General remarks Keep your student number at hand. If your minimum fees for registration are not paid in advance, your registration will only be conditional and you won't be able to print a proof of registration. Check the class timetables for 2018, before you choose you modules to ensure there is no clashes. If you do not successfully register on the web, then you HAVE TO follow the walk-in 2018 Registration dates process.
Select "Current Students" and then click on "Registration 2018". Step 1: NWU Home page Select "Current Students" and then click on "Registration 2018".
Step 2: Student registration homepage Click on Vaal Triangle Campus Web registration 2015, PC Undergraduate Administration
Step 3: Registration page First read the two web documents and then click on "click here" to register on the web.
Step 4: Create a pin number (if its the 1st time) If you log in for the first time, click here to create a pin. First years remember: If you applied on the web, you created a pin already. You must use the same student number and pin the system generated for you.
All the fields on this screen are compulsory. Please note:the pin and answers are case sensitive. Remember the pin you choose. Remember the answers to the security questions. You have created your pin. In the future use this pin to gain access to the university’s web enquiries.
Step 5: Login Window After you created your pin, complete the two fields and click on ''Login'' to continue with web registration.
Step 6: Student records Click on ''Registration''.
Click on "Selfregistration''. Step 7: Self registration Click on "Selfregistration''.
Registration year must be 2018. Qualification Registration Registration year must be 2018. Click "Next" to continue, when the application status indicates that you may register.
Personal Information Click on ''Next'' to move through the different pages. Most of the data are shaded and you won't be able to make changes yourself. For changes, you will HAVE to report to the registration venue during the registration period, WITH the necessary documents of proof. If a field is not shaded, you are allowed to make amendments, if necessary. Fields marked with a asterisk "*", are compulsory and must be completed.
Permission to disclose personal information must be confirmed. Permission to disclose personal information and confirmation of contact detail Permission to disclose personal information must be confirmed.
Confirm all e-mail addresses!! Confirmation of preferred method of account correspondence and e-mail addresses Personal e-mail address of student. When the registration is complete, the proof of registration will be sent to this e-mail address. Confirm all e- mail addresses!! Note example on the screen to create a new address / change an old address: NB: Town/Post office/Post code may not be captured in "Address lines 1 – 4". E-mail address for all financial correspondence. This e-mail address may differ from the student’s address. Confirm all e-mail addresses!!
Confirmation of contact numbers Confirm personal cellphone number of student. Confirm account cellphone number. This number may differ from the student’s personal cellphone number.
Qualification Information This is the qualification and curriculum for which you were accepted or previously registered. If you want to change your qualification, then First years must report at the Admission Office in building 24 and Senior students must report at the registration in building 25, during the registration period.
Important for first years TAG-test results will determine the following: Students that receive codes 1, 2, 3 or 3G, will register for ALDA111 (Afrikaans) or ALDE111 (English) in the first semester and for AGLA122 (Afrikaans) or AGLE122 (English) in the second semester. Students that receive codes 4 or 5, will be exempted for ALDA111 (Afrikaans) or ALDE111 (English) and will only register for ALDA122 (Afrikaans) or ALDE122 (English) in the 2nd semester.
Important: Please note the notifications if you marked only 1 module, or only first semester modules!! Select all modules for current curriculum as indicated on your registration form. Where elective modules are indicated, you should choose accordingly (senior students see next slide for more instructions).
Senior students On the previous screen, modules will be displayed as follows: All FAILED and OUTSTANDING modules for previous years are listed: Of these you can select a MAXIMUM of 2 first and 2 second semester modules, OR one year module. If you need to register for more than 2 or other modules during the changes period, please report to the faculty and then it will be added in building 24. Thereafter all the CURRENT ACADEMIC YEAR’S modules are listed. ELECTIVE MODULES in your curriculum (if any), are listed separately for you to select.
On this screen the campus, full time or part time and the module period are selected, if not already selected. These are the modules for which you will be registered (senior students: see next slide for more instructions).
Senior students When you have selected your modules, proceed to the next screen, where changes can be made. Click ‘’next’’ to apply the prerequisite test. The ticks below ''Pass prerequisites'' indicate the modules for which you will be allowed to register. Click on the ''i'' to see why the module does not satisfy the prerequisite requirement. The modules for which you qualify to register are displayed on this screen, together with those that did not meet the requirements. Click on “Remove unsuccessful modules” to remove them from the screen. The modules for which you will be registered, remain on the screen.
VAC=Vaaldriehoek/Afrikaans/Contact VEC=Vaal Triangle/English/Contact. Select your study material. The code after the study material reads as follows: VAC=Vaaldriehoek/Afrikaans/Contact VEC=Vaal Triangle/English/Contact.
Accept the terms of agreement. Notification of financial implication If your minimum fees are not paid, you will only be registered conditionally. You will not be able to print a ''Proof of Registration'' and no study material will be issued. Undertaking Accept the terms of agreement. Please note: If you do not accept the terms of this agreement, you will not be registered.
Proof of registration Click here to generate your ''Proof of Registration''. Proof of registration will show all your 2018 registered modules. You need your student card to collect your study guides at building 25.
An example of a Proof of Registration. Please note that your can print another Proof of Registration on the web after registration.
Sign off Congratulations, you are now a 2018 registered student at the Vaal Triangle campus of the North-West University.