Leaders SHINE I – Share Ideas & Innovate S – Share your Strengths H – Speak with Heart & Humor I – Share Ideas & Innovate N – Keep Networking & Negotiating E – Always Empower & Engage “People may not always remember what you did, or what you said, but they always remember how you made them feel” -Maya Angelou
We are in the People Business – Leaders follow the path
The starting point of understanding people is to realize and accept the fact that “Everyone is not like you” My Perception-My Reality
Right Fighter?
We have Preferences -
and Differences -
Leadership is influence…. Who would you follow?
The Seven Signs of a Great Leader, Communicator and Connector Learning to Listen Learning to Trust Yourself Learning to Empower Others Learning to be Resilient Learning to Make the Difficult Emotional Decisions Learning to Take Responsibility Learning to Communicate Effectively
Where do you Fall? Top Leadership Characteristics Listening Skills – listen to listen, not listening to respond Asking Effective Questions Responsiveness Respond quickly – set expectation Empathy Recognize their Emotional State & Validate their feelings Treat each person as an individual Having a WHY?
Listening and Questioning Partner Interviews Round #1: Partner #1/Interviewer: 60 seconds to ask as many questions as possible to build rapport with your partner Partner #2/Interviewer: ONLY Listen to questions being asked. Remember as many as you can. At end of 60 seconds, Partner #2 will respond to all questions.
We are in the PEOPLE business How do you Build Rapport? Internal & External CUSTOMERS ALWAYS WANT TO KNOW…….. 1) Can you HELP me? 2) Do you CARE about me? 3) Can I TRUST you? STARTS WITH YOUR LANGUAGE
First Impressions – Do you Value People? Within 6 seconds we begin assessing people. http://youtu.be/8OcQ9A-5noM Our brains are wired to compartmentalize information and it is natural for us to take in the information to determine if we will continue to build the relationship. Over 6,000 thoughts a day!
What is your Perception – What have we said without saying anything What is your Perception – What have we said without saying anything? Who at your table…… ___Who goes to the theater at least once a year? ___Who has traveled outside of the US in the past 12 months? ___Who knows how to make a bloody mary? ___Who will be a millionaire? ___Who knows what a hack saw and a jig saw is? ___Who knows what an armoire is? ___Who would vote for gay rights? ___Who secretly wants to be a Hollywood Star? ___Who would travel with the Peace Corp to help disadvantaged communities?
What is your Perception? Our perception influences our communication
Rule #1: Never make judgments Ask questions to reduce Assumptions Rule #1: Never make judgments
Connecting Principles – Connecting Increases your Influence in Every Situation Connecting is All About Others Connecting Goes Beyond Words Connecting Always Requires Energy Connection is More Skill than Natural Talent
Connecting Practices Connectors Connect on Common Ground Connectors Do the Difficult Work of Keeping it Simple Connectors Create an Experience Everyone Enjoys Connectors Inspire People Connectors Live what they Communicate
Principle #1 - Connecting increases your influence in every situation. When you meet someone new, how do you try to connect with him or her? What are the first questions you usually ask to learn more about the person? How do you know if you have connected with them?
Connecting Principles #3 COMMUNICATION Principle #3 – Connecting goes beyond words 3 Components to Face-to-Face communication How others believe what we say when we communicate: >90% of the impression that we often convey has nothing to do with what we actually say! WORDS TONE OF VOICE BODY LANGUAGE
Connecting Principles #3 COMMUNICATION 3 Components to Communication Thought Emotion Action When thought, emotion and action are congruent, connecting goes beyond what we say because we are now emoting what people can feel and we are connecting with them more than just verbally. When thought, emotion and action are congruent, connecting goes beyond what we say because we are now emoting what people can feel and we are connecting with them more than just verbally.
Connecting Principles #3 COMMUNICATION Communication Breakdowns Breakdown Thought – knowing Emotion – feeling Action - doing Dispassionate I know this I do not feel this Theoretical I do not do this Unfounded I do not know this I feel this Hypocritical Presumptuous I do this Mechanical
Connecting Principles #3 COMMUNICATE with others by: Action – something we do; connecting visually; what people see Thought – something we know; connecting intellectually; what people understand Emotion – something we feel; connecting emotionally; what people feel Action: To connect with people visually Expand your range of expression Move with a sense of purpose Maintain an open posture Thought: To connect with people intellectually Knowledge must be experiential Experience is not only a good teacher, it is a great persuader Emotion: To connect with people emotionally People may hear your words but they feel your attitude
Connecting Principles #4 ENERGY Principle #4 – Connecting always requires ENERGY – Do you study up on the person before you meet them? 4 Unpardonable sins of a communicator: 3 of the 4 require a lot of effort and energy Connecting requires: Initiative – go first! Clarity – prepare Patience – slow down Selflessness – give Stamina – recharge Unprepared Uncommitted Uninteresting Uncomfortable
Connecting Principles #5 SKILL Principle #5 – Connecting is more SKILL than natural talent Successful Connecting Relationships Who you know Sacrifice How you live Insight What you know Success What you have done Ability What you can do
CONNECTING PRACTICES What can you do to connect with others in order to effectively communicate? Connect on Common Ground Keep it Simple – speak their language Create an Experience that they feel valued Inspire them – Saying you will do something creates HOPE. Doing what you say you will do builds TRUST. Who are you, What are you doing? Where are you going?
