Sangjin Ryu Department of Mechanical Engineering Force Microscopy of Nonadherent Cells: A Comparison of Leukemia Cell Deformability by Rosenbluth, Lam & Fletcher Sangjin Ryu Department of Mechanical Engineering
Background Better knowledge of mechanical property changes in leukemia cells → Improved understanding of leukemia Atomic force microscopy (AFM) to measure the stiffness of cells → Lab module 2: Elastic modulus Nonadhesive cells tend to slip from the cantilever tip under an applied load
How to Fix Leukemia Cells? Sticky surface Trapping within Millipore filters Micropipette aspiration Microfabricated well Rosenbuth, Lam & Fletcher 2006 Biophys. J.
Experiments Cells for investigation Tips for investigation Acute myeloid leukemia cell: HL60 cell Acute lymphoid leukemia cell: Jurkat cell Normal leukocyte: Human neutrophil Tips for investigation Pyramid AFM tip Sphere indenter
Mechanical Models Hertzian model: Elastic modulus Liquid droplet model: Membrane tension
Results Hertzian model is better Stiffness: HL60>Jurkat>Neutrophil