BEST PRACTICES IN SOCIAL SCIENCES Social Science Department Chairpersons Curriculum/Program Updates Transformational Leadership Follow us on Twitter Welcome participants. Introduce presenters. (5-10 minutes)
AGENDA Topics….. Kahoot Pop Quiz Curriculum and Program Updates Transformative Leadership- Activity and Self Evaluation Wrap up Go over topics to be addressed. (5 minutes) Inform A.M. participants that specific pedagogical issues will be addressed in the P.M. session Inform P.M participants to think about what was discussed in the A.M. session about best practices and how what they will be doing now can be used to transform their departments.
Pop Quiz Take out your device (tablet, lap top, smart phone, Etc.). Open your Internet browser Type in Kahootit. Type in Game Number (shown on screen in one moment). Have participants access Kahootit on their devices. Join quiz using number found on screen. Go through the quiz. There are 10 questions. This should take about 15 minutes.
BEST PRACTICES IN SOCIAL SCIENCES Curriculum and Program Updates Inform participants that we will be going over some important curriculum updates.
BEST PRACTICES IN SOCIAL SCIENCES The Importance of 9th grade World History Ask chairs how and if they strategically utilize their 9th grade World History teachers. (answers should address the fact that many topics that are in the 11th grade US History course are also in the 9th grade World History Course.
Snap Shot of Correlations SHS World and SHS U.S. History Snap Shot of Correlations Category Correlations/Connections SHS World History SHS U.S. History ELA/MAFS Standards 30 ELA/MAF Standards Identical in both courses Correlations to U.S. History EOC Assessment Benchmarks 11 out of 18 18 main tested U.S. History EOC Assessment Benchmarks Social Science Specific Skill Standards No specific skill benchmarks 7 Skill specific benchmarks Additional Related U.S. History Benchmarks 22 loosely related content benchmarks 33 closely related content benchmarks N/A Point out the specific alignment between SHS World History and SHS US History and EOC crossover.
Next Steps- how to get prepared? This goes out to the current 9th grade teachers: Get a copy of the U.S. History text and review it. Review the pacing guides, timelines, and year at a glance. Devise a plan with your department to share instructional materials. Have 11th grade U.S. History teachers assist 9th grade World History teachers with skills and content that needs to be emphasized in the teaching of modern World History to assist with 11th grade U.S. History. Share information on this slide.
BEST PRACTICES IN SOCIAL SCIENCES Mock Presidential Primary Election Discuss slide on mock presidential primary results. Open PDF’s show which grade levels did the best. Total- 32,000 students participated. Big picture- we need more participation.
Financial Literacy K-12 Lessons Announce the availability of the K-12 Financial Literacy Lessons- designed to be taught the last 3 weeks of school. Show where they are on the website.
Financial Literacy K-12 Lessons Financial Literacy Education Works Click on infographic- go over information.
BEST PRACTICES IN SOCIAL SCIENCES Reminder- Voter Registration Program Our winter voter registration program in order for students to participate in the primary elections did not go well. 9 schools that did not register ANY students 15 schools that registered between 3 and 25. Total registrations 3,200.00
BEST PRACTICES IN SOCIAL SCIENCES School Support Remind participants about the extensive school support that is going on at select schools. Discuss hurdles to success and success stories.
BEST PRACTICES IN SOCIAL SCIENCES School Support- MYA Skill Charts Remind participants about the extensive school support that is going on at select schools. Discuss hurdles to success and success stories.
BEST PRACTICES IN SOCIAL SCIENCES Textbook Adoption Process Textbook Adoption Process: Tentative- briefing will be out next week asking for applicants to serve on committees for the K-12 SS adoption. Tentative dates: June 13-22. Daily rate of pay. This is all contingent on approval.
Professional Protocols Regarding Programs and Competitions BEST PRACTICES IN SOCIAL SCIENCES Professional Protocols Regarding Programs and Competitions Explain to participants the importance of adhering to professional standards when registering and participating in programs and competitions. Discuss expectations about registration, payments, attendance, and if there are changes, informing of changes well in advance.
BEST PRACTICES IN SOCIAL SCIENCES Reminder- District Essay Contests Remind participants that we offer multiple essay contests related to special initiatives and months. Participation in these essay contests is quite low. For example, Elie Wiesel Prize in Ethics Contest were students can be awarded college scholarship funds totaling $7,000 only 39 11-12 students actually submitted essays. Another sad statistic- Women’s History Essay Contest- only 2 SHS entries. MS/K-8 only about 22. Read samples to show how much students excel in finding their voices when asked to engage in rigorous writing.
Defining Transformational Leadership Basic Idea of Leadership Teams Idea of In-School Expertise Development Ask participants what they think transformational leadership is. Show the first video clip defining transformational leaders. Have volunteers respond about their thoughts accordingly. Have them watch the first video link. Turn to a partner and have them come up with key words and phrases that jumped out at them from the video. Have them watch the second video and do the same activity with a different partner. Now refer them to the chart paper posted around the room and have them reflect on the sentence starters on each chart paper (sentence starts are as follows: My strengths as a leader are….; Areas I would like to grow in are….; I envision my department….; and My action plan is…..). Have participants write down their sentence finishes on the sticky notes and walk around the room and post them on the appropriate chart paper. Next, have them do a gallery walk and walk around the room reading each other’s responses. Do this in a staggered fashion diving the groups by numbers and having 1’s start first etc. Once all groups have done so have them return to their seats and ask individuals to share out their thoughts. Big idea is that they need to lead their departments towards these goals.
BEST PRACTICES IN SOCIAL SCIENCES Coming 2016-17 Updated K-12 Pacing Guides Major Updates to: MS US History (6th grade) SHS World History (9th grade) Revise MYA’s Benchmark Exams Go over the information that will be updated for next year.
BEST PRACTICES IN SOCIAL SCIENCES QUESTIONS? Follow us on Twitter IF AM Sessions- remind participants that they will have an hour break for lunch and then they need to report to the media center promptly at 12:30. If PM Session- remind participants to complete the evaluation portion of this PD experience found in the team room in MyLearningPlan.