ICT: Driving Innovation in Asia-Pacific


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Presentation transcript:

ICT: Driving Innovation in Asia-Pacific Dialogue of the Executive Secretaries of the Regional Commissions with the Second Committee New York, 18 October 2006 United Nations ESCAP Good Morning, Distinguished Delegates, It is my privilege to share with you ESCAP’s approach to promoting ICT in Asia and the Pacific. Kim Hak-Su United Nations Under-Secretary-General & Executive Secretary of ESCAP

Content Competitiveness, innovation & ICT in Asia-Pacific ESCAP approach Way forward I shall focus my presentation on 3 points: Competitiveness, innovation and ICT in the context of the Asia-Pacific region; The ESCAP approach to promoting the role of ICT in innovation and knowledge creation; and The way forward on promoting ICT to drive innovation in Asia-Pacific. United Nations ESCAP

Competitiveness, innovation & ICT in Asia-Pacific 8 most competitive economies, but just 10 higher than world average 9 global innovation hubs, but few international-level S&T graduates Asia-Pacific is a region of contrasts. It is home to some of the most and some of the least competitive economies in the world. Eight out of the 30 most competitive economies of the world are located in the ESCAP region (Australia; Hong Kong, China; Japan; Malaysia; New Zealand; Republic of Korea; Singapore; Taiwan province of China). Yet just 10 countries in the region rank higher than the world average on competitiveness (Australia; China; India; Indonesia; Japan; Kazakhstan; Malaysia; New Zealand; Republic of Korea; Singapore; Thailand). Of 46 top global innovation hubs, nine are located in Asia (Bangalore, India; Kyoto and Tokyo, Japan; Hsinchu and Taipei, Taiwan province of China; Hong Kong, China; Inchon, Republic of Korea; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Singapore). Multinational companies are moving their R&D functions to these nine innovation hubs where they find a large number of researchers and scientists available at lower cost. And yet, just a fraction of the science and technology graduates in the ESCAP region is considered to be of a level that meets the requirements of multinational companies. United Nations ESCAP

LEAST-CONNECTED MEDIUM-CONNECTED MOST-CONNECTED United Nations ESCAP In Asia and the Pacific, ICT is one of the main drivers of innovation and competitiveness. However, ICT penetration rates in the region vary widely. This slide shows that the Asia-Pacific region is a mix of least-, medium- and most-connected economies. This pattern distinguishes our region from all others which have more uniform connectivity patterns. While seven economies are among the most connected, 11 are among the least connected in the world. Internet access is available mainly in major cities. Rural areas have little internet access. Note: Seven economies that are among the most connected: Australia; Hong Kong, China; Japan; New Zealand; Republic of Korea; Singapore; and Taiwan province of China. 11 economies that are among the least connected: Bangladesh; Bhutan; Cambodia; Lao PDR; Myanmar; Nepal; Pakistan; Papua New Guinea; Solomon Islands; and Timor-Leste. United Nations ESCAP MEDIUM-CONNECTED MOST-CONNECTED

Competitiveness, innovation & ICT in Asia-Pacific (cont.) ESCAP region needs: 1. More R&D for MDG efforts 2. Better R&D results dissemination 3. Wider stakeholder participation 4. Stakeholder capacity building For a more equitable distribution of science and technology benefits, the ESCAP region needs to advance on four fronts: First, more R&D that supports MDG achievement, with ICT as an enabler and accelerator. Second, there is a need to disseminate research outcomes to a wider cross-section of society and across the region. Third, stronger support is needed for the wider participation of diverse stakeholders in applying innovation and knowledge for social and economic development. And fourth, there is a need to build stakeholder capacity for creating an enabling environment for ICT innovation in support of development. United Nations ESCAP

ESCAP Approach Regional cooperation Multi-stakeholder partnership Capacity building (ICT integration in development; government officials) ESCAP has a three-pronged approach to addressing these needs. On fostering regional cooperation and multi-stakeholder participation, there are two examples of ESCAP’s work, namely the Regional Space Applications Programme and regional follow-up to the World Summit on the Information Society. ESCAP’s capacity building emphasizes the integration of ICT in social and economic development policies and programmes. ESCAP’s target groups are senior and mid-level government officials in both ICT and other development sectors. United Nations ESCAP

ESCAP Regional Centres Asian & Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (APCTT), New Delhi Asian & Pacific Training Centre for ICT for Development (APCICT), Incheon, Rep of Korea ESCAP has two regional centres that work on complementary aspects of ICT and innovation for the social and economic development of the ESCAP membership. The Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (APCTT) in New Delhi assists ESCAP members and associate members through strengthening their capabilities: - To transfer, adapt and apply technology; and - To identify and promote the transfer of technologies relevant to the region. The Asian and Pacific Training Centre for Information and Communication Technology for Development (APCICT) was born in June this year in Incheon, Republic of Korea, which has the highest number of Internet usage in the ESCAP region, and is the country with the best fixed-line and wireless telecom infrastructure. Given the large number of developing countries lagging behind in ICT access and application, APCICT will focus on: - Training policy makers, as well as ICT professionals and trainers; - Sharing good practices in ICT development; and - Conducting analytical studies on human resources development in ICT, including identifying training needs and sharing good practices on ICT human resources development programmes and training methods. United Nations ESCAP

ICT & Innovation: ESCAP Way Forward Analytical work & research to promote the ICT role in innovation & knowledge creation Technical assistance to member States in knowledge sharing, management & networking E-inclusion of marginalized groups Building on our activities and in response to the changing needs of member States, ESCAP plans to strengthen efforts that help: Equalize the benefits of science, technology, innovation and knowledge for a wider group of member States; And that also help bridge digital divides along social group, national and regional lines. ESCAP will focus more on assisting member States in: Analytical and advocacy work on promoting the role of ICT in innovation and knowledge creation for social and economic development; Knowledge sharing, management and networking at the regional level. ESCAP will also continue to promote the e-inclusion of marginalized groups, with special emphasis on persons with diverse disabilities and women. United Nations ESCAP

Thank you! Please visit us <www.unescap.org> United Nations