Providential Women’s Course Layout revised for clarity By BdeP March 2013. 26/6/2002 Providential Women's Course
Providential Women's Course The Fall God 5 A E 2 AA 6 4 3 1 What is Satan? The fallen Archangel, Lucifer. To have a deeper understanding of this we need to have another aspect of learning about God. We studied God and original Sung Sang and Hyung Sang. Also God can be understood as a masculine being. According to the Divine Principle, God is Sung Sang, Masculine Subject towards the created world. Also God is the masculine being toward the created world. Women can have a lot of masculine character but as a whole they are feminine. God also as a whole is masculine although He has feminine characteristics e.g. men have small breasts, some feminine characteristics. Adam can be regarded as God with a physical body: a substantial God. Eve was created to be Adams wife so Eve stands in the form of God’s wife. God would have wanted to embrace Eve and be married to her and feel happy. Next He wanted to have children, and have dominion over all things. But God was not able to experience these things. No, his beloved woman was taken away by the archangel. So Satan is an adulterer who took God’s woman away and became an enemy. There are four kinds of enemy: Enemy of words: took word away Enemy of all things: took away all things Enemy of sovereignty: took away God’s sovereignty Enemy of love: took away love Tore God’s heart to pieces. How can this be solved, because Satan is almost unforgivable. True Father said “Satan said to God, ‘God I became an evil being. Do you know why? You know why, it was because I wanted to be loved by you.’” It is true that Satan had resentment of not being loved enough by God and the only way to solve this resentment is to love Satan, no matter how unforgivable he may be. This is why we have to love our enemy. If Adam had not fallen, he would have become the substantial God. Satan could dominate Adam as the false father so Satan could work through Adam. If Adam opposes God’s will he stands in the position of evil archangel. If Adam stands on God’s side he stands in the position of good archangel. So from the providential point of view men are not regarded as human, but as archangels. It is more difficult to save fallen man than fallen woman. If Adam and Eve had not fallen, he would be in the position of the substantial God. The seed of Adam would have been God’s seed and Cain would have been God’s son Abel Seth and girls too, all the children would have been God’s children The Realm of the Royal Family. Because of the fall, Cain, Abel etc. all became Satan’s children. How to solve this is that we must change Satan’s blood lineage God’s blood lineage. Through the Blessing . Adam was 16 years old when he fell. He was purer than Jesus because Jesus had to go through many courses to be born. A person has the standard of goodness at least 1/7 of his mind. Not totally depraved. It is possible to restore man because of this point of goodness. Satan’s son Satan’s wife Satan 26/6/2002 Providential Women's Course
Restoration Providence Two courses, not one. “The fall resulted in two courses. The fallen mother and son emerged, and the true mother and son have to be restored. Do you understand? Then what is the change of blood lineage? Those who are born from the Cain-type mother have to be engrafted into the Abel-type mother and her son. ... ... Thus we can conclude that to change the blood lineage, one must pass through the door of love of two mothers. Do you know what I mean? From the horizontal viewpoint, this is why Leah and Rachel fought each other in Jacob's family.” (2nd Jan 1997) 26/6/2002 Providential Women's Course
