Insert Name of Diocese Diocesan Encuentro [Insert Date] Feel Free to use your own photos and add slides. All photos in this PPT are © under ENAVE/USCCB or authorized for use by USCCB and cannot be used outside this PowerPoint. Diocesan Encuentro [Insert Date]
WELCOME Have the hospitality team welcome everyone. Invite young people to be part of this team. Make sure the bishop(s) can be present at the Diocesan Encuentro. Welcome everyone with enthusiasm. Briefly describe the process of the V Encuentro, its objectives and the impact they have in the life of the diocese. Ask participants to introduce themselves to those around them. Present the different parishes, ecclesial movements and other groups or organizations represented there. Recognize the presence and work carried out by the Diocesan Team (EDAVE).
DOWNLOAD THE V ENCUENTRO APP Diocesan Encuentro information may be available on the mobile app. Remind participants: They can access the prayer of the V Encuentro via the mobile app. They can post photos on the app’s social wall Further reflections and articles can be viewed on the V Encuentro app or website
#VEncuentro #Add your diocesan event Hash (i.e. #BaltimoreEncuentro) Hashtags #VEncuentro #Add your diocesan event Hash (i.e. #BaltimoreEncuentro) Add your diocesan event hashtag Encourage Diocesan Encuentro participants to post photos and use hashtags on social media Use the Diocesan Encuentro Media Packet
What is the Diocesan Encuentro?
AN OPPORTUNITY TO: GATHER REFLECT PROPOSE together to share their experiences of reflection, discernment, consultation and evangelization REFLECT together on the different social, cultural and pastoral realities experienced by Hispanics/ Latinos living in the United States The Diocesan Encuentro is an opportunity to: Gather delegates from parishes, apostolic groups and Catholic organizations, together with the guests that the dioceses determine, to share their experiences of reflection, discernment, consultation and evangelization. Reflect together on the different social, cultural and pastoral realities experienced by Hispanics / Latinos living in the United States. Propose practical responses to specific needs and the aspirations of the Hispanic community, in a process of reflection and diocesan discernment. PROPOSE practical responses to specific needs and aspirations of the Hispanic community, in a process of reflection and diocesan discernment
COMMIT Make concrete commitments as a diocese to advance the New Evangelization by supporting the work of parishes, small communities, movements, and groups Make concrete commitments as a diocese to advance the New Evangelization by supporting the work of parishes, small communities, ecclesial movements or other groups. Celebrate in our sharing, in prayer and in the Eucharist. CELEBRATE in our sharing, in prayer, and in the Eucharist
Outline of the Day Taking the First Step Getting Involved Accompanying Everyone Bearing Fruit Celebrating Briefly introduce participants to the day’s schedule. Explain the importance of the consultation that has been carried out. Indicate the importance of the process of identifying pastoral priorities and the role of the delegates for the Regional Encuentro. Explain that the certain priorities of your diocese will be shared with others in the Regional Encuentro, in a pastoral de conjunto (collaborative ministry). Note: This is the outline for Model 1, where everyone present at the Encuentro participates fully as delegates. Delete or hide this slide if Model 2 is being used. If using this slide, delete this note.
Outline of the Day With all participants (delegates & guests) The first part of the Diocesan Encuentro begins with all the delegates and guests. The second part features the work of the delegates. With all participants (delegates & guests) Taking the First Step Getting Involved Accompanying Everyone Celebrating Only delegates Bearing Fruit Briefly introduce participants to the day’s schedule. Explain the importance of the consultation that has been carried out. Indicate the importance of the process of identifying pastoral priorities and the role of the delegates for the Regional Encuentro. Explain that the priorities of your diocese will be shared with others in the Regional Encuentro, in a pastoral de conjunto (collaborative ministry). Note: This option invites guests to share their parish experience and offer their reactions to the Diocesan Working Document. Note: This is the outline for Model 2, Option A, where invited guests participate in the first part of the day, then are dismissed for the final discernment of priorities and delegates to the Regional and National Encuentros. Delete or hide this slide if another model is being used, and delete this note if keeping this slide.
