A year in the life… #Adulting


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Presentation transcript:

A year in the life… #Adulting

No extra monthly payment Your high school car Little Upgrade from high school No extra monthly payment $200/month Choose a Car Nice upgrade from high school $3800/month $600/month Huge upgrade from high school

Was your college paid for? How much are your loans? Roll 1,2: $30,000 Roll 3,4: $50,000 Roll 5,6: $70,000 Was your college paid for? Roll 1-5: NO Roll 6: YES $350/month $575/month $800/month Did you go to college?

What is your monthly salary? Are you going to get married? Roll 1: $1,000 Roll 2: $2,000 Roll 3,4: $2,500 Roll 5: $3,000 Roll 6: $4,000 If you didn’t go to college, Roll 1,3,5: $1,500 Roll 2,4: $2,000 Roll 6: $3,000 Are you going to get married? Congrats! You got a job! Roll again for your spouse’s salary!

Monthly Expenses How many kids? Do you have kids? Multiply the number of people in your household by $650. How many kids? The number you roll is how many kids you have! Do you have kids? Roll 1,2: NO Roll 3,4,5,6: YES

January Pay your bills  Subtract all expenses. Do you want to put anything into savings? Your car needs its first oil change of the year. Pay $30! PAYDAY!!! Add your monthly salaries.

January It’s grandma’s birthday. Spend ___ on a gift. Roll odd: $20 Roll even: $40 OHH! Something you have to have! You just spent $100, unless you roll a 1 or 6. Someone needs to go to the doctor. You have to pay the $30 copay.

February Pay your bills  Subtract all expenses. Do you want to put anything into savings? Oh no! Flat tire. You need to buy a new one. Spend $200. PAYDAY!!! Add your monthly salaries.

Do you want to work extra hours to earn extra money? If yes, roll 1,2: +$100 3,4: +$300 5,6: +$500 February Your car stutters this morning… Roll 1-5: it starts Roll 6: it doesn’t start. Pay $200. Do you want to spend extra money to buy new clothes? If yes: You just spent $100.

March Do you want to buy a new car? Pay your bills  If yes, roll for car price. Roll 1,2: $10,000 Roll 3,4: $20,000 Roll 5,6: $30,000 March Pay your bills  Subtract all expenses. Do you want to put anything into savings? $200/month $400/month $600/month PAYDAY!!! Add your monthly salaries.

If you were approved, roll for house cost. Do you want to buy a house? March If you were approved, roll for house cost. 1,2: $150,000 3,4: $200,000 5,6: $250,000 OH NO! You used too much data on your phone and were charged a $15 overage fee. Do you want to buy a house? YES: Roll an odd and you get approved. No change +$100/month +$250/month

Do you want to put anything into savings? April Pay your bills  Subtract all expenses. Do you want to put anything into savings? Look at all the cute puppies and kittens at the store!! And even reptiles and ferrets! Do you get one? PAYDAY!!! Add your monthly salaries. If yes, you just spent $200.

April Your friend is needing some extra money. Do you loan them $500? It’s another birthday! Roll to find out how much you spend: Roll 1-3: $20 Roll 4-6: $50 Your friend is needing some extra money. Do you loan them $500? Someone needs to go to the doctor. You have to pay the $30 copay.

Do you want to put anything into savings? May Pay your bills  Subtract all expenses. Do you want to put anything into savings? That doctor’s visit in April showed more problems. You have to pay your $500 deductible. PAYDAY!!! Add your monthly salaries.

May You go out to eat. Roll to see how much you spend. Spring showers bring down some trees… onto your car  Pay your $500 deductible to get it fixed. It’s time for an oil change in your car! Pay $30

Do you want to put anything into savings? It’s getting hot in here! June Pay your bills  Subtract all expenses. Do you want to put anything into savings? It’s getting hot in here! (and your AC went out). Pay $1000 PAYDAY!!! Add your monthly salaries.

June Your lottery ticket won some money! Roll 3,4: $50 Roll 2,5: $100 Your baby threw your phone in the pool. Roll 1-4: Fix phone for $200 Roll 5,6: Upgrade for $600 Vacay with the Fam Bamily! (maybe) Roll 1, 3, 4, 6: Go on vacation and pay $2000 Roll 2, 5: Stay home and save your money

July Pay your bills  Subtract all expenses. Do you want to put anything into savings? Do you want to start saving up for college for your kids? Roll 1,2: $20 per kid Roll 3,4: $50 per kid Roll 5,6: $75 per kid PAYDAY!!! Add your monthly salaries.

Back to school shopping! Clothes & school supplies! If you have kids. July You can get a promotion and make an extra $700 per month if you roll a 5 or 6 You have a garage sale. How much do you make? Roll evens: $200 Roll odds: $400 Back to school shopping! Clothes & school supplies! If you have kids. For 1-2 kids: $250/kid For 3-4 kids: $150/kid For 5-6 kids: $100/kid

August Pay your bills  Subtract all expenses. Do you want to put anything into savings? PAYDAY!!! Add your monthly salaries. It’s time for another oil change! Pay $30.

August Wedding bells are ringing! You are in someone’s wedding. Girls: $200 Guys: $100 If you have a pet, they need to go to the vet. Pay $200. Someone in your family broke their arm. Pay $150 for the ER visit.

Do you want to put anything into savings? September Pay your bills  Subtract all expenses. Do you want to put anything into savings? It’s your birthday! You receive $200 as a gift. PAYDAY!!! Add your monthly salaries.

If you bought the new iPhone, you just spent $700 September New iPhone comes out! Do you want to buy it? Your spouse gets a bonus! Roll odd: +$300 Roll even: +$500 Your washer overflows and you have to replace the flooring in 2 of your rooms. Home insurance does not cover repairs and you have to pay $3,000. If you bought the new iPhone, you just spent $700

Do you want to put anything into savings? October Pay your bills  Subtract all expenses. Do you want to put anything into savings? PAYDAY!!! Add your monthly salaries. It’s another birthday! Roll 1-3: $20 Roll 4-6: $50

October Happy Anniversary! Roll 3-6: Dinner, pay $50 Roll 1,2: Go on a trip and pay $500 Your scratch-off ticket wins you $10! Woohoo! Halloween Party! You spend $200. Do you want to buy or make your kids’ costumes? Make Costumes: $10/kid Buy Costumes: $25/kid

Do you want to put anything into savings? November Pay your bills  Subtract all expenses. Do you want to put anything into savings? PAYDAY!!! Add your monthly salaries. Oil change again! Pay $30

Black Friday shopping! Buy a few things for yourself! Roll 1-3: $50 Roll 4,5: $100 Roll 6: $150 November Cold season is among us! You have to go to the doctor. Pay the $30 copay. THANKSGIVING Roll 2,4: Host and pay $400 Roll 1,3,5,6: Bring one dish and pay $20

Do you want to put anything into savings? December Pay your bills  Subtract all expenses. Do you want to put anything into savings? Christmas shopping! Roll to see how much you spend on each person. Roll 1,2: $50/person Roll 3-5: $100/person Roll 6: $500/person PAYDAY!!! Add your monthly salaries.

Family Christmas White Elephant Party December New Year’s Eve! Roll 1,2,3: stay home and save that money! Roll 4,5: $150 Roll 6: $300 You get a Christmas bonus. Roll 1-4: $500 Roll 5: $600 Roll 6: $750 Family Christmas White Elephant Party You spend $10.