Peak Performance: Success In College And Beyond Chapter 11 Create a Healthy Mind, Body, and Spirit
Learning Outcomes Explain the connection among the mind, body, and spirit Make healthy choices in your diet Make exercise a positive habit Manage stress and reduce anxiety
Learning Outcomes Make sound decisions about alcohol and other drugs Recognize depression and suicidal tendencies Protect yourself from disease, unplanned pregnancy, and acquaintance rape
Focus on QUALITY, not quantity. Success Principle 11 Focus on QUALITY, not quantity.
Redefining Health: Connecting The Mind, Body, and Spirit The Body The Spirit Awareness and Prevention “He who has health has hope; and he who has hope has everything.” Arabic Proverb
Redefining Health: Connecting The Mind, Body, and Spirit Strategies for good health management Eat healthy foods Maintain your ideal weight Renew energy through rest Increase physical activity Establish healthy relationships
Manage Stress Try the following strategies: Become attuned to your body and emotions Exercise regularly Dispute negative thoughts Rest and renew your mind, body, and spirit
Manage Stress Use breathing methods Develop hobbies and interests Create a support system Take mini-vacations Rehearse a feared event
Manage Stress Exercise and stretch the mind Create balance in your life Develop a sense of humor Plan; don’t worry Be assertive
Manage Stress Keep a journal Get professional help “Man should not try to avoid stress any more than he would shun food, love, or exercise.” Hans Selye Endrocrinologist
Unhealthy Addictions Alcohol abuse Cigarette smoking Illegal drug use Prescription and Over-the-Counter Medication Abuse Overcoming addictions Codependency
Emotional Health Depression can be a response to… Loss Health changes An accident Conflicts in relationships Loneliness Peer pressure Daily demands
Emotional Health Withdrawal from family and friends Common symptoms of depression may include… Sleep disturbance Increase in or loss of appetite Overuse of alcohol or drugs Withdrawal from family and friends
Emotional Health Avoidance of teachers, classmates, and co-workers and lack of attendance Recurring feelings of anxiety Anger and irritability for no apparent reason Loss of interest in formerly pleasurable activities
Emotional Health A feeling that simple activities are too much trouble A feeling that other people have much more than you have
Emotional Health Suicidal people may exhibit several of the following warning signs: Excessive alcohol or other drug use Significant changes in emotions Significant changes in weight or sleeping, eating, or studying patterns
Emotional Health Feelings of hopelessness or helplessness Little time spent with or a lack of close, supportive friends Non-supportive family ties Rare participation in group activities Recent loss or traumatic or stressful events
Emotional Health Suicidal statements A close friend or family member who committed suicide Attempted suicide in the past Participation in dangerous activities A plan for committing suicide or for giving away things
Emotional Health If you know someone who is suicidal, take the following steps: Remain calm Take the person seriously; don’t ignore the situation Encourage the person to talk Listen without moralizing or judging
Emotional Health Remind the person that counseling can help Remind the person that reaching out is a sign of strength Call a suicide hotline Stay with the person to provide provide support Seek support yourself
Protecting Your Body Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Know your partner Ask a prospective partner about his or her health Explain that you always use safety precautions Abstinence is the only totally effective way to prevent STIs and pregnancy
Protecting Your Body Birth Control Ask yourself, “How would an unwanted pregnancy change my life?” No contraceptive is 100 percent foolproof Make an informed decision
Protecting Your Body Understanding and preventing acquaintance rape Make your expectations clear Meet in public places Trust your intuition Take your time
Protecting Your Body Recognize that alcohol and other drugs can be dangerous Learn to read the danger signals of an unhealthy relationship Be safe and vigilant Get professional help
Peak Performance: Success In College And Beyond Chapter 11 Create a Healthy Mind, Body, and Spirit