Technical Assistance and Capacity Building Activities in SADC Dr. B. J. Mtei, Senior Livestock Expert FANR Directorate SADC Secretariat, Gaborone WTO Workshop on Technical Cooperation and SPS Committee Meeting 5th November 2002 Geneva Switzerland
SADC FANR Directorate - Livestock Sector SADC Member States 17/09/2018 SADC FANR Directorate - Livestock Sector
SADC FANR Directorate - Livestock Sector SADC Protocol on Trade Objectives Liberalise intra-regional trade of goods and services Ensure efficient production reflecting comparative advantages Contribute towards investment; Enhance the economic development and diversification Establish a Free Trade Area 17/09/2018 SADC FANR Directorate - Livestock Sector
SADC FANR Directorate - Livestock Sector SADC Trade Protocol All goods and services are covered 85% of total intra SADC Trade is expected to be liberalized by 2008 The remaining 15% by 2012 Implementation underscores the need for setting standards of trade Little work has been done with respect to Agricultural goods and services 17/09/2018 SADC FANR Directorate - Livestock Sector
SADC FANR Directorate - Livestock Sector Tech Assist and Cooperation on SPS To improve understanding of the SPS Agreement Stakeholders aware of their obligations and rights Enhance coordination, harmonization and integration M and E of SPS measures implementation Technical assistance is broadly based on three categories: Training, Information Infrastructure development. 17/09/2018 SADC FANR Directorate - Livestock Sector
SADC FANR Directorate - Livestock Sector Training Through RAPID (Regional Activity to Promote Integration by Dialogue) SADC has undertaken inventory and needs assessments of: - institutions, - policies - technical capacities Outcome Framework for comparison of existing gaps Development of a Technical Annex on SPS to the SADC Protocol on Trade Guidance on trade in agricultural goods and services 17/09/2018 SADC FANR Directorate - Livestock Sector
SADC FANR Directorate - Livestock Sector Training cont.. Training by the EU funded RFSTP (Regional Food Security Training Programme) on: - rights and obligations, - harmonization, equivalence, - risk assessment - trade dispute settlement procedures. - transparency provisions Sponsorships are required for more people to participate in seminars, short courses workshops and meetings 17/09/2018 SADC FANR Directorate - Livestock Sector
SADC FANR Directorate - Livestock Sector Information Knowledge of the SPS Agreement is often lacking Mandates of the international standard-setting bodies (OIE, IPPC and Codex) are poorly understood Inadequate participation in the development of standards and guidelines 17/09/2018 SADC FANR Directorate - Livestock Sector
Table 1: Membership to WTO and International Standard Setting Bodies Country WTO OIE IPPC Codex Angola X Botswana DRC Lesotho Malawi Mauritius Mozambique Namibia Seychelles South Africa Swaziland Tanzania Zambia Zimbabwe 17/09/2018 SADC FANR Directorate - Livestock Sector
SADC FANR Directorate - Livestock Sector Information (cont) TOR for the National SPS Committees are often not well articulated At regional level there are no mechanisms established to monitor progress on harmonization and integration of SPS Measures Private sector participation is minimum 17/09/2018 SADC FANR Directorate - Livestock Sector
SADC FANR Directorate - Livestock Sector Infrastructure Development Expert training for specific technologies and procedures for human, animal and plant health hazards:surveillance, laboratory tests and diagnosis, progressive control and effective prevention and inspection, 2 Development of SPS – related electronic software e.g for surveillance and reporting. 3 Regulatory frameworks must be reviewed to conform to agreed standards and guidelines 4 Information Communication Technology 5 Investment in infrastructure to maintain pest and disease free zones 17/09/2018 SADC FANR Directorate - Livestock Sector
SADC FANR Directorate - Livestock Sector In summary Public and Private resources are not adequate for SPS Activities Most of the Member States either have no laws or they are outdated and do not provide requirements demanded by the SPS Agreement There are institutional problems in almost all the SADC Member States in coordination the departments involved in SPS Measures, which can be confusing for importers and exporters 17/09/2018 SADC FANR Directorate - Livestock Sector
SADC FANR Directorate - Livestock Sector In some of the SADC Member States National SPS Committees have not been established or may have been established but they are not functional. CCapacity building for SPS activities is the major problem in SADC Member States to implement the SPS Agreement. Lack of personnel, laboratories and equipment to diagnosis plant and animal disease and to conduct analysis on food samples poses a great risk to human health and hinders trade 17/09/2018 SADC FANR Directorate - Livestock Sector
SADC FANR Directorate - Livestock Sector Conclusions SADC Member States have made little headway in terms of SPS Agreement implementation. The right institutions, regulations, and enforcement need to be put in place. The key areas for Technical Assistance are training, strengthening of the appropriate institutions, communication, and upgrading the technical facilities for testing and establishing standards. At national level New regulations need to also be put into place while at the regional level the Technical Annex to the SADC Protocol on Trade is expected to guide development, harmonization and enforcement of SPS Measures. 17/09/2018 SADC FANR Directorate - Livestock Sector