Welcome to THREE OAKS ELEMENTARY’s VOLUNTEER PROGRAM 2016-17 Volunteers are the heart of our school !!
SCHOOL MISSION To provide a fair and excellent education for all students. The first step to ensure a successful volunteer partnership is education! All volunteers have a right to know what the District policies are as well as their responsibilities; which is why you are here, to give you the information you need.
Thank you for your interest in volunteering !!! WHAT IS A VOLUNTEER - AT THREE OAKS ELEMENTARY? Someone who creates a closer tie to their child’s school. Someone who provides a valuable special resource for classroom enrichment and school programs. Someone who provides an extra measure of personal warmth and an extra pair of hands. Someone who helps students feel successful academically and emotionally. Someone who serves on advisory committees such as SAC (School Advisory Council) or school boards such as PTO. *** SOMEONE WHO……
SOMEONE WHO RESPECTS CONFIDENTIALITY: Volunteers must protect the teachers’ and students’ rights to privacy such as: A Student’s Behavior Academic Progress Health Issues Personal Information Respect the confidential nature of anything you see or hear. Even sharing “Good Stuff” can be damaging. If parents or friends ask about your work at the school, tell them you enjoy working with the children and discuss the activities you do rather than specific information about the child, teacher, or the school.
SOMEONE WHO IS DEPENDABLE AND SETS A GOOD EXAMPLE: If volunteering in the classroom, please remember that you are included in the day’s lesson plan – the staff and students count on you to be there. If your volunteering involves overseeing students whether at school or on field trips, younger non-school age children or siblings are not permitted to be with you due to safety reasons. If illness or any emergency arises, please call the office and ask the secretary to inform the teacher that you will not be there. Professional dress code and behavior while at school or acting as chaperone – remember you are acting as a role model for students. NEVER consume alcohol or use tobacco products during school sponsored events and most importantly while designated as a chaperone on a field trip.
SOMEONE WHO LEAVES DISCIPLINE TO THE STAFF: There is a distinction between reminding students of appropriate behavior or rules, and disciplining. Discipline is not your responsibility! It is perfectly fine to remind students to walk in the hallways or speak quietly in the library. But for issues requiring more than a friendly reminder of appropriate behavior, always refer the matter to staff!
SOMEONE WHO KEEPS SAFETY IN MIND: For your safety, as well as that of our students, it is required that when working with a child you must be within sight and sound of school staff. At no time are volunteers allowed to be alone with a child. You also need to protect yourself from the possibility of a student’s misinterpretation of circumstances. As a caring adult in the lives of children, children are likely to open up to you and share information about themselves and their families. Should you feel uncomfortable or concerned about any of the information children share with you, please share this information with the child’s teacher immediately.
Additional Safety Reminders It is a sign of the times that we must be concerned with blood-borne pathogens. Accidents involving bodily fluids should be immediately referred to the office or custodial staff. If a student is injured, you should immediately notify a staff member. Do not attempt to administer any type of aid. Also, a volunteer may never administer any form of medicine to a student.
Personal Belongings To keep our school a safe environment make certain that all personal possessions are out of the reach of children. Ask staff members where you can safely store these items while in the building. It is important to remember that items that we carry and consider harmless or helpful can be extremely dangerous to children. Please silence cell phones.
OTHER QUESTIONS A VOLUNTEER MAY HAVE: Where do I park at school? Are there places I am not authorized to enter? What if I have questions about my child? (Please arrange separate time for conference with your child’s teacher. Please keep talking to the teacher to a minimum and on task since the teacher’s time is with the students.)
VOLUNTEER APPLICATIONS A volunteer application must be completed by anyone planning to volunteer at any time during the school year. It is required by Florida law that all new and returning volunteers must go through the background screening process each year. Please allow minimum of 5 days prior to event for background check to be completed. Update your application when changes occur including your e-mail address since we periodically send out e-mails to our volunteers.
SIGN IN AND SIGN OUT PROCEDURES Every person in the school building must be identified. Sign in each time you enter school grounds. PLEASE DO NOT ENTER THROUGH ANY OTHER LOCATION OF THE SCHOOL GROUNDS – ALL VISITORS MUST ENTER AND SIGN IN AT THE MAIN OFFICE. If you have a volunteer ID Badge, please make sure to sign in on the volunteer sign in sheet (if volunteering). (You do not need to scan your license) If you do not have a volunteer ID Badge, please have your drivers license with you to scan. Always wear your ID Badge or printed name badge were it is visible to staff and students while on school grounds. Please sign out at the main office prior to leaving school grounds.
ID REQUIREMENTS We are doing Volunteer ID Badges again this year. Fall Picture Retake Day is Tuesday, November 8th. Any volunteer wishing to have a volunteer ID badge can come in between 7:30 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. to get their picture taken for the badge. Once the ID’s come in we will give them to you on a lanyard and you can start accumulating your volunteer pins on your lanyard.
VOLUNTEER HOURS We keep track of ALL volunteer hours, whether in school or at home. We recognize our volunteers by giving out pins at intervals of 30, 75, 100, etc. hours of volunteer time. These pins can be placed on your lanyard of your ID badge. Volunteer hours should be entered in the binder at the small volunteer desk beside the one exterior door in the office. Please be sure to enter your start and end time so we can log your volunteer hours. If you are coming to the school for other reasons (not volunteering), please do not sign the volunteer log. If you volunteer at home, please turn those hours in monthly to Shannon McMahon.
Volunteering Volunteer service needs vary from teacher to teacher. Don’t be disappointed if your child’s teacher does not need help – there are many other opportunities to help around the school. Every task performed in a school is important.
This welcome and special thank you comes from all of us here at Three Oaks Elementary School.