New Paradigms for HER2-Positive Early Breast Cancer: Implications and Application
Program Overview
Trastuzumab Improves DFS by 40%-50%
Trastuzumab Improves OS by 33%
Could We Give Less? The APT Trial
Study Design: APT Trial
APT Trial: 3-Year and 7-Year DFS Follow-Up
BCIRG-006: 10-Year Follow-Up Analysis
Disease-Free Survival (10.3 years)
Overall Survival (10.3 years)
HERA Trial Final Analysis (10-Year Follow-Up)
Standard Adjuvant Therapeutic Options in Early-Stage HER2-Positive Disease
APHINITY Trial Design
Intent-to-Treat Primary Endpoint Analysis IDFS
APHINITY: IDFS Forest Plot by Subgroups
APHINITY Trial: Applying the Data to Clinical Practice
APHINITY Trial: Take-Home Messages
Could You Give More? Escalating Treatment in HER2-Positive EBC ExteNET Trial data
ExteNET Trial: Study Schema
ExteNET Trial Results: IDFS
ExteNET Trial Results: Subgroups
ExteNET Trial: Safety Data
ExteNET Trial: Conclusions
ExteNET Trial: Applying the Data to Clinical Practice
Concluding Remarks
Concluding Remarks, Cont’d
Abbreviations (cont)