Personal Marketing and Career Management
Presenters Ashley Dupuy, Kennesaw State University Sarah Steiner, Georgia State University
Introduction this session is tailored for people who are job seeking and those who are already employed but want “stay in control of future job transitions.” This session will offer common sense ways to: Build your network Present/market yourself in person Digitally market yourself Get involved with the Library community through service and volunteering
JOB SEARCH VS. CAREER MANAGEMENT Control job transitions Network to stay connected Have a network of contacts to find opportunities Use recruiters—its their job Build an ongoing portfolio Look only when I have to Network only to get a job Only “apply” to jobs Recruiters never help Perfect my resume Alba, J., (n.d.). Paradigm shifting: Job search vs. career management. Retrieved April 22, 2010 from
BUILD YOUR NETWORK Talk to EVERYONE Informational interviews Attend events Take classes Help other people
MARKET YOURSELF IN PERSON Use all opportunities Treat all communications like business communications
MARKET YOURSELF IN PERSON Attend events… and then… Look presentable Be prepared with your elevator speeches Be prepared to converse with people you know will be there Ask questions (good ones) Seem competent Be responsive—write thank you cards, when relevant
DIGITALLY MARKET YOURSELF E-mails Staff Page/School Page facebook Linkedin Optimal Resume
Staff Page
Optimal Resume
Optimal Resume
GET INVOLVED WITH THE COMMUNITY Attend events Volunteer Intern
GET INVOLVED WITH THE COMMUNITY Tips on finding service opportunities Join organizations—local vs. national Large vs. small commitments You CAN chair If you volunteer, follow through or communicate
Ashley: Sarah: Thank you! Questions? Ashley: Sarah: