Why? How? USSR will not be overly aggressive USSR is weaker than “free world” Communist experiment in early stages Propaganda doesn’t work Study them Educate Americans Solve internal problems/boost morale Put forth picture of the world Be confident
Truman Doctrine Response to Communism in Greece and Soviet demand for control of parts of Turkey “. . . it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures. ”
Marshall Plan Plan to aid nations of Europe Billions to Western European countries Effect Western Europe began to grow No Communism Widened Rift
Berlin Airlift USSR cut off land access to Berlin U.S. planes flew supplies in Truman sent 60 bombers w/ atomic weapons to England 11 months, Soviets lifted blockade
NATO and National Security GW – “Avoid permanent alliances” Tradition broken Defensive alliance – North Atlantic Treaty Organization Stationed U.S. troops in West Europe 1955 – Soviets respond with Warsaw Pact
NATO and National Security National Security Act (1947) Centralized Department of Defense Creation of National Security Council Creation of CIA 1948 – Selective Service System and peacetime draft revived
NSC-68 Quadruple U.S. government defense spending to 20% of GDP Form alliances with non-Communist countries around the world Convince the American public that a costly arms buildup was imperative for the nation’s defense
Nuclear Arms Race
USA vs. USSR (Review) Yooks vs. Zooks Communist Capitalist Butter on Top Butter on Bottom
USA vs. USSR Yooks vs. Zooks First to use atomic bomb Predicted it would take USSR until mid-50s First nuclear test in 1949 Yooks vs. Zooks Switch made obsolete by slingshot and so on and so forth
USA vs. USSR Yooks vs. Zooks ICBMs (Inter-continental Ballistic Missiles) in 1959 using rocket technology Sputnik - First satellite, could possibly deliver nukes anywhere in the world Yooks vs. Zooks “Even we don’t know all the things it can do, the main thing it does is to sprinkle blue goo”
USA vs. USSR Yooks vs. Zooks Built fallout shelters for safety Developed “second-strike” capability Built fallout shelters for safety Developed “second-strike” capability Yooks vs. Zooks Built Yookeries and Zookeries and ordered all citizens underground
Mutually Assured Destruction Belief that an attack by either side would be suicide for both “Brinkmanship” Yooks vs. Zooks “Grampa be careful, hey easy, oh gee. Who’s going to drop it, will you or will he?”
Domino Theory/Containment Taking measures to prevent any extension of communist rule to other countries
Cold War in Asia Less successful Colonial resentment Ironically, Japan became closest ally in region
Cold War in Asia Japan U.S. Japanese Security Treaty Under US control Douglas MacArthur reconstruction Generals and Premier executed Retained Emperor, but no longer god Limited military U.S. Japanese Security Treaty Occupation ended in 1951 U.S. troops remain as protection against “external enemies”
Cold War in Asia China Chiang Kai-Shek and Nationalist control Massive aid in WWII Civil War Renewed Communists lead by Mao Zedong appealed to peasants U.S. unsure of action $ but no military intervention 80% of supplies end up w/ Communists
Cold War in Asia China, cont’d 2 Chinas Mainland – Communist Taiwan – Nationalist No recognition for Mao until1979 GOP – “loss of China” Sino-Soviet pact
Connection to Today (No notes) Chiang Kai-Shek fled to Taiwan U.S. severed ties to Taiwan in 1970s PRK never officially lets go of Taiwan 2001: US sells Taiwan weapons for national defense 2010: More weapon sales China promises to act against companies involved