Outline of the Day The Diocesan Encuentro begins with the work of only the delegates. In the second part the guests are welcomed to participate. Only delegates Getting Involved Bearing Fruit With all participants (delegates and guests): Taking the First Step Accompanying Everyone Celebrating Briefly introduce participants to the day’s schedule. Explain the importance of the consultation that has been carried out. Indicate the importance of the process of identifying pastoral priorities and the role of the delegates for the Regional Encuentro. Explain that the priorities of your diocese will be shared with others in the Regional Encuentro, in a pastoral de conjunto (collaborative ministry). Note: This model allows delegates to focus more fully on the selection of diocesan priorities, which should reflect conversations at parish level and in other groups and recommendations for regions. Note: This is the outline for Model 2, Option B, where the delegates gather for the work of identifying Diocesan and Regional priorities, and invited guests participate in the second part of the day. Delete or hide this slide if another model is being used, and delete this note if keeping this slide.
OPENING PRAYER Invite everyone to a few moments of prayer. Slides may be added for the scripture readings, music, etc. Conclude with the Prayer of the V Encuentro. Remind Participants that the V Encuentro Prayer is available on the Mobile App.
Prayer of the V Encuentro God of infinite Mercy, you sent your Risen Son to encounter the disciples on the way to Emmaus. Grant us today a missionary spirit and send us forth to encounter our sisters and brothers: to walk with them in friendship, to listen to their hopes and dreams with compassion, and to proclaim your Word with courage, so that they might come to know you once again in the breaking of the Bread. Invite everyone to a few moments of prayer. Slides may be added for the scripture readings, music, etc. Conclude with the Prayer of the V Encuentro. Remind Participants that the V Encuentro Prayer is available on the Mobile App.
Make us all missionary disciples, and stay with us always, as we seek to share the joy of the Gospel with people of all generations, from every race, language, culture, and nation. We ask you this with burning hearts, filled with the Holy Spirit, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and through the loving intercession of our Blessed Mother Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Star of the New Evangelization of the Americas. Amen.
“TAKING THE FIRST STEP” [Insert presenter’s Photo, name and job title/ministry] Presentation [no more than 30 minutes]: A pastoral reflection is offered by a diocesan leader or a guest lecturer. This presentation highlights the blessings of being a missionary disciple and identifies some experiences that have occurred during the missionary life in the diocese. Certain items in the Diocesan Working Document may be highlighted, as well as responses from the Diocesan survey: ( Objectives 1. Give a brief presentation of the meaning and impact that the experience of the V Encuentro has for the diocese. 2. Reflect on the common vocation of being missionary disciples in this particular moment in the history of the Church in the United States of America. Keep in mind a. Use the language present in the materials of the V Encuentro (e.g. Guide to the V Encuentro, Theological Pastoral Reflection for the V Encuentro, etc.) b. Make sure the participants know the methodology that shapes almost all the dynamics of the V Encuentro: 1) taking the first step, 2) getting involved, 3) accompanying everyone, 4) bearing fruit, 5) celebrating c. Focus on the importance of evangelization d. Draw attention to the national scope of the V Encuentro
Share one successful practice… [20 minutes] Objective: Provide a space for participants to listen to each other about what they have heard and experienced during the Encuentro process at the parish or organizational level—from initial planning to the Parish Encuentro—and share a “successful practice” from their parish that responds to the “Voices of Hispanic/Latino People in the Peripheries” in the Diocesan Working Document. Keep in mind... Each group should have a facilitator, a note taker and a presenter. The person who takes notes may also be the presenter. When submitting to the plenary, ask the person representing the small group to share only one point. All other points must be submitted in writing. Facilitated process in the small groups: Ask for volunteers willing to take notes and/or present during the plenary session. The person who takes notes may also be the presenter. Explain that this is an opportunity for participants to listen to each other about what