Semi Structured and in depth interviews Zeeshan A. Bhatti
Research interview is a general term for many types of interviews Nature of any interview should be consistent with your research questions and objectives
Types of Interviews Structured / Standardized Interviews Highly formalized Based on pre-determined or identical set of questions You read out each question and record the response Preferably in the same tone of voice Semi-Structured/ Non standardized Interviews Researcher has a list of themes and questions to be covered – although they may vary from interview to interview You can omit some questions, given the specific organizational settings Order of questions may change New questions may be added
Unstructured Interviews Informal – used to explore in depth a general area in which you are interested No pre-determined list of questions – although you need to have a clear idea about what you want to explore Also called Informant Interview, since it is interviewees perceptions that guide the conduct of interview
Interview Types based of Interaction One to One Face to Face Telephone Interviews One to Many Focus group Interviews
Situations favoring Research Interviews The nature of the approach to research If you are undertaking an exploratory study, it is likely you will use qualitative research Interviews Similarly, an explanatory study may also requires where you want to establish causality b/w variables Provides an opportunity of “probe” answers – which leads you to explore areas previously not considered
The significance of establishing personal contact Managers are more likely to agree to be interviews rather than complete a questionnaire – specially where the topic is interesting or relevant to their work They may be reluctant to fill in questionnaire, because: Not provide sensitive information to someone they have never met They find it a waste of time
The nature of questions A favorable approach where There are a large number of questions to be answered Where the questions are either complex of open-ended Where the order and logic of questioning needs to be varied
Data Quality Issues in Interviews Reliability Lack of standardization Forms of Bias: There are different types of bias Interviewer Bias Comments, tone of non-verbal behavior of interviewer An attempt to impose your own beliefs through the questions Unable to develop trust of the interviewee – or you are seen to be lacking credibility – then the value of information given may also not be valid and reliable
Interviewee/ Response Bias Perceptions of interviewee about the interviewer They may take part in the interview BUT may choose not reveal and discuss an aspect of the topic Therefore, the outcome of just a ‘partial’ picture of the situation Bias due to the nature of individuals The time-consuming requirements of interview process may result in the reduction in willingness to take part in interviews This may bias your sample from whom data are collected
Validity & Generalizability Validity refers to: Is the researcher able to infer the exact meaning that the participant intended from the language that he/she used? Generalizations cannot be made about entire populations since the interviews are based on small and unrepresentative number of cases
Overcoming Data Quality Issues Overcoming Reliability Non-standardized research methods such as Interviews are not intended to be repeatable – since they reflect reality at the time they were collected in a situation which is subject to change Therefore, an attempt to ensure their replication with other researchers is unrealistic
Overcoming Interviewers and Interviewee Bias Preparation You need to be knowledgeable about the organizational or situational context Do a prior search (journals/organizational reports etc.) This will help you in demonstrate your credibility A further benefit is that the researcher can accurately assess some of the information given by the respondent
Level of information supplied to the interviewee Credibility can also be promoted by supplying the interviewee with a list of themes before the interview This should also promote validity and reliability – as the interviewee might arrange additional documentation or files needed Additional documentation also allows triangulation of data provided They might provide researchers with photocopies of necessary material needed
Appearance of researcher Inappropriate dressing might affect your credibility and to gain confidence of the interviewee Robson (2002) advises to adopt a similar type of dress to those to be interviewed Nature of the opening comments The first few minutes of conversation can have a significant impact The interview is likely to be held in a setting unfamiliar to you, but its is YOU who has to shape the conversation
The interviewee may have some uncertainties about sharing information – provide clarity They may have curiosity of why they were selected as respondents The answer of such questions establish friendly and comfortable environment Healey & Rawlinson (1994) argue that an assurance of anonymity and confidentiality of information make interviewees feel relaxed
Approach to questioning Your questions need to be phrased clearly – understandable Ask questions in neutral tone of voice Use of open questions avoids bias Questions should not indicate your own bias Questions must avoid too many theoretical concepts; jargons; and specific terminologies Sensitive questions must be left for the end since a trust can be built during the interview process
Nature and impact of Interviewer’s behavior Comments or non-verbal behavior, such as gestures which indicate a bias should be avoided A neutral response should be projected You should slightly incline towards the interviewee which is a signal of your attentiveness Avoiding any expression of anxiety, disbelief or boredom
Demonstration of attentive listening skills You must provide interviewee with reasonable time to develop responses and avoid projecting your own ideas Scope to test understanding Your may test your understanding by summarizing an explanation provided by the interviewee Approach to recording data A full record of interview must be compiled asap. If not done – the exact nature of responses might be lost You may mix up data from different interviews
Cultural differences and bias Misinterpretation of responses Gestures
The researcher’s interviewing competence Questioning & Recording Information Even in an unstructured interview, allowing the interviewee to speak freely is unlikely to lead to a clear focus It is therefore necessary to devise relevant interview themes
Recording Interviews Always get permission of recording interviews Where it can have an adverse effect, do not use recorders Take notes even while recording Sometimes, control to be given to interviewee so he/she can stop the recording for sensitive questions
Self Study Telephonic Interviews Group Interviews