SrI: SrI RanganAthaSwAmy Temple Sri Rangam & Vasantha ManTapam Renovation Kaimkaryams SrI RanganAthaSwAmy Temple Sri Rangam Kulasekhara Padi & Vasantha ManTapam Renovation Kaimkaryams
SrI: Vasantha ManTapam The renovation of Vasanta ManTapam at Sri RanganAtha SwAmi Temple at Sri Rangam has begun with the anugraham of the Divya Dampathis, AchAryas and the generous contribution from many devout bhakthAs of Lord RanganAtha. The dilapidated status of the ManTapam as it is now and the progress of the renovation work can be seen in the following slides.....
Many of you might know the Vasantha ManTapam at Srirangam near AzhwAn SuRRu and near ThAyAr Sannidhi. This is a 16 pillar ManTapam probably built by Thirumangai Mannan or by a later day King. It is said that PerumAL goes thru this ManTapam 18 times an year on various occassions. This ManTapam has seen the ravages of time. The roof has cracked from the trees growing out of there. The Joints have loosened up threatening the structural integrity of this ManTapam and hence it needs urgent repair. The pictures of the current status of the ManTapam are included in the next slide. You are most welcome to join in this Kaimkaryam to repair the ManTapam, estimated to cost 50,000 Rupees only. Please let adiyEn know of your pledges for the Lord of Srirangam to enjoy His visits to Vasantha ManTapam. dAsan Oppiliappan Koil Varadachari SaThakOpan
The ManTapam Why it needs the renovation
On February 10 th 2008 the Vasantha ManTapa renovation kaimkaryam began at Sri Rangam with the blessings of Sri RanganAyaki Sametha Sri RanganAthan & Revered AchAryAs
A prayer for auspicious beginnings....
The ManTapam renovation project work in progress work in progress
The Materials arrive....
The work begins....
The work continues....
Kulasekhara Padi Renovation Kaimkaryam
SrI: ( 4.9) sediyaaya valvinaikaL theerkkum thirumaalE nediyaanE vEngatavaa ninkOyilin vaasal adiyaarum vaanavarum arambaiyarum kidanthiyangum padiyaayk kidanthu un pavaLa vaay kaaNpEnE (Kulasekhara AzhwAr's PerumAL Thirumozhi 4.9) The KulasEkhara AzhwAr Padi in front of the Garbha Gruham under the PraNavAkAra VimAnam at Sri Rangam Periya Koil is so called in tribute to the great AzhwAr SrI Kulasekhara,who sang the verses quoted above pleading with BhagavAn to make the AzhwAr enjoy the dhivya Soundharyam of His ThirumEni. This is the step over which Uthsavar Sri Ranganathan steps out on His myriads of Uthsavam year after year. This must be the step over which AchArya RaamAnuja and KurEsa crossed to be closer to Lord RanganathAn for their MangaLAsAsanams. This must be the step over which ANDAL and ThiruppANar crossed over to join the Param JyOthi, Moolavar Sri RanganathAr. Thus this sacred Padi is very important for us. Over hundreds of years, the current KulasEkara Padi got worn out and shows serious damage (Portions missing and big cracks). The present state of the Padi can be seen in the next few slides. The Srirangam DevasthAnam has given us permission to initiate this Kaimkaryam as Arangan adiyArs. This kaimkaryam is very dear to our revered AchAryAs who represent HIS Will and guide us in the righteous path. We should consider ourselves blessed that, The Lord of Sri Rangam, who gives us our very Life and protects us as HIS beloved children, is now providing us with this rare opportunity to be of service to HIM and avail it well.
Kulasekhara Padi Why it needs replacement
Ravages of Time.... The sacred Padi broken and chipped.....
On the sacred day, of Thai Hastham, the avathAra dinam of Swamy Kuresar, adiyEn had the privelege to announce the opportunity to perform TWO rare Kaimkaryams at the ThirukkOil of Sri Ranganathan of Srirangam dear to all AchAryAs, AzhwArs and Aasthikaas of every darsanam. One was the Vasantha ManTapam renovation project and the other was the replacement of the KulasEkhara AzhwAr Padi in front of the Garbha Gruham under the PraNavAkAra VimAnam. This once in a life-time opportunity to perform these kaimkaryams to Sri RanganAthan has been blessed by SriMukham from His Holiness Prakrutham Srimad Andavan of PoundarIkapuram Andavan Ashram, Sri Rangam. The handwritten Srimukham in Tamil in two separate pages can be accessed at: The PDF (typed version) of the same can be accessed at: Once again I request all aasthikaas and Sri Ranga bhakthaas to avail this rare opportunity to perform these kaimkaryams to NamperumAL and receive the blessings of the Divya Dampathis for all auspiciousness! dAsan, Oppiliappan Koil V.SaThakOpan
|| namo SrI RanganAthAya || Contact: