Important Interviewing Points Dr. Donald K. McConnell Jr. 9/17/2018
What is the interviewer looking for? Persons who will fit in their culture If you’re going to be an auditor, do you like people? Good answers to situational type questions A well rounded individual: your grades can actually be too good! Have you done more than the minimum: have you been involved in outside activities? 9/17/2018
What is the interviewer looking for (Cont.) ? Have you been an officer or Committee Chairman? Do you appear interested? Can you carry on a conversation? 9/17/2018
Oral expression during the interview Speak clearly, concisely and with confidence Make eye contact Interviewers want people with good communication skills Try to appear calm and composed Don’t be intimidated – they are people just like you Don’t freeze, but don’t seem to eager Realize the interviewing process is a game, but don’t be someone you are not! 9/17/2018
Quality of questions asked during the interview Never ask questions which are answered in company’s brochure Never fail to read those brochures Ask questions, but not just to say something Research the firm or company on the Internet See Bird’s packet: questions which you might ask, or be asked UTA has mock interviewing sessions to help you smooth out the edges 9/17/2018
Expression of personal and professional goals Convey a sense of knowing what you want to do What office to you want to interview for? Be prepared to address this question: “Where do you see yourself five years from now?” 9/17/2018
Appropriate interview attire Conservative business attire No business casual on the interview unless it was recommended by a professional Well groomed and neat appearance Pants suits are okay for women Clothing, hair styles, facial hair: If in question, don’t! 9/17/2018
Be on time; not even slightly late A must do! Says something about your interest in the position Reflects on your dependability as an employee 9/17/2018
Accounting and overall GPA If it isn’t what you’d like, be able to explain why If so, consider showing two grade point averages on your resume Interviewers surprisingly receptive to reasonable explanations 9/17/2018
Expression of why the Company or firm should hire you What are your unique talents and strengths? Be prepared to answer what your strengths are Be prepared to answer what you’re weaknesses are, but make this a positive 9/17/2018
The total person Ability to discuss current events They are looking for well rounded individuals 9/17/2018
Quality of your resume Good, tight introductory paragraph of employment objectives No misspellings, poor grammar, sloppy appearance Try to get it on one page; two at most for entry level resume Indicate references provided upon request 9/17/2018
Some final points Do not wait till your graduation semester to begin interviewing! Use each interview as a learning tool Networking: recruiters recruit at student events, not during the interview Meet the firm members at these meetings. That’s how you sell yourself! 9/17/2018