Introduction to Microsoft Word Part 1
Lesson Objective: By the end of this lesson I will be able to open and save a template in MS Word. I will also be able to use the toolbar/ribbon features including the clipboard, font, and paragraph groups.
Technology Standards: Standard A. 1 Technology Standards: Standard A.1.d Create systems for managing personal files to include folders and subfolders. Standard A.1.e Create new files. Standard A.3.a Use a word processing application to create, write, edit, save and print assignments.
Accessing the Document Template
Log onto the network.
Go to your teacher’s website to access the document, or go to sites Go to your teacher’s website to access the document, or go to
Click on your grade level.
On your grade level page, scroll down On your grade level page, scroll down. Look for the document titled “MS Word Template 1.” Double left click on the document.
This screen looks different than the Google Doc download screen. Click the “Download” button, NOT the “Open” button.
A small pop-up button will appear in the bottom left-hand corner. This is how you open a Word document using the Google browser. Click the button.
Microsoft Word will automatically start Microsoft Word will automatically start. The document will open in protected view. This means you cannot make changes to the document until you enable editing. Click the “Enable Editing” button now.
The document can now be edited. But first, we need to save it. Click the “File” tab.
Click “Save As”
Click “Computer”
Click “Documents”
A “Save As” pop-up box will appear. Click the “Save” button.
When MS Word opens, you can see the tabs When MS Word opens, you can see the tabs. The tabs are file, home, insert, design, page layout, references, mailings, review, and view.
The ribbon is not visible. Click on the “Home” tab.
This is the editing ribbon.
We need to “pin” the editing ribbon to the screen We need to “pin” the editing ribbon to the screen. Click the pin icon in the upper right hand corner.
There are 5 groups visible There are 5 groups visible. Clipboard, Font, Paragraph, Styles, and Editing
We’re going to learn about 3 of the groups in this lesson.
The Clipboard Group
The clipboard group allows you to copy, paste, and cut (delete) text and objects in your document.
Go to the number 1 on your template Go to the number 1 on your template. Left click and hold your mouse or touch across the word “School” until it highlights.
Now click “copy” button Now click “copy” button. The word “School” is now in the clipboard, ready to paste. Move the cursor in back of the word “School” and click the “paste” button.
You pasted the word “School You pasted the word “School.” There might be a red line under the word you pasted. It does as a grammar check to remind you that you have repeated a word.
To get rid of the red line, move the cursor onto the word and right-click the mouse or touchpad. Click the option “Ignore.” It will now ignore the repeated word.
Copy & paste the word “School” a few more times for practice.
The “Cut” button works in a similar way The “Cut” button works in a similar way. Click & highlight one of the words you just copied. Now click the “Cut” button. The word will disappear.
You can also use the copy & paste features on images & objects You can also use the copy & paste features on images & objects. Go to the number 2 on your template.
Click on the clipart image of a leaf. Click the “Copy” button Click on the clipart image of a leaf. Click the “Copy” button. Click the “Paste” button. It will copy the image over the previous image. You can move the image to another spot.
Make 4 copies of the leaf image and arrange them next to each other Make 4 copies of the leaf image and arrange them next to each other. You should have a total of 5.
Click on 1 of the leaf images. Click on the “cut” button Click on 1 of the leaf images. Click on the “cut” button. Remove one more of the leaf images.
The Font Group
Next to number 3 on your template is the word “Computers Next to number 3 on your template is the word “Computers.” Click & highlight “Computers.”
“Computers” is written in the font style Calibri, and font size 14 “Computers” is written in the font style Calibri, and font size 14. It can be changed to another font style and size.
With “Computers” highlighted, click the font style drop-down box With “Computers” highlighted, click the font style drop-down box. Change the font to “Agency FB.” It’s the first font on the drop-down list.
There are 2 ways to change the font size from the font group There are 2 ways to change the font size from the font group. The first way is the “Font Size” drop-down. The other way is to use the “Increase font size” drop-down, or the “Decrease font size” drop-down.
Make sure “Computers” is still highlighted. Change the font to size 28.
The next font group feature we’re going to look at is the “Bold” button.
The bold button makes text fuller, so it stands out against text which is not bold.
Look on your template at number 4. It says “Make me bold Look on your template at number 4. It says “Make me bold.” Highlight the text and click the bold button.
The next button is for changing text to italics The next button is for changing text to italics. This feature is usually used for creative titles, such as books, magazines, newspapers and music. Sometimes it is used to emphasize text, so it appears different than the text around it.
Number 5 on your template has the title of a popular children’s book, The Cat in the Hat. Highlight the book title and change it to italics.
The underline feature is used in similar ways to the italics feature The underline feature is used in similar ways to the italics feature. It is used to underline proper titles and to bring attention to text you want to stand out.
Look at number 6 on your template Look at number 6 on your template. It has the title of a popular television show. Click and highlight the title and underline it.
This is the “Font Color” button This is the “Font Color” button. It allows you to change the font color from black to another color.
Look at number 7 on your template Look at number 7 on your template. Change the color of each font so it matches the word.
The “Text Highlight Color” button allows you to change the color of the area around the text. Many students use this as a study guide when reading text.
Look at number 8 on your template Look at number 8 on your template. Click the text and highlight it in yellow.
The Paragraph Group
These buttons control the alignment of the text. This one aligns the text to the left. This one centers the text. This one aligns the text to the right. This one is for evenly spacing the text (justify), so it fills up the entire line.
Look at number 9 on your template Look at number 9 on your template. Click on the sentence and try aligning the text to the left, center, right, and justified.
This button controls line and paragraph spacing This button controls line and paragraph spacing. It changes the amount of space between lines of text.
Look at number 10 on your template Look at number 10 on your template. Highlight the sentences in number 10 and change the line spacing to 1.15, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0.
Check for Understanding Independent Practice
Use the bottom of your template document to do the following: Type your name. Change the font style to Comic Sans, font size to 26, font color to green, and make it bold. Type the title of your favorite animal. Change the font to 24. Browse through the font styles and choose one that fits your animal. Now choose a color that matches as well. Type a sentence using one of your spelling or vocabulary words. Highlight the word in yellow. Copy and paste the sentence 3 times. Change the alignment of the sentences so one is left aligned, one is centered, one is right aligned, and one is justified.