Arkansas Department of Education Science Instructional Specialists


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Presentation transcript:

Arkansas Department of Education Science Instructional Specialists 1

Authentic Inquiry Science Inquiry as defined in the National Science Education Standards (NRC, 1995) … a multifaceted activity that involves making observations; posing questions; examining books and other sources of information to see what is already known; planning investigations; reviewing what is already known in light of experimental evidence; using tools to gather, analyze and interpret data; proposing answers, explanations and predictions; and communicating the results. Inquiry requires identification of assumptions, use of critical and logical thinking, and consideration of alternative explanations 2

Inquiry and the National Science Education Standards Inquiry-Based Learning: The scientific process Focus on ‘how we know what we know’ (evidence) Indirect transfer of knowledge Teacher’s role = facilitator of learning Student’s role = active, independent learner (investigator) “Inquiry is something that students do, not something that is done to them.” Inquiry and the National Science Education Standards "Inquiry" is defined as "a seeking for truth, information, or knowledge -- seeking information by questioning." “Inquiry is an approach to learning that involves a process of exploring the natural or material world, that leads to asking questions and making discoveries in the search for new understandings” a method of teaching science where students learn science by using similar methods, attitudes and skills as scientists do when they are conducting scientific research. Students get to act like 'mini-researchers. Progress is assessed by how well students develop experimental and analytical skills rather than how much knowledge they possess Hand out “Inquiry Based Science What does it look like?” from Exploratorium “A minimum of 20% of instructional time in science must be spent in inquiry and conducting hands-on investigations.” Arkansas State Frameworks, 2005   Minimum of what we teach, the maximum of what we test. 3

Jim Kaufman (expert in lab safety) While in the science laboratory, it is very important to follow all directions. If you are ever in doubt on how to proceed, ask your teacher! This is perhaps the most important science laboratory safe operating procedure. Jim Kaufman (expert in lab safety) founder of the Laboratory Safety Institute website  ”What are the worst possible things that could go wrong?” More Lab Safety Rules online 4

7E Model an instructional model for constructivism Constructivism defined: a philosophy of teaching science that allows students to construct knowledge through interaction with people and phenomena The structure of the learning environment should promote opportunities and events that encourage and support the building of understanding. (constructivism) The Biological Science Curriculum Study (BSCS), a team whose Principal Investigator is Roger Bybee developed an instructional model for constructivism, called the "Five Es". The “Five Es” have been expanded to include 2 more Es Now we have the 7E Model

7 E Model Elicit Elaborate Engage Extend Explore Evaluate Explain Connect to prior knowledge Generate enthusiam 7 E Model Generate Excitement Raise Questions Elicit Engage Transfer of learning Apply knowledge in new context Concrete physical experiences Introduce a concept, process or skill Develop predictions and hypotheses Extend Explore Evaluate Elicit. Students connect topic to relevant past learning. In this stage you want to generate enthusiasm for the subject matter. Engage. In this stage you want to create interest and generate curiosity in the topic of study; raise questions and elicit responses from students that will give you an idea of what they already know. This is also a good opportunity for you to identify misconceptions in students' understanding. During this stage students should be asking questions Explore stage students should be given opportunities to work together without direct instruction from the teacher. You should act as a facilitator helping students to frame questions by asking questions and observing. Using Piaget's theory, this is the time for disequilibrium. Students should be puzzled. This is the opportunity for students to test predictions and hypotheses and/or form new ones, try alternatives and discuss them with peers, record observations and ideas and suspend judgement. Students have a concrete physical experience. Students observe properties, establish relationships, note patterns, and ask questions. The teacher’s role is as a guide coach, and facilitator. Explain, you should encourage students to explain concepts in their own words, ask for evidence and clarification of their explanation, listen critically to one another's explanation and those of the teacher. Students should use observations and recordings in their explanations. At this stage you should provide definitions and explanations using students' previous experiences as a basis for this discussion. Evaluation should take place throughout the learning experience. You should observe students' knowledge and/or skills, application of new concepts and a change in thinking. Students should assess their own learning. Ask open-ended questions and look for answers that use observation, evidence, and previously accepted explanations. Ask questions that would encourage future investigations. Elaborate. The elaborate phase of the learning cycle provides an opportunity for students to apply their knowledge to new domains, which may include raising new questions and hypotheses to explore. This phase may also include related numerical problems for students to solve. The elaboration phase ties directly to the psychological construct called “transfer of learning” Extend. Students practice the transfer of learning. Knowledge is applied in a new context. Develop broader ideas and concepts Correct remaining misconceptions Generalize concepts Articulate ideas Clarify misconceptions Introduce terminology Elaborate Explain Assessment of learning

High Yield Strategies Resources:   High yield strategies are tools used to teach students contentt hat result in high student achievement. Effective and consistent use of these strategies yielded increases significant increases in percentile gains in student achievement. Resources: Marzano's High Yield Strategies  MAX Teaching With Reading and Writing  by Mark A. Forget, Ph.D  Marzano’s Strategies 1. Identifying similarities and differences 2. Summarizing and note taking 3. Reinforcing effort and providing recognition 4. Homework and practice 5. Nonlinguistic representations 6. Cooperative learning 7. Setting objectives and providing feedback 8. Generating and testing hypotheses 9. Cues, questions, and advance organizers Max Teaching 3 Phases Motivation Acquisition Extension  

Strategies Cooperative Learning Notebooking Compare/Contrast Graphic Organizers Making Predictions Inquiry Cooperative Learning: Cooperative learning is an instructional strategy that simultaneously addresses academic and social skill learning by students. It is a well-researched instructional strategy and has been reported to be highly successful in the classroom. Notebooking: Alliances mapScience notebooks contain information about the students’ classroom experiences and are encouraged to use them as scientists would, before, during, and after all investigations. They are a place where students formulate and record their questions, make predictions, record data, procedures, and results, compose reflections, and communicate findings. Most importantly, notebooks provide a place for students to record new concepts they have learned. Compare/Contrast: Comparison-contrast organizers are used to graphically illustrate or summarize how two or more concepts are similar and different. They are very useful for encoding information for essay exams. Compare and contrast organizers are set up in one of three ways: column, matrix, and Venn diagram. Graphic Organizers: The main purpose of a graphic organizer is to provide a visual aid to facilitate learning and instruction. Most graphic organizers form a powerful visual picture of information and allow the mind 'to see' undiscovered patterns and relationships. Making Predictions: Effective teachers create these opportunities to guide students through the process of asking good questions, generating hypotheses and predictions, investigating through testing or research, making observations, and finally analyzing and communicating results. Through active learning experiences, students deepen their understanding of key concepts. Inquiry:active participation in the process of science—plays a central role in the NSES, in both the science content standards and the science teaching standards. In the science content standards, the "abilities" of inquiry are skills and procedural knowledge that all students should be able to use in "doing science"--designing and carrying out an investigation.

This series of integrated, authentic inquiry-based modules are aligned to the Arkansas Science Standards for 5th grade, 7th grade, and biology teachers. This extensive two-day training will include all materials free of charge for this initial year of training. Instructional facilitation (coaching) will also be provided to the teacher with on-site visits upon completion of this professional learning. 9