Restoration Providence God 5 A E 2 AA 6 4 3 1 What is Satan? The fallen Archangel, Lucifer. To have a deeper understanding of this we need to have another aspect of learning about God. We studied God and original Sung Sang and Hyung Sang. Also God can be understood as a masculine being. According to the Divine Principle, God is Sung Sang, Masculine Subject towards the created world. Also God is the masculine being toward the created world. Women can have a lot of masculine character but as a whole they are feminine. God also as a whole is masculine although He has feminine characteristics e.g. men have small breasts, some feminine characteristics. Adam can be regarded as God with a physical body: a substantial God. Eve was created to be Adams wife so Eve stands in the form of God’s wife. God would have wanted to embrace Eve and be married to her and feel happy. Next He wanted to have children, and have dominion over all things. But God was not able to experience these things. No, his beloved woman was taken away by the archangel. So Satan is an adulterer who took God’s woman away and became an enemy. There are four kinds of enemy: Enemy of words: took word away Enemy of all things: took away all things Enemy of sovereignty: took away God’s sovereignty Enemy of love: took away love Tore God’s heart to pieces. How can this be solved, because Satan is almost unforgivable. True Father said “Satan said to God, ‘God I became an evil being. Do you know why? You know why, it was because I wanted to be loved by you.’” It is true that Satan had resentment of not being loved enough by God and the only way to solve this resentment is to love Satan, no matter how unforgivable he may be. This is why we have to love our enemy. If Adam had not fallen, he would have become the substantial God. Satan could dominate Adam as the false father so Satan could work through Adam. If Adam opposes God’s will he stands in the position of evil archangel. If Adam stands on God’s side he stands in the position of good archangel. So from the providential point of view men are not regarded as human, but as archangels. It is more difficult to save fallen man than fallen woman. If Adam and Eve had not fallen, he would be in the position of the substantial God. The seed of Adam would have been God’s seed and Cain would have been God’s son Abel Seth and girls too, all the children would have been God’s children The Realm of the Royal Family. Because of the fall, Cain, Abel etc. all became Satan’s children. How to solve this is that we must change Satan’s blood lineage God’s blood lineage. Through the Blessing . Adam was 16 years old when he fell. He was purer than Jesus because Jesus had to go through many courses to be born. A person has the standard of goodness at least 1/7 of his mind. Not totally depraved. It is possible to restore man because of this point of goodness. Satan’s son Satan’s wife Satan 2nd course 1st course 26/6/2002 Providential Women's Course
Restoration Providence According to Rev. Sung Han Lee (Jan ‘94) Providence of restoration of birthright (elder sonship) Providence of separation of maternity Providence to prepare Messiah’s Bride Providence of cooperation of mother and sons 26/6/2002 Providential Women's Course
Restoration Providence TF TM Separation of maternity Restoration of birthright Preparation of bride Mother / son cooperation 26/6/2002 Providential Women's Course
Restoration Providence Some points to note: Usual understanding of restoration is from the viewpoint of the restoration of elder sonship (F/M) , parentship and kingship After 1992, when True Parents’ mission was declared, truth based on Parentism could be revealed: Four Realms of Heart, 3 Kingships, woman’s role in restoration + teaching about Sp.World. Clear that women played an important role in the background (mother/son cooperation, prepn. for bride) Messiah comes from womb of a mother, so women had a key role also in preparing for the Messiah In the Principle all of the Central Figures are male. If we look from another angle of the world stage we can see something different- there was many female actions on the stage. The female figures were often controlling those male figures. Purpose of history was to bring the messiah. Messiah comes from God through the womb of women. So, actually it is women who have the key role in preparation for the messiah. God’s sorrow is the sorrow of a parent who lost children but also God’s sorrow is that of a husband who lost his wife. Why is it important to restore Eve? God is male figure who lost wife. Can God forget about his wife? Many women in the world but God is desperate. God sees his wife with another husband this is painful. RESTORATION OF PARENTSHIP First is restoration of Eve. Women who return to God’s side are restore Eve e.g. Rebecca the mother of Jacob and Esau, Tamar, Mary and ultimately True Mother (1992:4:10 or June 14 1999) When True Mother was totally successful in 1999 then we started the realm of 4th Adam- the most amazing time in human history. All women in Unification Church are extensions of True mother and stand in the position of restored Eve. What is the mission of the restored Eve? Eve’s original position should be bride of the messiah. 26/6/2002 Providential Women's Course
