Joint NASA-FAA ODM Workshop, Kansas City Straw Poll Results: Top-Level ODM Goals Joint NASA-FAA ODM Workshop, Kansas City October 22, 2015
Goals and Representative Metrics Reliability Trip completion rate Economically Feasible Total operating cost Certification Ease & Speed Time required Efficiency Specific range Safety Fatal accident rate Ride Quality Equivalent wing loading Ease of Use Training time required Community Noise Perceived annoyance Emissions Life cycle carbon, NOX, SOX, particulates Accessible Infrastructure Ground travel time
Raw data and process notes On-Demand Mobility Workshop - October 21 & 22, 2015 - GOALS GOALS VOTES RELIABILITY FAA (O'S) INDUSTRY NASA (X's) Metric: Trip Completion Rate 10 1 TOTALS 0% 7% 5% 21% 14% ECONOMICALLY FEASIBLE Metric: Total Operating Cost 13 3 DECOMPOSTION Acquisition Costs 5 Operating Costs 4 Acquisition & Operating Costs 11 33 8% 24% 19% 25% 71% 57% CERTIFICATION EASE/SPEED Metric: Time Required 19 ADDED GOAL: Seamless Ops Integration Time alone is not an acceptable metric since it can be driven by forces beyond FAA control. Needs disscusion 75% 41% 43% EFFICIENCY (AERO/PROP/STRUCTURAL) Metrics: L/D (AERO) NOT L/D Variable Target Speed Relevant Use energy in vs. kinetic energy out "AEI" PROP STRUCTURE (W/EMPTY & W/GROSS) RANGE SAFETY Metric: Fatal Accident Rate 9 ADDED METRIC: Consider fatal accidents as a metric. Tie to occupant safety and crash survival technology ADDED GOAL: Suggest tweak to safety Have group discuss target safety levels and expectation. Also discuss reliability vs. propability & IOE-X. 6% RIDE QUALITY Metric: Equivalent Wing Loading 7 ADDED METRIC: Resulting Accelerations and Rates from a given distrubance 15% EASE OF USE 2 Metric: Training Time Required 21 Initial Training Recurrent Training 28 20% 60% COMMUNITY NOISE 12 Metric: Perceived Annoyance @ Stand Off Distance 9% 26% EMISSIONS Metric: Life Cycle Carbon ADDED METRIC: ZERO "C" arbon Emissions Total Life/Operations Life Cycle NOX, SOX, CO2, Particulants 1% 4% ACCESSIBLE INFRASTRUCTURE Metric: Proximity Distance Metric: Ground Travel/Time Required Added Metric: Flight Density/Capacity 6 Access to Airspace: Scalability has the need for new paradigm for ATC, VFR, IFR if personal aircraft for ODM will provide commute capability (short winter days) Varying level of autonomy enables organized traffic, efficiet point to point travel with deconfliction. TOTAL VOTES for percentages 140 Each participant received 3 votes Allowed to allocate multiple votes to individual goal if desired Plotted percentages obtained by multiplying percentage of total votes received by 3 Intended to reflect % of participants indicating goal is a top priority Over estimates % of participants supporting if item received multiple votes from individual Significant discussion on “Safety” as a goal prior to voting Many participants felt that safety was such a foundational requirement that they didn’t need to apply votes to it. Safety is always a top priority