EXAM REVIEW Visual Art I Images 2011-2012
What to Study For each image you should know-Style, Subject Matter The name of the work The name of the artist The style of the work (Realism, Abstraction, Surrealism The Main Elements of Design used The main Principles of Design used The message behind the work. What is the artist trying to say with his or her work?
Norman Rockwell- Traffic Conditions
MC Escher- Drawing Hands
Edward Hopper- Gas ***Aerial and One Point Perspective***
Leonardo da Vinci- The Last Supper
Leonardo da Vinci- Mona Lisa
Raphael- The Stanza
Fernand Leger- The Discs in the City
Winslow Homer- Hauling Anchor
Charles Demuth- No. 5
Salvador Dali- Persistence of Memory ***SURREALISM***
Romare Bearden Collage
Faith Ringgold- Dancing at the Louvre
Alexander Calder Wire Sculpture Mobile at the National Gallery
Henry Moore- Family sculpture
Duane Hanson- Tourists
George Segal- Holocaust
Christo and Jeanne Claude- Islands
Andy Goldsworthy- Rocks
Frank Ghery- Dancing House in Prague
Book of Hours
Serif Magazine cover
Typography as an art form
Pop Art- 1960’s Lichtenstein Everyday subject matter becomes art
Andy Warhol- Campbells’s Soup Can Pop Art 1960’s- celebrating everyday objects as art
John Singer Sargent- The daughters of Edward Boit