Restoration Providence Elder son/daughtership – parentship – kingship God 26/6/2002 Providential Women's Course
Restoration Providence 1945 Foundation for the Messiah 400 yrs preparation 26/6/2002 Providential Women's Course
Restoration Providence 1945 Foundation for the Messiah = Foundation of Faith + Foundation of Substance (includes separation of maternity and mother/son cooperation) 400 yrs preparation 26/6/2002 Providential Women's Course
Restoration Providence 2000 7yrs TMs victory June ‘99 7yrs HAS-UWC – mission of bride 1993 1945 1952 Horizontal restoration of lost vertical conditions Mission of bride Transferred to TM ALL historical conditions leading up to the advent of the Messiah had to be restored horizontally in the 40 year period 400 yrs preparation 26/6/2002 Providential Women's Course
Restoration Providence Two major issues in Mother’s victory: Eve had to deal with: A/A (seducer), God (father), Adam (husb), 2 sons Two kinds of women came from Eve: wife and mistress 2nd Jan ’97 (TW May 97 p10) 26/6/2002 Providential Women's Course
Providential Women's Course Sarah (at first called Sarai), in position of fallen Eve, needed to separate from Satan Pretended to be Abraham’s (first called Abram) sister. Because of diseases on him and his household, Pharoah released her Women’s course: Sarah1 (Adam) Sarai (wife) God Abram (conditionally restored Eve) Age of Symbolic Parallels This is the first of many examples of restoration of the position of Eve, Adam and Archangel. In this case symbolic. Wife of the archangel is restored, and Eve’s position established. The archangel fell by taking Adam’s spouse, Eve. Stealing her, he conquered by love. In order to indemnify this, these three relations must be reversed. Because of Abraham’s failure, this needs to be repeated later, to re-establish the condition. Satan Pharoah Sarai (sister) (Fallen Eve) (Archangel) 26/6/2002 Providential Women's Course
Providential Women's Course Reversal course: (Adam) Sarah (wife) God Abram (conditionally restored Eve) Satan Pharoah Sarah (sister) (Fallen Eve) (Archangel) God Age of Symbolic Parallels This is the first of many examples of restoration of the position of Eve, Adam and Archangel. In this case symbolic. Wife of the archangel is restored, and Eve’s position established. The archangel fell by taking Adam’s spouse, Eve. Stealing her, he conquered by love. In order to indemnify this, these three relations must be reversed. Because of Abraham’s failure, this needs to be repeated later, to re-establish the condition. Adam Eve Satan Archangel Eve (Fallen Eve) 26/6/2002 Providential Women's Course
Providential Women's Course God makes covenant with Abram: called them Abraham, and Sarah Sarah, in position of fallen Eve, needed to separate from Satan Pretended to be Abraham’s sister Because of dream Abimelech released her Women’s course: Sarah2 Sarah (wife) Isaac God Abraham Satan Abimelech (before birth) Sarah (sister) Hated, wanted her sent away Age of Symbolic Parallels Abraham/Isaac/Jacob considered as one course, because of Abrahams Initial failure in offering Various aspects of providence build up in succeeding generations Sarah gave Hagar to Abram to have child, Ishmael Sarah mistreated Hagar, They didn’t get on. Hagar ran away at one point. Angel told her to go back. Repeat of Providence with Pharoah before first (failed) offering son Abraham/Sarah bro/sister, Abimelech sends Sarah back, gives wealth: Symbolic restoration of Eve as wife position, and Adam and A/A positions. Isaac born. Ishmael mocked Isaac. Sarah asked Abraham to send Hagar away, because of hate. Hagar (concubine) Ishmael 26/6/2002 Providential Women's Course
