Initiative 1433 – Paid Sick Leave Law Passed by WA State voters Nov 8, 2016 Purpose to promote public health, family stability and economic security, balanced with demands of workplace Dept of Labor & Industries (L&I) to adopt and implement rules to carry out and enforce initiative
Primary Impacted Employees Temporary Nonexempt Classified & Pro Staff employees Student employees (including work study); excludes most salaried students
Sick Leave Accrual Please note if you are a member of a bargaining unit this information may be subject to bargaining Accrue 1 hour for every 40 hours worked Accrue for all hours worked on and after Jan 1, 2018 or date of hire; whichever is later Employees can carry 40 hours of sick leave into new calendar year (January 1) 90 calendar day waiting period after start date
Hour Limits Sick leave will count toward these hours limits: 19 hour limit per week for student employees 350 hours limit to be covered under CBA 1050 hour limit for temporary employees
Viewing Leave Balances Employees can view their leave balances via Web4U Leave balances will also appear on bottom of earning statements Departments can run PWRCLVE report in Banner to review leave balances Employee will only be paid for sick leave hours they have available
Sick Leave Reinstatement Please note if you are a member of a bargaining unit this information may be subject to bargaining If employee terminates and is rehired within 12 months, previously accrued, unused sick leave will be reinstated If period of time employee separates from employment extends into following calendar year, only 40 hours reinstated
Sick Leave Usage Employee entitled to use paid sick leave for authorized purposes outlined in RCW 49.46.210(1)(b) and (c) An absence resulting from an employee's mental or physical illness, injury, or health condition; to accommodate the employee's need for medical diagnosis, care, or treatment of a mental or physical illness, injury, or health condition; or an employee's need for preventive medical care; To allow the employee to provide care for a family member with a mental or physical illness, injury, or health condition; care of a family member who needs medical diagnosis, care, or treatment of a mental or physical illness, injury, or health condition; or care for a family member who needs preventive medical care; and
Sick Leave Usage cont. When the employee's place of business has been closed by order of a public official for any health-related reason, or when an employee's child's school or place of care has been closed for such a reason. An employee is authorized to use paid sick leave for absences that qualify for leave under the domestic violence leave act, chapter 49.76 RCW.
Requesting Sick Leave Employees must notify their supervisor if they know ahead of time that they plan on taking sick leave. Follow the normal departmental procedures for requesting time off or complete the Leave Request Form* and submit to supervisor. *Leave Request Form now includes temporary and student employees.
Time Sheet User Guides Time Sheet User Guides updated for Temporary and Student Employees Temporary Staff Student Employees
Student Employment Center The Student Employment Center has more information specific to student employees on website.
Questions? Temporary Employees – contact Human Resources at x3774 Student Employees – contact Student Employment Center at x3158