Practical NO -8- Dalia kamal eldien Leukemia Practical NO -8- Dalia kamal eldien
Normal Mature Leukocytes
Size of the cell: 14 - 20 m Shape of the cell: oval or round Colour of cytoplasm: pink Granularity: a few azurophilic and neutrophilic, different in number granulation Nucleus' shape: lobulated (normally less than 5 lobes) Type of chromatin: condensed Nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio: low or very low Nucleoli: not visible Occurrence: blood: 40 - 75 % marrow: 5 - 20 % Magnification: x 1000
Size of the cell: 15 - 25 m Shape of the cell: oval or round Size of the cell: 15 - 25 m Shape of the cell: oval or round Colour of cytoplasm: pale, covered by granules Granularity: abundant eosinophilic (orange-red) Nucleus' shape: lobulated, semicircular Type of chromatin: condensed Nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio: low or very low Nucleoli: not visible Occurrence: blood: 2 - 4 % marrow: < 2 %
Shape of the cell: round or oval Size of the cell: 12 - 18 m Shape of the cell: round or oval Colour of cytoplasm: light-pink, mostly covered by granules and nucleus Granularity: very dark, basophilic, granules of various size. The amount varies Nucleus' shape: oval shaped in not mature forms; lobular shaped in mature forms Type of chromatin: condensed, pale Nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio: low or very low Nucleoli: not visible
Size of the cell: 15 - 25 m Shape of the cell: round, oval or irregular Colour of cytoplasm: grey-blue Granularity: absent or a few, azurophilic, very fine granules Nucleus' shape: usually irregular Type of chromatin: coarse chromatin, clumped Nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio: moderate or low Nucleoli: not visible Occurrence: blood: 4 - 8 % marrow: < 2 %
Physiological At birth Physical exercise. Emotion Pregnancy. Following partum.
Pathological Infection Pyrogenic: staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci, and gonococci. Non pyrogenic: rheumatic fever, scarlet fever, diphtheria and poliomyelitis. Septicemia. Haemorrhage trauma: surgical, fracture, crush and burns Malignant disease. carcinoma and sarcoma Cardiac disorders
Drugs and chemical poisoning. Metabolic disturbances. renal failure, diabetic coma , gout . Myeloid leukemia. Collagen disease. rheumatoid arthritis, SLE Miscellaneous Serum sickness accompanying intravascular haemolysis.
This is the last practical in hematology, I wish all of you luck and success
Thank you