Women’s course: Rebekah In the next generation Rebekah, in position of fallen Eve, needed to separate from Satan Pretended to be Isaac’s sister Because he saw them embracing, Abimelech released her at personal risk, against conventions Rebekah (wife) Jacob God Isaac Satan Age of Symbolic Parallels Some previous elements restored, then additional providence carried out: After Rebekah had twins Isaac/Rebekah bro/sister, Abimelech sends Rebekah back, gives wealth Rebakah deceived husband and elder son to help symbolically restore bithright. Abimelech (after birth) Rebekah (sister) Mother/Son - Helped restore birthright Esau 26/6/2002 Providential Women's Course
Women’s course: Rachel (concubine) God Jacob Joseph, Benjamin took wife’s position United later Satan Leah (concubine) Stayed, but couldn’t unite Age of Symbolic Parallels TF: “Jacob worked for seven years to get Rachel, who was Leah's younger sister. Then who should be his legal wife? It should be Rachel. However, Leah became his legal wife. Fallen circumstances today are exactly the same as the situation in Jacob's family. How can God let Rachel be received? The relationship between the two mothers has to be reversed, and that requires the family foundation to be established.” [iii] Leah's mother and her mother-in-law (Rebekah) should have united with Jacob and helped him reverse the positions of Leah (the legal wife) and Rachel (the second wife, or concubine). Once Leah's position was corrected the 10 elder brothers and the youngest brother (Benjamin) had to follow Joseph, who was supposed to be Abel. If the 10 brothers were united with Leah they could be restored. Thus the order of love was to be established centered on Leah and then connected with Rachel as the centre. This was the responsibility of Jacob, Rebecca and Leah’s mother.[i] In the Last Days, children from second wives, or concubine lineage, will become leaders of the world. Originally, Rachel, the second wife, was supposed to produce the elder son of Jacob. However, because of the conflict between Leah and Rachel, she lost that right. (13/2/97) How difficult was it for the two women? Leah knew Jacob loved Rachel more - in fact he hadn’t wanted to marry her. Rachel knew too that Leah was able to get Jacob children. She herself didn’t have children until after Dinah was born, that is after Jacob already had 11 children. Genesis 30:1 “When Rachel saw that she was not bearing Jacob any children, she became jealous of her sister. So she said to Jacob, “Give me children, or I’ll die!” Also Gen 30:15 For a while, Jacob doesn’t sleep with Leah, and she even does a deal with Rachel where she buys one night with Jacob. So there were a lot of difficulties between them. True Father said, “As you know, Leah and Rachel did not exchange providential positions; Rachel was deprived of the position of elder mother and Jacob's legal wife; Leah had the eldest sons. Therefore, God's providential history could not move into the original realm. Jacob had ten sons from Leah and the servants and two sons from Rachel. However, because Leah and Rachel did not unite with each other, Jacob's descendants were divided into the nations of Israel and Judah.”[ii] [i] 2nd January 1997 (TW May 97 p7) [ii] 2nd January 1997 [iii] 2nd January 1997(TW May 97 p6) Leah (wife) Levi, Judah + 4 Mothers should have helped unite the daughters 26/6/2002 Providential Women's Course
Providential Women's Course Women’s course: Tamar at risk of life, against conventions God Judah Tamar Perez (father-in-law) (daughter) Satan Blood lineage restored in womb Age of Symbolic Parallels She served her grandmother Rebecca with absolute obedience, and was influenced by Rebecca's tradition.[i] Which was what? Deceiving her husband (who was the eldest son) at the risk of her life for God’s sake. “Because Eve deceived the elder son and the Father in Adam’s family, this had to be restored through providential history”[ii] Through God's providence, both her first and second husbands passed away. According to the tradition of Israel, the third son Shelagh ought to have been given to the daughter-in-law, but he was not given to her. Judah, his father, was afraid he would die too. The only way to preserve the blood lineage was through her father-in-law, but since that was not permitted, Tamar had to seduce him at the risk of her life. ... TF: “She had a relationship with her father-in-law in order to set the condition to go back to God. From this point of view, her father-in-law was actually her brother” [The Meaning and Value of the Blessing, from Blessing and Ideal Family p370] ie through risking her life to restore lineage, she became restored Eve posn., Judah was Adam position. True Father explained, ....In reality, this was when the people of Israel received the right to be chosen people. The blood lineage was restored in the mother's womb.[iii] [i] 2nd January 1997(TW May 97 p6) [ii] 2nd January 1997(TW May 97 p6) [iii] 2nd January 1997(TW May 97 p6) Zerah 26/6/2002 Providential Women's Course