Connecting Practices #1 COMMON GROUND Practice #1 – Connectors connect on common ground Assumption Arrogance Assumption – “I already know what others know, feel and want.” Arrogance – “I don’t need to know what others know, feel or want.” Indifference – “I don’t care to know what others know, feel, or want.” Control – “I don’t want others to know what I know, feel or think.” Control Indifference
ORANGE Ask “What” Questions “Tell” vs “Ask” “Fast Speech” How Communicate: You Should Try: Ask “What” Questions “Tell” vs “Ask” “Fast Speech” “Open with their Opinions” “Go Right to the Issue” Communicate briefly/to the point Stick to the topic Be clear about expectations Show confidence/competence
BLUE How they Communicate You Should Try Ask “WHO” Questions Make Small Talk Go off on tangents Use lots of stories Express feelings & emotions Like to Exaggerate Approach them Informally Be relaxed & Sociable Use humor Give them public appreciation Provide written details
GOLD How they Talk You Should Try Ask “How” Questions Listen more than they talk Ask vs Tell Reserved with opinions Use first names Be logical and systematic Show how they are important Give Checklists/Procedures Let them go slow into change
GREEN How they Communicate You Should Try Ask “Why” Questions Ask vs. Tell Listen more than they talk Precise, detailed speech Need time to think before they respond but like to talk Give clear expectations and deadlines Be Precise and Focused Value High Standards (provide research details) Show that you are dependable and loyal Leadership Rule #2: Take time to build rapport in order to understand how best to communicate with them.
No Matter what your People Always Want to Know….. Do you Care about me? Can I Trust You? Can you Help Me? Have a genuine interest in people and value them for who they are. Believe that you can learn something from every person you meet.
Connecting Practices #1 COMMON GROUND Choices to finding common ground: Availability Listening Questions Thoughtfulness Availability – I will choose to spend time with others Listening – I will listen my way to common ground Questions – I will be interested enough in others to ask questions Thoughtfulness – I will think of others and look for ways to help them Openness – I will let people into my life Likeability – I will care about people Humility – I will think of myself less so I can think of others more Adaptability – I will move from my world to theirs Openness Likeability Humility Adaptability
Connecting Practices #2 Simplicity Practice #2 – Connectors do the difficult work of keeping it SIMPLE 4 components to connect through communication Humor Heart Hope Help Three S’s Have a Smile Say it Slowly Keep it Simple Art of Simplicity Talk to people, not above them Get to the point Say it over and over and over again Say it clearly Say less
Connecting Practices #3 EXPERIENCE Practice #3 – Create an EXPERIENCE everyone enjoys How to be interesting: Take responsibility for your listeners Communicate in their world Capture people’s attention from the start Say it so it sticks
Left – how people describe you on a GOOD day RIGHT – how people describe your service on a BAD Day
How do People SEE you As a Communicator? Sure glad the hole isn’t on my end When asked to do something within your realm of responsibilities….how do you respond? If you are asked to something above your realm of responsibilities…how do you respond? Yep, Okay, Sure vs I will take care of it for you.
Connecting Practices #4 INSPIRE What people KNOW What people SEE What people FEEL Inspiration Practice #4 – Connectors INSPIRE people Inspiration Equation What do people need to KNOW? That you understand them and are focused on them That you have high expectations of them What do people need to SEE? Your conviction Your example What do people need to FEEL? Your confidence in yourself and them Your gratitude for them
Connecting Practices #5 CREDIBILITY Practice #5 – CREDIBILITY is the currency that connectors have Credibility Checklist Have I connected with myself? Have I made right my wrongs? Am I accountable? Do I lead like I live? Do I tell the truth? Am I vulnerable? Am I following the Golden Rule? Do I deliver results?
Credibility + Communications = Connections Relationships – people listen because of who you know Sacrifice – people listen because of what you have suffered Insight – people listen because of what you know Experience – people listen because of what you have achieved Abilities – people listen because of what you are able to do Intuition – people listen because of what you sense Character – people listen because of your integrity Humility – people listen because of your heart Relevance – people listen because you identify with their needs Convictions – people listen because of your passion
Thank YOU! Lisa Schaefer, MSE Shine with Schaefer, LLC Counselor Professor, Certified JMT Coach www.shinewithschaefer.com (608) 732-1041