Understanding Media Industries and Audiences: Newspapers Learning Objective: Explore the different factors of the Newspaper industry.
Use the post it notes to jot down and place them on the board Write down 3 things you’ve learnt about the Newspaper industry so far…… Use the post it notes to jot down and place them on the board Learning Objective: Explore the different factors of the Newspaper industry.
Newspaper Industry – Like most media products Production How it’s made, who for and what it’s made for. Distribution Link between producer and audience. The release, marketing and promotion of the product. Circulation Count of how many copies of a particular publication are distributed. Circulation audits are provided by ABC (Audit Bureau od Circulations) Learning Objective: Explore the different factors of the Newspaper industry.
Let’s look at the industry now, so we can be more accurate!!!!! In the past Tabloid – Compact in size Lighter news Celeb gossip Sport Television Let’s look at the industry now, so we can be more accurate!!!!! Broadsheet- Larger newspaper More serious news More depth to stories Learning Objective: Explore the different factors of the Newspaper industry.
How (and other papers) have changed Learning Objective: Explore the different factors of the Newspaper industry. How (and other papers) have changed Different sizes and designs were experimented with – to attract different audiences and entice more sales. Many readers are now online Tabloids used to be referred to as “Popular press” Broadsheets were seen as “quality newspapers” Many would argue that these lines of style have blurred over the years.
Learning Objective: Explore the different factors of the Newspaper industry. Newspapers now: The quality newspaper (previously known as broadsheets) The middle-market tabloids The Tabloids (Red Tops)
iPad Task Learning Objective: Explore the different factors of the Newspaper industry. STEP 1 Google: “(newspaper name) Front Page Today” for a paper from each newspaper catergory. E.g.: The Guardian front page today, The Daily Mail front page today, The Sun front page today. Write down bullet points of what you notice : Themes, Headlines, Presentation, Images. Are there any similarities/differences? STRETCH YOURSELF Q: Who is the target audience? What tells you that? STEP 2: Now look at the website for each of these newspapers – what similarities/differences are you spotting? How does it appeal to the reader? Tip: If you’re struggling to enter the website – use “Waybackwhen machine” or “www.Archive.org”
How do you hear about the news? Think of the different ways you consume world events, celeb gossip and important headlines. (Jot them down on the whiteboards) Learning Objective: Explore the different factors of the Newspaper industry.
How and why has technology changed Newspapers? Learning Objective: Explore the different factors of the Newspaper industry. How and why has technology changed Newspapers?
Plenary – use the whiteboard to tweet (140 characters) Learning Objective: Explore the different factors of the Newspaper industry. Plenary – use the whiteboard to tweet (140 characters) FIRST TWEET : Summarise one of the front page news stories you found into a tweet. SECOND TWEET: Summarise what you learnt or found interesting today when exploring the Newspaper Industry. THIRD TWEET: Any questions or parts you would like to go over next lesson Now understand what red tops are #newslesson