Providential Women's Course Mother of Boaz was Rahab Matthew 1:5 see note 1:5, in NIV study bible p 1411 see also Hebrews 11:31 Joshua 2 at risk of life she helped spies point is that Tamar, Rahab Ruth didn’t create the lineage, but helped preserve it and/or restored eves position cf Sarah, Rebecca at risk of life to do: study Esthers course** 26/6/2002 Providential Women's Course
Providential Women's Course Women’s course: Ruth Inherits position at risk of life, against conventions Mother /daughter cooperation Perez Boaz God Elimilech Naomi Ruth Obed (father-in-law) (mother) (daughter) (Grandfather of David) Through love, faith Satan Possible Husb. Ruth (Moabite) Age of Image Parallels Same providence as Tamar, but in image form on national level. Ruth gains Eve position by heartistic unity with Naomi. Opts to stay with her, forgoing possible new husband. This is A/A – Eve – Adam relationship like Pharoah-Sarah-Abraham Here actually becomes “daughter” Naomi carries out Mother/daughter cooperation by suggesting to Ruth what to do Boaz actually represents Perez and Judah’s line Spiritually gains Adam position because treats Ruth as sister when she lies at his feet one night washed, dressed well and perfumed. Ruth “deceives” her husband (dead) who was eldest son, to carry on lineage for God 26/6/2002 Providential Women's Course
Women’s course: Bathsheba (concubine) 1st dies 2nd son Solomon God David Bathsheba Satan Uriah Age of Image Parallels National level “Who was the mother of Solomon? His mother, Bathsheba, was the wife of Uriah. King David stole Uriah’s wife. Uriah’s wife became David’s second wife. By this, Kng david was in Adam’s position and Uriah was in the archangels position. If the wife of the archangel is not restored, Eve’s position cannot be established. The archangel fell by taking Adam’s spouse, Eve. Stealing her, he conquered by love. In order to indemnify this, these three relations must be reversed. The baby who is born after fulfilling these conditions according to Principle is the heavenly glorious baby. Solomon was the glorious baby.” [TF - The Meaning and Value of the Blessing, from Blessing and Ideal Family, p370] Note: Probably this course should have been carried out without Uriah’s death Note: Nathan rebukes David, who repents. God releases David from death penalty for adultery and murder( 2Samuel 12:13), but son from 1st relationship dies after 7 days. Note: Eldest son commits incest. He and all other sons killed by another son (Absalom) 2Samuel 13:23, who later rebels against David, has sex with David’s concubines publicly, and is killed 2Samuel 18. 26/6/2002 Providential Women's Course
Providential Women's Course Women’s course: Mary at risk of life, against conventions Mary (concubine) Jesus God Zechariah Couldn’t unite Mary Received, but couldn’t let stay Satan Joseph At start John Changing point from age of Image Parallels To age of substantial Parallels And national to world level TF: “At the time of Jesus, the same situation as in Jacob's family reoccurred. Mother Mary had to restore the position of Rachel and Leah. Zechariah's family was the extension of Jacob's family. Zechariah appeared as an ancestor who could change the blood lineage of the whole nation through his family. Elizabeth was the legal wife of Zechariah and the mother of John the Baptist. However, according to God's revelation, Mary was put between Zechariah and Elizabeth as a kind of concubine.[i]” “Because Zechariah and Elizabeth knew this providential fact through revelation and through Mary's explanation, Elizabeth welcomed Mary. Elizabeth's attitude was the reverse of that of Rachel and Leah, who tried to kill each other out of jealousy. Mary received the revelation that she would conceive the Messiah. Elizabeth also knew about Mary's situation and helped her accomplish God's will.