Your Kiwanis questions May 2, 2017 Hello everyone. Welcome to today’s webinar. Today we’re going to have an open discussion where we can talk about what’s working, what isn’t, how Kiwanis International can help you and what we’re doing that has no benefit.
Your Kiwanis questions What’s working? What’s not working? What can we help you with? What should we stop doing? So, what’s working? What’s not?
Kids Need Kiwanis campaign +45% in new users +104% in page views +29% in time spent on page Between April 17 and April 30... There have been 45% more users of 19,270 vs 13,274 They're viewing 104% more pages and spending 29% more time on the site.
Kids Need Kiwanis campaign 1,451 (115) from Orlando 789 (96) from Cincinnati Of those new users… 1451 (vs 115 same period last year) have been from the Orlando market (+1162%). 789 (vs 96) have been from Cincy (+722%).
Promoting Kiwanis Staff conducted a survey of governors and district PR coordinators in the Asia-Pacific Region and Kiwanis International European Federation to learn how to best support non-North American clubs. We think the survey would have nearly the same results in the Americas. You can see, the respondents favor using social media to promote Kiwanis because it is often free. They also like newspapers and magazine.
Promoting Kiwanis The survey indicated the biggest challenge is these leaders have is translation of materials, followed by lack of funds and ready-to-use resources that are appropriately developed culturally for specific districts. Training and education also are a priority.
Promoting Kiwanis We also asked what resources respondents would like to support their efforts. Training and education came up as priority areas. We are exploring opportunities to increase those resources.
Noon Eastern / 9 a.m. Pacific Next webinar: Tuesday, June 6 Noon Eastern / 9 a.m. Pacific “TBD” Thank you for joining us today. Our next webinar will be Tuesday, June 6th at the same time. We’re going to take the comments from today and develop the topic from this discussion. We’ll see you in a month.