Under the Sea from The Little Mermaid Lower KS2 According to Sebastian, where is the seaweed greener? Can you find the word in the song that rhymes with fate? Why are the fish on the land not happy? What instrument does the newt play? Can you make a list of things that Sebastian tells Ariel to put her off leaving the sea? How can you tell that Sebastian loves living under the sea?
Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson Lower KS2 Where did the singer grow up? Can you name two methods of transport named in the song? Can you name two things that the singer won’t forget? Can you find and copy the word in the song that rhymes with sky? Look at the first verse. How do you think the singer is feeling and What evidence do you have to support your view? What words and phrases tell you that the singer probably won’t find it easy to break away?
School Song from Matilda the Musical Upper KS2 This is song is very clever because the words in the song make the letters of the alphabet So if you think you’re Able to survive this mess by Being a prince or a princess... Can you find all the letters of the alphabet in the song? If you were a new child at this school and you heard this advice, how would it make you feel? Can you find quotations to support your viewpoint? The children singing the song said they used to be “innocent”. What do you think happened to them to change their opinion? Try to use evidence from the song to support your viewpoint.
Circle of Life from The Lion King Upper KS2 What colour is the sky? Can you find and copy the word that rhymes with high? Can you find and copy the word that means “never stopping”? Which lyrics give you the impression that the earth is a huge place? What does “The Circle of Life” mean? Can you think of some events in the “circle of life” that might bring hope, despair and faith?