[ii]” “Even though her mind and heart were terribly painful and her body was like death, Elizabeth could overcome such a situation with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience.[iii]” “It was easy for Mary to fulfil her mission, because she took over the position of elder sister and her son. However, the position of the legal wife was the most difficult. [iv]” [i] 2nd January 1997(TW May 97 p7) [ii] 2nd January 1997(TW May 97 p8) [iii] 2nd January 1997(TW May 97 p8) [iv] 2nd January 1997(TW May 97 p8) Elizabeth (wife) No mother/son cooperation 26/6/2002 Providential Women's Course
Women’s course: Mother1 mother’s –ve persuasion Song Jin God Choi Sun Kil (1st Mother) Father Satan Choi Sun Kil (fallen) Kim Myung Hee (Leah) 1st mother [a Choi]. Her course was very hard; she had to restore the past providential women’s failures. Left in 1946 by TF (True Father=SunMyungMoon), when reunited in 1951(?), disciples didn’t understand that they (as Cain) should have allowed TF to greet her deeply. Divorced TF. Through her mother’s negative influence. Myung Hee Kim, was to restore the position of the first mother. She was sent to Japan, to go through a very difficult restorational course. However, she was either raped or pressured to have a relationship with someone, and lost her position. Kim Myung Hee (fallen) A/A figure 26/6/2002 Providential Women's Course
Women’s course: Mother2 mother’s –ve persuasion God Choi Sun Kil (1st Mother) True Mother (Rachael) Father Serve as Own Mother and daughter Satan Choi Sun Kil (fallen) Kim Myung Hee (Leah) Won Pok Choi (Leah) Because of this failure, Won Pok Choi came out from the Choi clan to prepare for the way of True Mother and had to serve True Mother as her own mother and her daughter. [TF Jan 2 ‘97] Until 1975. [Ken Sudo lecture UTS April 2001] To restore TM’s position Also: Father explained “My family includes Sung Jin's mother and Sung Jin. Because Sung Jin's mother was divorced seven years before True Mother's marriage, True Mother does not know her. However, True Mother has to love her and her son.”[i] In fact, True Mother supported Sung Jin and his mother even moving them into a different house twice.[ii] You can imagine, there was a very difficult course for True Mother to restore. Three women rebelled against God in the OT at time of Adam, in the NT at the time of Jesus, in the CT at the time of the LSA. Like formation, growth and completion. Three times, women killed their husbands, and went to hell. How to indemnify this?[iii] Women must gather the devotion of three ages. What this means is, because there are not three ages at once, from the grandmother through the mother, three generations must become one and repent for the sin of having killed the original husband.[iv] Daemo-Nim, Mother’s mother, received a revelation from the spiritual world and coached True Mother, and. in the midst of trouble, played an important role for liberating True Mother.[v] Once 1st mother and Myung Hee Kim’s position had been restored, in order for Jesus to be blessed, his family also had to be restored. True Mother had to restore position of Mary and Elizabeth. [i] 2nd January 1997(TW Jun 97 p7) [ii] 2nd January 1997(TW Jun 97 p8) [iii] Feb 2 1998 (TW June 1998 p11) [iv] Feb 2 1998 (TW June 1998 p12) [v] 2nd January 1997(TW Jun 97 p9) Kim Myung Hee (fallen) A/A figure 26/6/2002 Providential Women's Course
Women’s course elements 26/6/2002 Providential Women's Course
Women’s course elements: 1 Eve (conditionally restored) God Adam Satan Archangel Eve (fallen) Separate from A/A sexual and wealth temptations. Faith in God’s providence / lineage. To restore position of Eve, Adam and A/A 26/6/2002 Providential Women's Course
Women’s course elements: 1 example (True Mother) Connect in heart Sister in UC (conditionally restored) God TF Mother position Satan Fallen Man Girl (fallen) Wife 26/6/2002 Providential Women's Course
Women’s course elements: 2 God Adam Concubine (conditionally restored) Abel children Need to completely unite (feeling is to hate and want to send away) Unite with help of mothers Satan Wife (fallen) Cain Children To restore fallen Eve’s nature, and blood lineage Then help restore Cain/Abel birthright 26/6/2002 Providential Women's Course
