WHAT WOULD YOU DO? Ethical And moral issues addressed in higher education Presenter: Consuela D. Phillips BUILDING ON OUR MOMENTUM! WVASFAA SPRING 2018.


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Presentation transcript:

WHAT WOULD YOU DO? Ethical And moral issues addressed in higher education Presenter: Consuela D. Phillips BUILDING ON OUR MOMENTUM! WVASFAA SPRING 2018 CONFERENCE

Top Ten Steps for Advancing Diversity in Higher Education Listen- to your students! The American Council on Education released findings from a study titled; “Racial Climate on Campus: A Survey of College Presidents” Presidents at four-year institution 53% and 87% at two-year institutions say students have organized concerns about racial diversity. http://www.acenet.edu/news-room/Pages/ACE-Survey-Finds-Increased-Focus-Among-College-Presidents-on-Campus- Racial-Climate.aspx Participate- Make an individual and institutional commitment of getting involved. https://www.ncore.ou.edu/ Learn- Read articles and publications on diversity and inclusion in higher education. http://www.nadohe.org/journal Join- consider joining campus committees or organizations at your institution or WVASFAA Diversity & Inclusion Committee. BUILDING ON OUR MOMENTUM! WVASFAA SPRING 2018 CONFERENCE

Top Ten Steps for Advancing Diversity in Higher Education 5. Collaborate- working with other colleagues at your institution or associations. 6. Aspire- seek out information on diversity and share best practices at your institution. Plan- “write the vision and make it plain”- brainstorm on what diversity and inclusion will look like at your institutions and implement it. Assess- identify the problem, self-reflect, and survey your institutions or organizations. This will allow you to measure aspects of diversity. Speak Up- This is your responsibility if you witness or are aware of any issues. Be Accountable- Celebrate achievements and discuss setbacks on how to handle situations better. https://www.peopleadmin.com/2016/03/diversity-guide-top-10-practical-steps-for-advancing-diversity- equity-and-inclusion-in-higher-education/

Diversity- Equality- Inclusion What does it look like? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVBHwVBBB4g https://youtu.be/ynH4HSGcY6I BUILDING ON OUR MOMENTUM! WVASFAA SPRING 2018 CONFERENCE


Scenario 1 A bi-racial student enters the financial aid office with her mother (Caucasian). During the appointment, the child is very disrespectful to her mother and uses derogatory language when explaining her father’s race who is African American. The mother who is quite embarrassed apologizes quickly but the student states why are you apologizing that’s what you called him in the car. The FA Advisor does not find the comment offensive and says oh well…. The African-American FWS overhears the comment and is extremely upset. Can I please have two volunteers…… What would you do? BUILDING ON OUR MOMENTUM! WVASFAA SPRING 2018 CONFERENCE

Scenario 2 The front office calls and states you have a walk-in student requesting information. The student enters the office and quickly you realize he is deaf and has someone to translate his sign language and assist with communicating during his appointment. The appointment last longer than expected and you become irritated because of the time spent because of the student’s disability. The Advisor becomes agitated and quickly rushes the student off and provides the website for him to review the financial aid page. Can I have two volunteers to discuss… What would you do? BUILDING ON OUR MOMENTUM! WVASFAA SPRING 2018 CONFERENCE

Scenario 3 Tom is a dependent student who walks into his financial aid appointment with his parents. Tom was adopted at the age of five by his two fathers George and John. When the student introduces his fathers the Financial Aid Advisor becomes rigid and her voice is very stern and sharp. The parents and the student try to engage the Financial Aid Advisor with a conversation about the weather and she quickly interrupts the parents and starts asking where is Tom’s mother. Can I have two volunteers to discuss… What would you do? BUILDING ON OUR MOMENTUM! WVASFAA SPRING 2018 CONFERENCE

Scenario 4 Charles is a transgender student who has provided legal name change documents to the financial aid office. Charles has selected that he is a male on his 18/19 FAFSA and the Financial Aid Advisor Tara receives an ISIR with a C-code 030 and she contacts Charles to correct his FAFSA. Tara is very nervous and does not want to offend Charles so she decides to email the student. The student comes into the office instead of responding to her email. Tara says to the student your really a female so you need to correct your FAFSA. Charles storms out of the office because he no longer identifies as a female. Can I have two volunteers to discuss… What would you do? BUILDING ON OUR MOMENTUM! WVASFAA SPRING 2018 CONFERENCE

Scenario 5 Betty is a Non Traditional student who is 70 years old. Betty wants to come out of retirement and complete an online business degree. Betty comes into the office to meet with Jim the Financial Aid Advisor to discuss financial aid. Jim quickly states you want to audit classes. Betty quickly states no I’m enrolling in the Online Business Administration Associates Degree. Jim says “Oh Really” in a sarcastic way and quickly starts explaining the steps of financial aid. Betty asks Jim if he could slow down and repeat himself. Jim is irritated and states “why would you want to go to school at your age”. Can I have two volunteers to discuss… What would you do? BUILDING ON OUR MOMENTUM! WVASFAA SPRING 2018 CONFERENCE

Share Best Practices or Experiences Open Forum Discussion Share Best Practices or Experiences Scenario 1- Racial Discrimination- discrimination, unfair treatment or bias against someone or a group of people on the basis of their race. Scenario 2- Ableism- discrimination against persons with mental and/or physical disabilities; social structures that favor able-bodied individuals. Scenario 3- Same-Sex Marriage Discrimination-discrimination, unfair treatment or bias against someone who is married to the same sex. This also refers to singling out, distinguishing or making a distinction of same sex couples when it comes to marriage. Scenario 4- Transgender Discrimination- discrimination, unfair treatment or bias against a person’s gender identity. Scenario 5- Ageism- discrimination against individuals because of their age, often based on stereotypes. BUILDING ON OUR MOMENTUM! WVASFAA SPRING 2018 CONFERENCE

Diversity- Equality- Inclusion Recap and Conclusion Diversity- Equality- Inclusion It is Relevant! We must address it! We must embrace it! We must seek knowledge! We must stay involved! It begins with you! BUILDING ON OUR MOMENTUM! WVASFAA SPRING 2018 CONFERENCE

~Thank you~ Questions-Comments- Feedback BUILDING ON OUR MOMENTUM! WVASFAA SPRING 2018 CONFERENCE