PE E-Learning Assignments Please review the following pages and complete the assignments for your grade level April 6th, 2018
1st Grade Please go to the website link provided below and follow along with the video. Make sure you enjoy this video as a time to get up and move around!
3rd & 4th Grade Please go to the website link provided below and follow along with the video. Make sure you enjoy this video as a time to get up and move around!
6th, 7th & 8th Grade Please write a double space response to the first two questions & complete the third item separately by making a list. Your first two questions should fill ½ a page each. Please use double space & font 12. How can you and your family exercise together? What is the connection between nutrition & exercise? List 10 active things you can do with your family as well as 3 important things you can do to strengthen your family’s nutrition at the dinner table.