Peach and Nectarine
December Peach Leaf Curl Weed control Pre-emergent program Kocide DF 10 lbs per acre Super 90 Oil 2 gals per acre or Nu Film 6 fl oz per acre Weed control Pre-emergent program Choice 2 pts per 100 gal Round up 2 pts per acre Alion 3.2 oz per acre Matrix 4 oz per acre Goal 2XL 1 pint per acre Spreader 90 2 pints per 100 gal
January Dormant Spray Program ( Optional) Peach Leaf Curl Fertilizer Asana 8 fl oz per acre Kocide 2000 6 lbs per acre Super 90 Oil 5 gallons per acre Peach Leaf Curl Kocide DF 10 lbs per acre Super 90 Oil 2 gallons per acre or Nu Film 6 fl oz per acre Fertilizer Can-17 19 gallons per acre
February Blossom Treatment (Mid February) Champ 3 pints per acre Rovral 1 pint per acre Exit 1 pint per acre
March Full Bloom/Thrips (14 days after first bloom spray) Vangard 5 oz per acre Broadspred 2 oz per acre Pristine 12 oz per acre Kumulus 6 lbs per acre Exit 8 oz per acre Petal fall fungicide/insecticide Bravo 4 pints per acre Success (if dormant spray is omitted) 1 pint per acre Gophers Phostoxin 1-2 tablets per hole or bait Fertilizer 20-20-20 10 lbs per acre Phermone dispensers ( if used) Checkmate 150 disp per acre
April Powdery Mildew Pristine 12 oz per acre Biomin zinc 2 pints per acre MKP 0-44-38 5 pounds per acre Microthiol 10 pounds per acre Broadspred 2 oz per acre
May Asana 8 oz per acre Belt SC 4 oz per acre Checkmate OFM-F 1.32 oz per acre Biomin Calcium 2 pints per acre Microthiol 10 lbs per acre
June Delegate 4 oz per acre Checkmate OFM-F 1.32 oz per acre Biomin Calcium 2 pints per acre Microthiol 10 lbs per acre
Note Excessive Nitrogen is not good for fresh market fruit Spot treatment for some weeds may require additional treatments Gopher program may require continuous monitoring and treatment.