The Immeasurable Greatness of God’s Power Ephesians 1:15-23 Part 2
In Ephesians 1:15-23, we are looking at Paul’s thanksgiving and intercession for the Ephesians. Praying on behalf of another What did Paul give thanks for in verses 15-16? Faith in Christ Love for the Saints What did Paul pray for the Ephesians? That they would have a Spirit of wisdom and revelation to understand three realities. What three realities? The hope to which they were called The glorious inheritance that God had in them (His value of them) The immeasurable greatness of God’s power toward them Review of Ephesians 1:15-19
Immeasurably Great Power In verses 20-23, Paul illustrates the greatness of God’s power by discussing three things: the resurrection and exaltation of Christ (vss. 20-21) the subjection of all things under Christ (vs. 22a) the giving of Christ as the head of the church (vss. 22b-23) We must remember that this power which Paul is describing in these verses, is the power that God works “toward us who believe,” such that we would have the power to overcome sin and Satan and live lives that are pleasing to God and that shine his light in this dark world. Immeasurably Great Power
1. The Resurrection and Exaltation of Christ (vs. 20-21) Ephesians 1:20-21 “that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come.” 1. The Resurrection and Exaltation of Christ (vs. 20-21)
These four verses focus entirely on God the Father’s work in Christ as a demonstration of his power which is now available to us. “In Christ”
Resurrection “When he raised him from the dead” Paul speaks elsewhere of God’s raising Christ as a demonstration of power: 1 Corinthians 6:14 “And God raised the Lord and will also raise us up by his POWER.” Romans 1:4 “was declared to be the Son of God in POWER . . . By his resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ our Lord.” Philippians 3:10 “that I may know him and the POWER of his resurrection.” “Death is no little bug to squash; it is a bitter enemy we will all face.” – Tony Merida The resurrection of Christ from the dead was an incredible display of God’s power over the most feared force in all of our human experience. Resurrection
”The resurrection gives believers enormous hope and sufficient power for living a life of service to God.” -Tony Merida The first work of God that Paul examines to demonstrate God’s power is the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Resurrection
“and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come." After the resurrection, God demonstrated his power in Christ by sitting him at his right hand above all other powers and authorities. Jesus is ALIVE because of the resurrection. Jesus is REIGNING because of his exaltation. What is the significance of the right hand? “To sit at the right hand of God is a ‘symbol of power.’ Hence, God not only exercised power in Christ in the resurrection but also gave him the place of honor . . . with which comes authority.” –Harold Hoehner Matthew 28:18-20 “all authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth.” Jesus is sovereignly reigning as King at the right hand of God. Nothing stands outside of his control. Exaltation
“in the heavenly places” – There is a spiritual reality in existence which we cannot see, but which is just as real as the air we breathe. 2 Kings 6:15-17 1 Peter 1:8 “Though you do not now see him, you believe in him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory.” This is where Jesus is residing, in this unseen spiritual realm at the right hand of God. This is the location of our spiritual blessings (1:3). And as we will see next week, this is where we are seated spiritually (2:6). Prophesied in Psalm 110:1 Exaltation
“far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named” There is no authority or power, whether spiritual or physical, over the authority and power of Jesus Christ. Like Paul makes clear in Ephesians 6:12, “these powers . . . are angelic and evil and wish to rob us of our spiritual benefits. The point is clear that Christ is over these authorities and they will not have the final victory.” –Harold Hoehner God in his power has exalted Christ over all the evil spiritual powers in existence, and we must look to God to give us this same power to be victorious in our daily spiritual struggles. “Christ, as the risen, seated King, is now superior to every competitor. His throne is above the principalities and powers.” –Tony Merida Exaltation
Exaltation “not only in this age but also in the one to come” We are living before the completion of God’s work; before the uniting of all things in Christ. We know Jesus is currently reigning as Lord, but we will not see every one of his enemies entirely subjected until he returns in glory. “The central point of this passage is that believers have the power that raised and seated Christ far above every power. We are to appropriate that power in light of the spiritual warfare that is portrayed in chapter 6.” –Harold Hoehner Exaltation
2. The Subjection of All Things under Christ (vs. 22) Ephesians 1:22a “And he put all things under his feet” Not only was Christ raised and exalted, but God also made all things in creation subject to him! 2. The Subjection of All Things under Christ (vs. 22)
Nothing in creation stands outside of Christ’s reign and rule Nothing in creation stands outside of Christ’s reign and rule. Not spiritual powers, political rulers, natural phenomena, etc. Under his feet “The metaphorical language ‘under his feet’ has the idea of victory over enemies. It is used of the winner of a duel who places his foot on the neck of his enemy who has been thrown to the ground.” –Harold Hoehner If God has the power to place Jesus in authority over everything else in creation, certainly he has the power to help us live out our lives in a way that pleases him! Certainly he has the power to make us holy and blameless before him! Certainly he has the power to make us bold witnesses so that we may share the gospel faithfully with our neighbors, classmates, and coworkers! Subjection
3. The Giving of Christ as the Head of the Church (vss. 22-23) Ephesians 1:22b-23 “and gave him as head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all.” 3. The Giving of Christ as the Head of the Church (vss. 22-23)
Jesus is “the head over all things,” meaning he has authority over all things! But he was specifically given by God to the church, “which is his body.” Thus, Christ is the head over all things, including the church. But only the church is his body. Only those who are part of the church (those who are truly saved) have a relationship with Christ as part of his body. “The members of the body of Christ are bound to each other and are related to Christ as our redeemer; sustainer; and head . . . It is the church that is directed by Christ or, in other words, it is the body that is directed by the head.” -Harold Hoehner Christ fills the church so that it can attain the “measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:13) Headship
Because of Christ’s resurrection and exaltation, you do not have to be afraid of what might happen in life (whether it be illness, death, persecution, etc.). Why? Christ’s resurrection gives us confidence of our own resurrection. Even if I die tomorrow, I know that one day I will be raised to live eternally in the presence of Jesus. Christ is in control and if he allows me to face difficult situations or allows seemingly bad things to happen in my life, to me or my family or friends, I can trust that he has a good purpose for doing so. What Can I Take Away?
Because all things are under Jesus’ authority and because he is the head of the church, I know that I am responsible to obey his commands in Scripture (I personally am responsible to do this and my church is responsible to obey Christ as a group) This is just another way of saying what we have affirmed throughout this study: Jesus is Lord We must not be hearers of the word only, but doers also! What Can I Take Away?