Introduction to Greek Mythology


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction to Greek Mythology Myths and Legends

Ancient Greece Greece is located east of Italy, south of Bulgaria, and west of Turkey (Troy).

The Greeks and their Beliefs Tough, restless, ambitious, imaginative race Believed in living life to the fullest because death was inevitable The only response to death was to make a mark on the world.

Continued: The Greeks and their Beliefs The Greeks were polytheistic in their beliefs. Gods resembled humans. Heavily flawed– quarrelsome, unforgiving, jealous, vengeful, spiteful Mirrored the Greeks’ desire to be grandiose Gods were portrayed as being strong, beautiful, and intelligent. The same applied to the heroes in the Greeks’ legends/myths.

Continued: The Greeks and their Beliefs Greek religion/mythology had no formal structure with the exception of various festivals held in honor of the gods.  Athletic events Sacrifices Musical and dramatic competitions The Greeks feared the gods If they didn't worship the gods they would get punished through whatever nature they were god of.  Separate villages primarily worshipped different, relevant gods

The Greek pantheon Zeus Poseidon Hades Hestia Hera Ares Athena Apollo The Twelve Olympians Great gods who succeeded the Titans Resided on Mt. Olympus Olympus was not the Greek concept of Heaven Zeus Poseidon Hades Hestia Hera Ares Athena Apollo Aphrodite Hermes Artemis Hephaestus

Other characters in Mythology The muses Nine goddesses in charge of different sciences and arts including music, poetry, history, astronomy, dance, etc. Daughters of Zeus They were meant to inspire

The fates Daughters of Zeus Three blind sisters who determined people’s lifespan One spun the thread of life (Clotho) One measured the thread (Atropos) One cut the thread with scissors of death (Lachesis)

Death in Ancient Greece Ancient Greeks believed all departed souls went to the Underworld The Underworld is ruled by the god Hades and his queen Persephone Main divisions of the Underworld: Entrance Ferried across the river Acheron by Charon Only buried and paid souls may pass Guarded by Cerberus (3-headed dog) Meadows of Asphodel ordinary or indifferent souls No significant crimes or greatness Elysium Especially distinguished Easy afterlife; no labors Tartarus Place of sinners, usually against gods Deepest, darkest region filled with torture Tantalus, Sisyphus

Begin Reading Complete Family Tree Read “The Creation of the Titans and the Gods” on page 7