Course Options Night
Graduation Requirements Students must have 24 credits to graduate English……………...............................................4 credits Fine Arts..........................................................1 credit Guidance.........................................................3/8 credit Health..............................................................1/2 credit Mathematics....................................................4 credits Physical Education............................................1/2 credit Religious Studies..............................................4 credits Science.............................................................3 credits Social Studies…………………………………………………3 credits World Languages……………………………………………2 credits
Course Load for 10th&11th Grades Students must carry 6 credits per year in addition to physical education and guidance requirements Students may indicate an interest in early bird, evening, or summer courses Seniors should carry 4of 5 core academic disciplines
Grade 10 Planning Guide Subject Required in grade 10 Required in grade 10 Minimum Credits required in Grade 10 Total Credits Required for Graduation Required Grade 10 Courses Course Request Options English 1 4 English II or English II HNS Math Geometry Algebra II Precalculus Religious Studies Scripture Social Studies 3 World History or AP World History Science Chemistry World Languages 2 French II Latin II French III Latin III German II Spanish II German III Spanish III Physical Education ½ Health Guidance Sophomore Guidance Fine Arts Electives Fundamentals of Art Intro to Media Prod. Design TV Production I Drawing & Painting Video Prod I, II Enameling Women’s Chorus Handbuilding in Clay A Cappella ADV. Handbuilding in Clay Show Choir Mixed Media Instrumental Music Set Design Sinfonia Intro to Graphic Design Beginning Guitar Intro to Tech Comm Beginning Piano Print Media Drama General Electives Public Speaking Yearbook American Sign Language Creative Writing AP Computer Science Principles
Grade 11 Planning Guide Subject Required in grade 11 Minimum Credits required in Grade 11 Total Credits Required for Graduation Required Grade 11 Courses Course Request Options English 1 4 English III, English III HNS, American Studies or AP English Composition Math Algebra II AP Calculus AB Precalculus HN AP Calculus BC AP Statistics Religious Studies Christian Morality + ½ credit option Church Issues Evil in the Human Heart World Religions Faithful Service Learning Intro to Philosophy Death & Christian Hope Prayer & Spirituality Social Studies 3 US History, AP US History or American Studies Economics AP Economics Science Chemistry Anatomy/Physiology AP Chemistry AP Biology Physics Forensic Science Intro to Engineering World Languages 2 French III French IV AP French German III German IV Latin III Latin IV AP Latin Spanish III Spanish IV AP Spanish PE ½ Health Guidance College Planning Fine Arts Electives Fundamentals of Art Intro to Media Prod. Design TV Production I, II Drawing & Painting Video Prod I, II Enameling Women’s Chorus Handbuilding in Clay A Cappella ADV. Handbuilding in Clay Show Choir Mixed Media Instrumental Music Set Design Sinfonia Advanced Studio Beginning Guitar Intro to Graphic Design Beginning Piano Intro to Tech Comm Music Theory Print Media Drama General Electives Public Speaking Women in the Public Sphere Creative Writing Intro to Sociology Cardio Core & More AP Human Geography Yearbook Intro to Psychology American Sign Language History of Cincinnati AP Computer Science Principles
Early Bird Courses EXTREMELY important to consider other activities and sports Willingness and ability to be ready to learn EVERY morning as early as 7:00am May open up opportunities to take other courses during the school day Placement in Early Bird classes is determined by scheduling needs
Evening/After School Courses Meet once a week Serious commitment to attendance 3 missed classes = no credit Weigh other commitments
AP Courses AP Biology 11, 12 AP Human Geography 11, 12 AP Computer Science Principles 10, 11, 12 AP Calculus (AB) 11, 12 AP Calculus (BC) 11, 12 AP Chemistry 11, 12 AP Economics 11, 12 AP English Literature 12 AP English Language & Composition 11 AP French 11, 12 AP Government 12 AP Human Geography 11, 12 AP Latin 11, 12 AP Physics C 12 AP Psychology 12 AP Statistics 11, 12 AP Spanish 11, 12 AP Studio Drawing 12 AP Studio 2D Design 12 AP US History 11 AP World History 10
% of AP Students with Scores 3+
Course Selection Read Curriculum Guide carefully. Consider explanations given on Course Options Day. Seek advice from teachers, counselors, and parents. Choose courses wisely based on your aptitude, ability, and commitment to other activities. Submit course selection form to counselor by required date with parent signature.
Scheduling Process Master Schedule is produced according to the number of sections required. Receive and review final report card and courses selected for next year. Meet with counselor if any change is needed during the month of June. Complete schedule change form along with a $200 fee and parent signature. Final deadline is June 22, 2018
Subject Course Name For Office Use Only Sophomore Course Selection Form 2018-2019 6 Courses per Semester are Required (not including Guidance and PE) Alternate Course Early Bird Availability Subject Course Name For Office Use Only Placement in Early Bird classes is determined by scheduling needs. English I am available and willing to be scheduled for an Early Bird Class. ______ Yes ______ No If yes, check all that apply. _____1st semester course _____2nd semester course _____Yearlong course Math Religious Studies Scripture 3130 Science Social Studies World Languages Guidance Sophomore Guidance 0130 PE Please list courses you have already taken in the following areas: I want to take more than six classes. Please schedule me for the following courses if they fit in my schedule. Fine Art: _______________________ _______________________________ General Elective: ________________ UA Summer Course Information Flex Credit Information
Junior Course Selection Form 2018-2019 6 Courses per Semester are Required (not including Guidance) Alternate Course Early Bird Availability Subject Course Name For Office Use Only Placement in Early Bird classes is determined by scheduling needs. English I am available and willing to be scheduled for an Early Bird Class. ______ Yes ______ No If yes, check all that apply. _____1st semester course _____2nd semester course _____Yearlong course Math Religious Christian Morality (½ Credit) 3150 1. 2. Studies 3. Science Social Studies Elective Please list courses you have already taken in the following areas: Fine Art: __________________________ __________________________________ General Elective: ________________ _______________________________ Guidance College Planning 0150 I want to take more than six classes. Please schedule me for the following courses if they fit in my schedule. Choose an alternate course below for semester courses ONLY UA Summer Course Information
College Planning - Now Course selection for individual growth Contemplate criteria for choosing colleges: Possible areas of study Geography / Distance parameters Size Setting Cost
Academic Records What do colleges see? UA Transcript Test Scores UA Profile
College Admissions Based on various combinations of: GPA (cumulative) Strength of schedule Test scores Co-curriculars and Extra-curriculars: quality, not quantity 5. Essays 6. Recommendations: counselor + teacher
QUALITY POINTS ARE ASSIGNED AS FOLLOWS GRADE SCALE / GRADE POINT AVERAGE For all academic level classes, a 4+ point system is used; on the honors/ AP level, quality points are given on a 5 point scale. QUALITY POINTS ARE ASSIGNED AS FOLLOWS 99-100 A+ 4.34 5.00 92-98 A 4.00 4.67 90-91 A- 3.66 4.33 88-89 B+ 3.34 84-87 B 3.00 3.67 82-83 B- 2.66 3.33 80-81 C+ 2.34 78-79 C 2.00 2.67 76-77 C- 1.66 2.33 74-75 D+ 1.34 72-73 D 1.00 1.67 70-71 D- 0.66 1.33 69 or below F 0.00 Honors/AP Level
Breakout Sessions 9th Grade 10th Grade Please remain in the theatre for Q & A with Ms. Hausfeld & Ms. Deters 10th Grade Please move to the Cafe for Q & A with Dr. Grendel