2017 Grinder Champions!
5. 8. 17 U. S. HISTORY THROUGH FILM. ON THIS DAY: 1886 - Pharmacist Dr 5.8.17 U. S. HISTORY THROUGH FILM ON THIS DAY: 1886 - Pharmacist Dr. John Styth Pemberton invented what would later be called "Coca-Cola.“ 1914 - The U.S. Congress passed a Joint Resolution that designated the second Sunday in May as Mother's Day. 1945 –VE Day U.S. President Harry Truman announced that World War II had ended in Europe. 1958 - U.S. President Eisenhower ordered the National Guard out of Little Rock as Ernest Green became the first black to graduate from an Arkansas public school. 1959 - Mike and Marian Ilitch founded "Little Caesars Pizza Treat". 1960 - Diplomatic relations between Cuba and the Soviet Union resumed. 1973 - Militant American Indians who had held the South Dakota hamlet of Wounded Knee for 10 weeks surrendered. BELL WORK: PICK-UP & READ THE SONG LYRICS. 1. WHO IS THE SONG ABOUT/ 2. WHO WROTE THE SONG? 3. HOW DOES THE SINGER PORTRAY THE MAN IN THE SONG? 4. WHY DO YOU THINK THE MAN IS PORTRAYED THIS WAY? AGENDA: CONTINUE THE MOVIE PUBLIC ENEMIES & 6 SQUARE SHEET. SOUNDTRACK FRIDAY.
John Dillinger
Melvin Purvis
J. Edgar Hoover
George “Baby Face” Nelson Born Lester Joseph Gillis
Homer Van Meter
John “Red” Hamilton
Billie Frechette
“Crime doesn’t pay.” J. E. Hoover
Hello Old Pal: - Arrived here at 10 AM today Hello Old Pal: - Arrived here at 10 AM today. Would like to drop in and see you. You have a wonderful car. Been driving it for three weeks. It's a treat to drive one. Your slogan should be, Drive a Ford and watch the other cars fall behind you. I can make any other car take a Ford's dust. Bye-Bye. John Dillinger -Letter from John Dillinger to Henry Ford, May 16, 1934