frequency Count On - campus student housing ( no resident assistant/dorm responsibilities) 0.0% 5.1% 774 4.8% 1,604 On - campus student housing ( with resident assistant/dorm responsibilities) 1.7% 266 1.9% 637 Off - campus housing owned by this university 0.8% 1 3.0% 464 2.3% 755 Off - campus housing not owned by this university 99.2% 130 90.1% 13,761 90.9% 30,081 Not Answered 150 329 Valid responses 131 15,265 33,077 Total Responses 15,415 33,406 Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
S12-Q4: What is your marital status? Institution: Trent University Ontario Canada Response Frequency Count Not married 53.1% 69 51.7% 7,901 48.3% 16,002 Married 24.6% 32 34.8% 5,322 34.2% 11,327 Divorced 3.1% 4 1.8% 268 2.0% 672 Separated 2.3% 3 1.1% 171 1.2% 394 Widowed 0.0% 0.1% 18 0.2% 61 With domestic partner 16.9% 22 10.5% 1,604 14.2% 4,704 Not Answered 1 131 246 Valid responses 130 15,284 33,160 Total Responses 15,415 33,406 Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
S12-Q5: How many, if any, children do you have? Institution: Trent University Ontario Canada Response Frequency Count None/Not applicable 80.9% 106 79.6% 12,135 78.1% 25,817 1 child 9.2% 12 1,401 9.6% 3,171 2 children 5.3% 7 7.8% 1,193 8.4% 2,775 3 children 3.1% 4 2.5% 376 2.8% 942 4 or more 1.5% 2 1.0% 146 1.1% 370 Not Answered 164 331 Valid responses 131 15,251 33,075 Total Responses 15,415 33,406 Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
S12-Q6: What is your present citizenship status? Institution: Trent University Ontario Canada Response Frequency Count Canadian Citizen 89.3% 117 75.5% 11,556 73.5% 24,397 Canadian Permanent Resident 3.1% 4 9.5% 1,453 9.6% 3,197 Citizen of another country with a student visa or other non-immigrant visa. Please specify country 7.6% 10 15.0% 2,304 16.9% 5,607 Not Answered 102 205 Valid responses 131 15,313 33,201 Total Responses 15,415 33,406 Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
S12-Q7: Please indicate whether you consider yourself to be a member of one or more of the following visible minority groups: ( multiple responses allowed) Institution: Trent University Ontario Canada Response Frequency Count Black (e.g. African, African American, African Canadian, Caribbean) 0.0% 2.7% 422 2.8% 945 East Asian ( e.g. Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Polynesian) 1.5% 2 15.1% 2,320 12.8% 4,263 South Asian (e.g. Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, Bangladeshi) 0.8% 1 7.4% 1,140 5.8% 1,932 Southeast Asian (e.g. Burmese, Cambodian, Filipino, Laotian, Malaysian, Thai, Vietnamese) 1.3% 198 447 West Asian (e.g. Arabian, Armenian, Iranian, Israeli, Lebanese, Palestinian, Syrian, Turkish) 3.1% 4 6.4% 989 1,934 Latin American (e.g. Mexican, Indigenous Central and South American) 3.8% 5 2.4% 363 918 Mixed origin, please specify: 3.5% 545 3.9% 1,319 Valid responses 131 15,415 33,406 Total Responses Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
S12-Q8: Do you self-identify with, or have ancestry as an Aboriginal person ( status or non-status Indian, Métis or Inuit)? Institution: Trent University Ontario Canada Response Frequency Count Yes 10.8% 14 2.3% 345 2.6% 838 No 89.2% 116 97.7% 14,636 97.4% 31,643 Not Answered 1 434 925 Valid responses 131 14,981 32,481 Total Responses 132 15,415 33,406 Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
S12-Other a): Language or Response Institution: Trent University Ontario Canada Response Frequency Count Black (e.g. African, African American, African Canadian, Caribbean) 0.0% 2.7% 422 2.8% 945 East Asian ( e.g. Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Polynesian) 1.5% 2 15.1% 2,320 12.8% 4,263 South Asian (e.g. Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, Bangladeshi) 0.8% 1 7.4% 1,140 5.8% 1,932 Southeast Asian (e.g. Burmese, Cambodian, Filipino, Laotian, Malaysian, Thai, Vietnamese) 1.3% 198 447 West Asian (e.g. Arabian, Armenian, Iranian, Israeli, Lebanese, Palestinian, Syrian, Turkish) 3.1% 4 6.4% 989 1,934 Latin American (e.g. Mexican, Indigenous Central and South American) 3.8% 5 2.4% 363 918 Mixed origin, please specify: 3.5% 545 3.9% 1,319 Valid responses 131 15,415 33,406 Total Responses Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals
S12-Other b): Number of “Comments” Received: Institution: Trent University Ontario Canada Response Count Total Comments Received 52 4,270 9,630 Degree to which university experience met expectations University experience met students’ expectations First-year students surveyed were asked whether their experiences at their university exceeded, or fallen short of their expectations. About 86% of students report that their experience at Trent University has met (64%) or exceeded (22%) their expectations as compared to Group 1 universities which have students met (66%) or exceeded (20%) of their expectations. On the contrary, almost 14% of students from Trent University report that their experience fell short of their expectations as compared to 13% of students from Group 1 universities. Approximately 84% of All students surveyed and 86% of Trent students report that their first-year experience met their expectations. 9/17/2018 draft 3_no visuals