Ozone Depletion and the Montreal Protocol of 1986 Louis Moehlman Period 2 November 19, 2010
Ozone depletion Largest Ozone hole over Antarctica in 2006 Ozone: a colorless gas O3 which is formed naturally in the atmosphere. It helps filter harmful UV rays. Ground level Ozone is not good. It can trap VOCs and NOx which can cause harm to the planet. What about the giant hole? The hole in the ozone layer allows for harmful UV rays to enter into the planet causing harm to humans and animals as well as heating up our planet. Largest Ozone hole over Antarctica in 2006
The Montreal Protocol The treaty is involved in trying to limit the amounts of halogenated hydrocarbons. This means that beginning on January first of the year 1989 the use and production of these material must be phased out and this protocol will eventually lead to the end of the use of halogen related substances. Why are these Halogens bad? Take for example a simple and common halogen lamp. The use of thee lamps creates O3 (ozone). This O3 which is then released into the atmosphere creates a low level O3 layer which traps heat and other harmful gases which in return destroys the good ozone layer in the stratosphere. The idea is that too much of a good thing is a bad thing.
In the long run… This protocol, if adhered to, will restore the stratosphereic ozone layer by the year 2050. The treaty has been the most the most succesful international agreement and has been ratified by 196 countries. For once the U.S is one of the countries that has agreed to ratify.