Demo Skype for Business: Meeting Broadcast INSTRUCTIONS: Set Screen Resolution to 1920x1080 Start the Slide Show If you are projecting to a second monitor, use Presenter View on your PC to read the talk track and see where to click next (note that this is a PowerPoint, so the “clicks” are intended to make the presentation as close to a Live Code demo as possible)
As part of Office 365 and Skype for Business Online, Skype Meeting Broadcast lets users produce, host, and broadcast meetings to up to 10,000 attendees. Sara uses the Skype Meeting Broadcast scheduling and management portal to view upcoming broadcasts and to schedule new meetings, like her Team All-Hands. CLICK STEP(S) In the upper left, click New meeting.
CLICK STEP(S) Click in the Meeting Title text box. NOTE: The presentation will simulate typing in the Meeting title.
Sara adds her event team members who will help moderate, present, or produce the event. CLICK STEP(S) When Team All Hands is typed into the Meeting title text box, click into the Members textbox. NOTE: The presentation will simulate typing in team member names.
CLICK STEP(S) When garthf and annew are typed into the Members text box, click Check names.
CLICK STEPS(S) On the right, click the scroll bar.
Sara can set attendee access to allow anyone with a link to join the meeting or she can restrict access to only invited attendees or only her company employees. Sara make this a secure meeting and invites just a few employees. CLICK STEP(S) Under Attendees, point out (but do not click) Anonymous. Point out Secure. Point out All Company. Click in Attendees text box. NOTE: The presentation will simulate attending Attendees’ names.
CLICK STEP(S) When alexd; bonniek; roby, are typed into the Attendees text box, click Check names.
CLICK STEP(S) On the right, click the scroll bar to move to the top of the page.
Sara saves her secure event and with the basic event set up, she can now customize the experience that attendees will see when they join the meeting. CLICK STEP(S) Click Done.
Sara can customize the Meeting experience and layout. CLICK STEP(S) In the Meeting summary, under Attendee page settings section, click Customize.
Sara can add applications to the meeting, which can sit next to or below the video. CLICK STEPS(S) Under Audience Participation Apps, point out (but do not click) Right panel app, and then point out Lower panel app. Click Right panel app.
Attendees watching the meeting can participate in a social conversation in Yammer or express their sentiment in a Bing Pulse about what the presenter is saying. CLICK STEP(S) In the Select an app for the right panel dialog box, point out (but do not click) Yammer. Also, point out Bing Pulse. At the bottom, click Cancel.
CLICK STEP(S) At the top, click Done.
CLICK STEP(S) Under Team meeting section, beside Join link, click Show.
To send invitations, Sara can copy the event link to the clipboard and paste into an email or in a Skype for Business instant message. CLICK STEP(S) Beside the URL text box, point out (but do not click) the copy icon (two pieces of paper). Under Join link, click Create Outlook invitation.
Sara also has access to an automatically generated meeting invitation with the link already embedded. CLICK STEP(S) At the bottom, click Open folder.
When she sends the meeting invitation, the event comes from her Calendar and invites everyone she invited to the meeting. CLICK STEP(S) Minimize the Windows Explorer window.
CLICK STEP(S) In Sara’s browser session, click the Skype Broadcast Join Edge tab.
Event team members land on this Join page Event team members land on this Join page. Sara can join the meeting as an event team member, or as an attendee to view what her audience will see. CLICK STEP(S) Point out (but do not click) view as an attendee. Click Join the event.
In upper right, click to minimize SaraD’s broadcast session. Anne Wallace When Sara clicks Join the event, Skype for Business opens with the meeting stage displayed. Now let’s see what the attendee experience looks like… CLICK STEP(S) In upper right, click to minimize SaraD’s broadcast session.
When Alex clicked to join the meeting, he was presented with this landing page. The video will present in the middle, but for now displays a message that the Broadcast has not yet started. Only the event team members can authenticate and join this meeting, so the attendees cannot join until Sara invites them in and they can’t take over the presentation the team is trying to deliver. Now let’s go back to Sara’s view. CLICK STEP(S) In upper right, click to minimize AlexD’s broadcast session.
Skype for Business has controls on the right to manage the Skype Broadcast. Sara wants to open the meeting with Video and Content in a side-by-side layout. Skype Meeting Broadcast allows full screen video or full screen content. CLICK STEP(S) On the right, point out (but don’t click) the controls. On right, under Broadcast Layouts, click Video and Content.
When Sara is ready to go, she clicks Start Broadcast and acknowledges that she really wants to begin. CLICK STEP(S) On right, under Skype Meeting Broadcast, click Start Broadcast.
CLICK STEP(S) On Start Broadcast dialog, click Start Broadcast.
Now that the broadcast has begun, let’s look at the attendee experience again. CLICK STEP(S) In upper right, click to minimize SaraD’s broadcast session.
Alex can see the meeting has now started. He sees a thumbnail view of Sara and Anne and a Bing Pulse on the right side of the screen and a Yammer Conversation under the video. The same view is on any device attendees join with whether a tablet, phone, the screen is laid out appropriately for the size of the device of device being used. Skype Meeting Broadcasting can track sentiment of the meeting with Bing Pulse. Alex gives it a thumbs up because he really likes the feature. Sara can see immediately as she’s presenting how people are liking the content. CLICK STEP(S) On the right, under Pulse Now, click Thumbs up.
The video is fully DVR capable… CLICK STEP(S) Click onto the video timeline under the slide.
…so if Alex is late or he needs to walk away from the screen, he can rewind and start the meeting from the beginning. CLICK STEP(S) Click left on tme line to rewind the video.
CLICK STEP(S) Click on right side of timeline to move video forward.
When the broadcast is finished… CLICK STEP(S) In the taskbar, click the browser icon.
…anyone on the event team can return to the scheduling portal and download a CSV file that contains meeting metrics, such as a full roster of attendees, when they joined, devices and browsers used and if they paused and left the session. CLICK STEP(S) Click the Operations Team All Hands meeting.
After the meeting, the meeting DVR video is converted to a video on demand file. Anyone can come back for 90 days and watch the video. The organizer can download the video and publish it any place, including in Office 365 Video. CLICK STEP(S) Point out (but do not click) Download meeting report. Point out Download video. Click Download meeting report.
CLICK STEP(S) Click Open.