Style, context, and register
Age of addressee (p.241) When you talk to a baby ---
“Sorry, I’m late. I was stuck in traffic and I missed my flight” 1 “Sorry, I’m late. I was stuck in traffic and I missed my flight” 1. To a 3-year-old girl 2. To a 90-year-old man 3. At a conference 4. To a foreigner
Accommodation theory Speech convergence (p.245) Speech divergence (p.246)
Stylization (See the example 9, p.248)
Accommodation problems (p.249)
Methodological challenges in research How do we observe a person’s speech style? (p.251-252)
The interaction of social class and style (see the example 17, p.254)
Provide your own example of hypercorrection in pronunciation and grammar (p.256)
Style in non-Western societies See the example 19,p.258 Honorific forms in Korean Q: Do better-educated people have greater control of the various styles?
Style: a degree of formality (p.262) “Dinner!” “Make dinner, please.” “Can you make dinner, please.” “Could you make dinner, please.” “Could you possibly make dinner, please, if you have time.” “I was wondering if you could possibly make dinner, please– if you don’t mind.”
Register To your brother: What's up? It's awesome that you came to visit! To the President: Good morning, Mr. President. We appreciate your visit.
Appropriate in formal writing? Life is tough. By the way... In a nutshell... Last but not least... Government must make laws... Every coin has two sides.
To state it briefly / In brief,... Life is tough. Life presents a number of challenges. By the way... Another point is that... In a nutshell... To state it briefly / In brief,... Last but not least... A final point is... Government must make laws... There is a need for laws... Every coin has two sides. There are advantages and disadvantages to...
Q Provide your own examples of ‘Routines and formulas’ in your L1 and L2