Cosmic Chorus Green Book, Ch 5
Step 1: Adding Sprites and costumes Add Gobo Sprite from the Fantasy category Keep the Cat Sprite, we’ll use him to conduct the chorus but not shown on stage. Add another sprite as the soloist. I used the Pico
Explain Sounds: Two types…notes or effects Gobo Sprite: Click on the “Sound” tab Add a new sound from the Library. Notice the number below the sound name, 00:00.51 is the length of the sound. The larger the wave form, the louder the beat.
Explain Sound Block Basic controls
Explain Sound Block Sound Effects Play Drum: Choose drum (1-18) Choose beat Rest: adds a short silence in your music. Play note < > for beats: Then number corresponds to the sound of the note Set instrument: Choose instrument (1-20). 1 = piano Set tempo: speed of music Tempo: variable used to see what current speed is.
Step 2: Stage Add the Moon backdrop to the stage Create a 2nd backdrop… Student designs their production logo using the draw features. Logo must include Student’s Name. Add script as seen
Step 3: Hide Sprites When Clicked. Add to each sprite listed below.
Step 4: Making 1st Gobo Sing Add a ‘When I receive’: Add, code to position Gobo To see Gobo jump up slightly by ‘y’ coordinate, open its mouth by ‘changing costumes, sing the sound effect, close its mouth by ‘changing costumes’.
Step 5: Conductor… Click the Cat Add the following to the cat: Event: When I Receive Hide Loop-forever Loop-if “Sensing” key < > is pressed Broadcast and wait Message – sing-1
Step 6: Note Singer Add, When I receive ‘Start Game’ Set Singers position in world Set instrument option Show Create a variable ‘note’ available to all. Do NOT show in window. Add, When I receive ‘pico-sing’ Add, switch costume Add, Play note < > for <0,5> beats Add ‘note’ variable to parameters of ‘play note’ Add, switch costume back.
Step 7: Updating Conductor… Click the Cat Add an additional ‘if’ statement to current Cat code. ‘if < > then’ Add Sensing block ‘key < > pressed’ then Add, ‘set <note> to < 48 >’ Add, broadcast <pico-sing> & wait
Have students complete the remaining code: There should be a total of 5 GoBo Key sequence 1-5 Each GoBo should begin at a new ‘x’ & ‘y’ location Each should move on the ‘y’ access at various levels. There is only on Pico, but he has a number of costumes… made need to create additional costumes by changing directions, facial expressions, color. Key sequence: top letter key row… q – p Notes range: 48-64
Final code for conductor sprite