Women’s course elements: 2 example “abel type” Eve (conditionally restored) Internal TF Abel children Unite with help of mothers Need to completely unite External “cain type” Eve (fallen) Cain Children 26/6/2002 Providential Women's Course
Women’s course elements: 2 example External Internal Cain Children Abel children Unite with help of mothers “cain type” Eve “abel type” Eve Need to completely unite TF 26/6/2002 Providential Women's Course
Women’s course elements: 2 example External Internal Cain Children (contacts guests) Abel Children (members, 2nd gen) IIFWP FFWPU “4 realms” education “DP” education ICUS, WFWP, IRFF, CAUSA, WMA, YFWP, etc. HSAUWC TF 26/6/2002 Providential Women's Course
Women’s course elements: 2 example External Internal Need to completely unite Abel Sister President NL wife NL Need to completely unite Need to completely unite Need to completely unite Sister representative Pastor wife Pastor Cain IIFWP FFWPU ICUS, WFWP, IRFF, CAUSA, WMA, YFWP, etc. HSAUWC TF 26/6/2002 Providential Women's Course
Women’s course elements: 2 example Sarah Abel – restored elder son God Korea Japan (conditionally restored) USA Need to completely unite (feeling is to hate and want to send away) Unite with help of mothers Satan Britain (fallen) Europe Hagar Cain – restored younger son Help Britain’s role: In Europe, world (AforPs) 26/6/2002 Providential Women's Course
Women’s course elements: 3 at risk of life, against conventions, with mother’s help God Adam Eve Elder son (father) (daughter) Satan Fall: sexual relationship occurred at risk of life, against God’s commandment (law) TF “Because Eve deceived the elder son [Adam] and the Father [God] in Adam’s family, this had to be restored through providential history”[i] [i] 2nd January 1997(TW May 97 p6) To restore deception of Elder son (Adam) And God (Father) at Fall. 26/6/2002 Providential Women's Course
Women’s course elements: 3 example at risk of life, against conventions, with mother’s help Connect in heart God TF Wife Husband (father) (daughter) Satan See later Fall: sexual relationship occurred at risk of life, against God’s commandment (law) TF “Because Eve deceived the elder son [Adam] and the Father [God] in Adam’s family, this had to be restored through providential history”[i] [i] 2nd January 1997(TW May 97 p6) 26/6/2002 Providential Women's Course
Women’s course elements: 3 example Changing the blood lineage Restoration of husband God Satan last Adam Adam – substantial Satan 2 1 Restored Eve Eve – Satan’s wife Original order has been established by True Parents Abel came back, then Cain so Satan has no more children, then women so no wife. According to this order who should come back next –fallen Adam. When these fallen Adams come back they find that True Adam already occupies their seat. Therefore these men have no place to go back. Also even when they came back belatedly the Prov. Of Rest. has already been completed. Anything for them to do- no. So are they needed for the providence of restoration? They are useless. Actually these 2 males, fallen Adam and Satan are useless, not necessary. So what should they do? What should God do? Discard them somewhere. Like garbage. But there will be some people in trouble if all husbands are thrown away. Wives. There is only one True Adam, how many women—3 billion. Ouch. Father was laughing and he said I would be crushed to death, everyone laughed. Only one woman can become the substantial wife of True Adam so all other women will be in big trouble. No way to create ideal family, no way to have happiness as a woman. Only way is to create new men. However women cannot create man by themselves so only one person can create these copies of True Adam—that is the messiah. With Father as the standard those men must be recycled and made into duplications of True Adam. Father said that it is so difficult for him to do that. Christian idea of being saved by belief is nonsense. Men were created to be original Adam but because of sin they came to be AA. That sin must be indemnified in order to restore them to the original position of Adam. Sinners cannot solve their own sin; therefore the LSA takes the resp. for the original sin and