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Bernard has chosen option B Which party has this policy as an officially stated position?: Unilateral removal of the UK’s nuclear deterrent A B SNP Both SNP and Scottish Labour Party Bernard has chosen option B
The answer was option B: Both SNP and Scottish Labour Party Which party has this policy as an officially stated position?: Unilateral removal of the UK’s nuclear deterrent The answer was option B: Both SNP and Scottish Labour Party UK Labour currently supports a UK nuclear deterrent whilst Scottish Labour opposes it Click here to continue Bernard chose option B
Bernard's final score is 7 Your final score is 7 Bernard's final score is 7 game over
Bernard's final score is 7 Your final score is 7 Bernard's final score is 7 game over
Bernard's final score is 7 Your final score is 7 Bernard's final score is 7 game over
1 1 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 Question Right Answer Wrong Answer Information Instructions: The aim of this resource is to have an engaging method of delivering a multiply-choice quiz. The resource uses a random generator to select the answers for ‘Bernard’; the chimp in the activity. Are the students able to beat the score of a 50:50 random generator or does their analytical brain lead them to make some errors? Run the activity from slide 1. Click on ‘start’ to read through instructions and then ‘next’ to read some more instructions. When ready click on ‘start’ to start the quiz. The first question (and the two possible answers) will appear. Run this game however you want – students can work individually or in small groups. If you have a small class allow them to decide as a whole group. Give them a few moments to decide on their answer. Note: Bernard’s answer is already shown – but remember that this is just a guess! Find out their answer through discussion. Then elect one student or small group to say which answer they wish to go for. Click on the chosen answer. The correct answer will now appear. Click on ‘Click here to continue’ to move to the score sheet (comparing Bernard’s score to the students score). Repeat this process for the remaining 7 questions. 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 Which party has this policy as an officially stated position? No Question Right Answer Wrong Answer Information 1 Unilateral removal of the UK’s nuclear deterrent Both SNP and Scottish Labour Party SNP UK Labour currently supports a UK nuclear deterrent whilst Scottish Labour opposes it 2 Increase in National Minimum Wage to £870 by 2020 Both SNP and Labour Party Labour committed to a figure ‘above’ £8.00 by 2019 3 Plan to scrap air passenger duty SNP want to reduce APD by 50% 4 Supports current Government reduction in disability budget Neither SNP nor Labour Labour Both parties are concerned about how cuts would impact on people with disabilities 5 Have a clear date in mind for another Scottish independence referendum SNP not officially calling for another referendum…. yet 6 Will increase Government spending above current rates Both Labour and SNP Both consider themselves ‘anti-austerity’ 7 Allow 16 and 17 year olds to vote in General Election 16 and 17 year olds were allowed to vote in the last Independence referendum 8 Restoration of 50% income tax rate for very high earners Labour do not want reduction in 45% tax rate