10 concurrent training events with over 400 participants 10 concurrent training events with over 400 participants! Christie introduces June
Welcome Dr. Robin McCoy Dr. June Atkinson State Superintendent Christie Dr. June Atkinson State Superintendent Dr. Robin McCoy Director, K-12 Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Tracy Weeks Chief Academic and Digital Learning Officer
Christie introduces the team. Sid Baker Amy Betsill Allison Eargle, with NCDPI Graphics
Dr. Kenji Hakuta #NCEL14 Nadja introduces Kenji – 30 min. Nadja thank you remark…. #NCEL14
Trainers (Not introducing the individual presenters) Ivanna (Lindsey will be back-up) We are very fortunate to have a wealth of expertise involved with the development and delivery of this conference! Our trainers will be working with over 400 participants through 10 concurrent sessions focusing on research-based strategies for meeting the needs the of our English learners. Thank you to our trainers!
Follow Up Coaching Opportunity for SIOP and ExC-ELL http://tiny.cc/CoachingApplication Follow Up ELL Training and Coaching via the ELL Support Team Ivanna (Lindsey) Explain Link in book http://tiny.cc/CoachingApplication Benefits http://eldnces.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/EL+Support+Team
Housekeeping Restrooms Schedule Meeting rooms Technology Vendors Door Prizes Ivanna (Lindsey)
Schedule Ivanna (Lindsey) Staggered Breaks and Lunch Visit the Vendors (Refer to program to be able to follow)
Meeting Rooms Ivanna (Lindsey) Refer to program
Technology Cell phones on vibrate. Wifi log-in instructions will be given in your sessions. Limit usage to one device. Ivanna (Lindsey) #NCEL14
Norma Jewelry and Accessories Vendors Lindsey: Thank Vendors: Visit vendors before your sessions, during breaks, lunch, and at the end of each day! Norma Jewelry and Accessories
Door Prizes All registered participants are Your Name Pick Up From: Vendor Name All registered participants are eligible for the door prizes! Check the Door Prize chart near the registration table during lunch to see if YOU have won! Pick up your prize from the vendor indicated by your name! Be sure to say THANKS! Lindsey All registered participants are eligible for the door prizes! Check the Door Prize chart near the registration table during lunch to see if YOU have won! Pick up your prize from the vendor indicated by your name! Be sure to say THANKS!
Our Vision “To build capacity at the local school system level and sustain statewide implementation of research-based strategies to meet the needs of our English learners.” Thank you for being part of this journey and helping make the vision a reality! Christie As Dr. Robin McCoy stated in her welcome, our vision is to build capacity at the local school system level and sustain statewide implementation of research-based strategies to meet the needs of our English learners. Thank you for being part of this journey and helping make the vision a reality!
BREAK Please visit our vendors while the rooms are set up for the break out session. Sessions will begin promptly at 10:15 a.m. Christie It is now time for us to break as we set up the classrooms to begin our concurrent sessions. Please use this time to network and visit vendors. All sessions will begin promptly at 10:15 a.m. May each of you have an engaging, enriching, and inspiring experience as we all work together to support our English learners and all learners in North Carolina! Thank you! #NCEL14