indemnifies it. He establishes the victorious being, and lets these AA inherit that standard. Father allowed these fallen men to inherit this victorious standard. Since these fallen AA’s cannot inherit that standard without repentance and become AA of goodness. This is restoration of husband. In Japan there are many cases of wives being restored and now working hard for God’s will and are then opposed by their husbands. Those husbands must be educated with the word of God and become restored AA. So those wives must witness to their husbands and turn them towards goodness through ed./ Then they can inherit Adams original standard and they can become human beings from God’s POV. Father said I make your husband into my younger brother and give them to you. So centered on God those younger brothers become the restored husband. Restored Eve who conditionally unites with the True Adam and has her original sin cleaned then Eve unites with her husband and they create a Blessed Family. So this is talking about the Providential meaning behind the Blessing. Through the Holy Wine Ceremony and later the 3 day ceremony they both become pure new God centered couple. Then they have children who are born sinless. This is a blessed family. Then this restored blessed family can receive all things and they can fulfill the 3 blessings. So this is the Formula of Restoration. 4. Elder sonship Abel Cain 3 – mother/son 5. Younger brother brought back by Abel Cain Abel 26/6/2002 Providential Women's Course
Women’s course elements: 3 example Changing the blood lineage God mother bride M TF TM New life. Cain child. (Sp child) Abel Abel children Phys. children As a born sinner we must read words and repent: stand in the position of Cain. Through Abel we reach restored Mother and we go into the bone marrow, of sinless Adam. The centre of centre the heart - that’s why Jesus loved me more than anyone else. To be born again, we must go to zero point. That’s why religions have God fallen mankind to zero point: self denial. Must put love first before seeing life. The Messiah stands in the position of the seed of sinless Adam. So this man is my new father and woman is new mother. If they have no original sin, then I am born with no original sin. Can be born physically and spiritually. In Christianity – only spiritual rebirth. New have both spiritual and physical rebirth. This is the change of blood lineage. Spiritual rebirth is through the Holy Wine Ceremony. Physical rebirth is through the Three Day Ceremony. The archangel repents 1st and receives Gods will and be reborn as the son of True Parents. The wife is second self of true mother - representative of True Mother. Therefore you can be reborn as the Son of True Parents and recognised as a child of True Parents. The 2nd night The 3rd night – the wife takes the position of wife. Cain 26/6/2002 Providential Women's Course
Women’s course elements: 3 example Changing the blood lineage God Won Pok Choi Posn. of mother till 1975 mother bride 2 other women Choi TF TM Abel children Phys. children Cain children (Spir. child) Point was how to unite Messiahs family with Cain families 26/6/2002 Providential Women's Course
Women’s course elements: 3 example Changing the blood lineage God TF TM Extension of TM God mother bride wife Husb wife Point was how to unite Messiahs family with Cain families Wife becomes bride (spouse) after first becoming a mother. So wife’s role is important: lifeline of unity with TF through TM. Required to love TF more than anyone else. Wife’s role crucial. Originally Blessed families would have connected to Adams family through the True Children (by taking care of them). Abel children 2nd Gen. children Cain children Sp children 26/6/2002 Providential Women's Course
Women’s course: Conclusion Age of Symbolic Parallels This is the first of many examples of restoration of the position of Eve, Adam and Archangel. In this case symbolic. Wife of the archangel is restored, and Eve’s position established. The archangel fell by taking Adam’s spouse, Eve. Stealing her, he conquered by love. In order to indemnify this, these three relations must be reversed. Because of Abraham’s failure, this needs to be repeated later, to re-establish the condition. Blessing 26/6/2002 Providential Women's Course