To what extent should contemporary society respond to the legacies of historical globalization? What does legacy mean? If you have your phones in class you might as well use them to look it up. What is an example of a legacy?
Clip @ 30 After World War I, the Belgians took control of Rwanda from the Germans and took a census of their new colony. Each person was required to be classified as Hutu or Tutsi. The Belgians developed a strict system of racial identification based on racist scientific theories. People with the whiter skin and Caucasian features were chosen Tutsi. The Belgians felt the Tutsi were superior to the Hutu only because the were more similar to Caucasians than the Hutu. Only Tutsi given access to higher education and as a result made up the ruling elite despite being minority.
After World War 2 the Belgians left the country under the control of the Hutu. The Hutu resented the Tutsi because the Tutsi had more power for so long. clip1 clip2
Living with the Legacies of Historical Globalization How was the 1994 civil war in Rwanda a direct result of historical globalization? What legacies of historical globalization were factors in the civil war in Rwanda?
In April 2004 the Rwandan government literally outlawed ethnicity, claiming that ethnic tensions could only be ameliorated by erasing the very categorization that marks the Hutu and the Tutsi as different. The government, which is currently dominated by the minority Tutsi, has wiped out the distinctions by decree, employing re-education camps to instruct its citizens on the new "no-ethnicity" policy. Discussions of ethnicity have been removed from school textbooks and government identification cards. Rwanda's government-controlled radio, television and newspapers similarly avoid ethnic terminology. The new crime of "divisionism"-which can include provocative speech about ethnicity-is punishable by law and can land offenders in jail. Do you think this is an effective way to deal with the legacy?
Rwanda: A Response to Historical Globalization What is the world doing to respond? AVEGA Agahozo, Red Cross, The UN Development Fund for Women, The Canadian International Development Agency, UNICEF Doctors Without Borders, la Francophonie, Ubuntu Edmonton
Genocide in Rwanda What are the various Causes to the Rwandan Genocide (pg 189) European countries interfering with Rwanda as they ‘Scramble for Africa’ Read pages 190, 192 and 193, taking notes on the effects of the Rwandan Genocide Complete the Effects side of the chart Response by the United Nations Eurocentric attitude of the imperial powers Justice and Reconciliation’ The purposeful influence of the Tutsis against the Hutus Rebuilding through Coffee Exports More? International Support The Activity in the middle of the page should guide your thinking about these causes
How can people try to prevent genocides from happening again? Rwandan Genocide How can people try to prevent genocides from happening again?