Section 3 Monetary Policy The Fed’s Monetary Tools
Approaches to Monetary Policy Policy 1: Expansionary Policy Expansionary monetary policy also called easy- money policy In recession, Fed increases money supply to increase aggregate demand Fed can buy bonds on open market, decrease RRR or discount rate most common practice is to buy bonds to make interest rates fall
Approaches to Monetary Policy Policy 2: Contractionary Policy Tight-money policy is another name for contractionary monetary policy Fed decreases money supply to check aggregate demand, inflation Fed can sell bonds on open market, increase RRR or discount rate most common action is to sell bonds to raise interest rates
Impacts and Limitation of Monetary Policy Purposes of monetary policy—curb inflation and halt recessions Changes in monetary policy have both short-term and long- term effects
Impacts and Limitation of Monetary Policy Impact 1: Short-Term Effects The short-term effect is a change in the price of credit Open market operations influence FFR fairly quickly change loanable reserves banks have Easy-money policy lowers interest rates; tight- money raises them
Impacts and Limitation of Monetary Policy Impact 2: Policy Lags Delays in getting information to identify problems delays Fed action Policy adjustments may take a long time to take effect in the economy example: businesses may delay expansion until interest rates drop
Impacts and Limitation of Monetary Policy Impact 3: Timing Issues Monetary policy must be coordinated with business cycle for stability bad timing may exaggerate a phase of the business cycle Monetarism holds that rapid changes in money supply cause instability Milton Friedman found inflation goes with rapid growth in money supply little or no inflation when money supply growth slow and steady
Impacts and Limitation of Monetary Policy Other Issues Monetary policy more effective if coordinated with fiscal policy Goals of Fed may clash with those of Congress or President governors serve 14 years; have less political pressure than politicians
Chapter 16 Section 4
Applying Monetary and Fiscal Policy Fiscal and monetary policies impact each other Both have limitations: policy lags, political constraints, timing issues timing also affected by people’s actions based on rational expectations Opponents of discretionary policy favor a stable monetary policy thus people, businesses will not make decisions ahead of policies
Policies to Expand the Economy Example: Expansionary Monetary and Fiscal Policy Expansionary policy meant to reduce unemployment, increase investment Expansionary fiscal policy raises interest rates; monetary lowers them actual change in rates depends on relative strength of the two policies amount of investment spending depends on rates
Policies to Control Inflation Goal of contractionary monetary policy is to stabilize economy decrease inflation and increase interest rates
Policies to Control Inflation Example: Contractionary Monetary and Fiscal Policy Contractionary policies decrease aggregate demand, control inflation Fiscal policy lowers interest rates; monetary policy raises them actual change in rates depends on relative strength of the two policies amount of investment spending depends on rates
Policies to Control Inflation Example: Wage and Price Controls Government may establish non-mandatory wage and price guidelines Wage and price controls—limits on increases in wages and prices mandatory and enforced by government WWII: President Roosevelt used to control inflation due to shortages 1970s: President Nixon used to try to combat stagflation
Policies in Conflict Coordinated policies usually produce desired effect on economy If uncoordinated, one policy can counter effects of the other creates economic instability
Policies in Conflict Example: Conflicting Monetary and Fiscal Policies Example: CPI is 6% and rising; unemployment is 7% Fed tries to fix inflation by selling bonds, raising discount rate government tries to lower unemployment by cutting taxes, more spending Only clear result of conflicting policies is higher interest rates