The History of Transportation By Your Name(s)
History of Transportation Pictures These pictures can be cut, pasted and resized. Use them for other slides in this PowerPoint. Try to find similar style pictures for slides that have no image. Use the top blue area for audio directions, links to resources, or other information. Use the area below the blue bar for a title. Use the area above the title for charts, graphs, photographs, drawings, clipart, video clips, audio clips, or other visual materials. Use the bottom blue area for additional navigation. Use the speakernotes for additional directions or for citations. Remember, you can print out the speakernotes. Template developed by Annette Lamb, 2006 (
3500 BC Fixed Wheels
3500 BC River boats
2000 BC Horses
181-234 Wheelbarrow
770 Iron horseshoes
1492 Flying Machines
1620 First Submarine
1662 First Public Bus
1740 Clockwork Powered Carriage
1783 First Paddle Wheel Steamboat
1783 First Hot Air Balloons
1787 Steamboat
1769 First Self-Propelled Road Vehicle
1790 Modern Bicycles
1801 First Steam Powered Locomotive
1807 First internal combustion engine
1807 First Passenger Steamboat
1814 First Steam Powered Railroad Locomotive
1862 Gasoline Engine Automobile
1867 First Motorcycle
1868 Compressed Air Locomotive Brake
1871 First Cable Car
1885 First Automobile With Internal Combustion Engine
1899 First Successful Dirigible
1903 First Engined Airplane
1907 First Helicopter
1908 Assembly Line
1908 Hydrofoil Boats
1926 First Liquid Propelled Rocket
1940 Modern Helicopters
1947 First Supersonic Jet Flight
1956 Hovercraft
1964 Bullet Train
1969 First Manned Mission (Apollo) to the Moon
1970 First Jumbo Jet
1981 Space Shuttle
Bibliography - Information
Bibliography - Images