they have heard and experienced during the parish Encuentro process. Please do not interrupt when someone is speaking. Our goal is to review and deepen our understanding of the needs and possibilities to better serve Hispanic Catholics in the diocese, particularly Hispanic youth and young adults. It is important to remember that not all participants at the Diocesan Encuentro are Parish Delegates. In some instances, “observers” representing different ministries, movements, or cultural families may also be present. Observers may ask questions for clarification during discussions, but are primarily there to listen. Go around and ask each person to share one “successful practice” from their parish or organization that responds to the “Voices of Hispanic/Latino People in the Peripheries” in the Diocesan Working Document. Please be sure to mention the name of the parish so it can be included in the notes. Choose one “successful practice” from the group to share during the plenary. The facilitator collects the notes from the note taker and submits them to the Diocesan Team at the end of the event. “GETTING INVOLVED” Share one successful practice…
“Getting Involved” Prophetic Urgent Long-term Global Achievable Criteria (from 1 to 5) 5 = extremely 1 = not at all Prophetic gives witness to Gospel values Urgent addresses a vital need in the (arch)diocese Long-term lays the foundation to reach lasting goals Global widespread throughout the (arch)diocese Achievable the resources to make it happen are within reach Ripple effect leads to positive outcomes in other areas [25 minutes] Objective: Review and deepen our understanding of the needs and ways to better serve Hispanic Catholics in the diocese, particularly Hispanic youth and young adults. Keep in mind This personal work will prepare the delegates to make recommendations in the “Bearing Fruit” moment later in the day. There is nothing that needs to be presented in the first Plenary from this part of the process. Facilitated process in the small groups: Invite participants to reflect individually on the “(Arch)Diocesan Priorities for the Pastoral Accompaniment of Hispanic/Latino Catholics”—Part IV of the Diocesan Working Document—which should be available in print for each participant as the Diocesan Priorities handout. Offer a brief prayer to the Holy Spirit, asking for guidance in the analysis of the pastoral Recommendations for the (arch)diocese. The facilitator may consider reading the Recommendations aloud for the group in case some participants have difficulty reading. Doing this may also help to keep the group moving at a steady pace to complete the analysis within the allotted time. Instruct them to assign a personal score for each Recommendation using the Rule of “Thumb” (thumb is “PULGAR” in Spanish) criteria. DO NOT score the Areas at this time. Explain that the Rule of “Thumb” will help to evaluate each Recommendation according to how well it meets the criteria for a worthwhile and workable investment of pastoral time, talent, and treasure. Delegates should assign a number from 1 (not at all) to 5 (extremely) in each column, based on how well the Recommendation fits that criterion. The points in each row should be added to obtain a total score for the given Recommendation. Important note: Encourage the participants not to use the 5 rating for everything. They should critically think about each Recommendation and rate it carefully and honestly for each of the criteria. The criteria are: Prophetic: gives witness to Gospel values Urgent: addresses a vital need in the (arch)diocese Long-term: lays the foundation to reach lasting goals Global: widespread throughout the (arch)diocese Achievable: the resources to make it happen are within reach Ripple effect: leads to positive outcomes in other areas Begin discussing the top priorities in each area based on their total scores, as time allows. Encourage participants to continue rating the Recommendations during the break, if needed.
Share one successful practice… PLENARY 1 Share one successful practice… [30 minutes] Each small group is invited to share one successful practice mentioned during their discussion. Listen to as many people as possible. As far as possible, give priority to adolescents and young adults.
BLESSING OF THE MEAL [insert prayer leader’s name and parish] Identify someone to lead the prayer before Lunch.
“ACCOMPANYING EVERYONE” [insert presenter’s photo, name and parish] Reflection [no more than 30 minutes]: To be given by a new leader who motivates the participants on the call of the Lord to be missionary disciples. The talk should include their personal encounter with the Lord in the process of the V Encuentro that has led them to share their gifts and talents and their personal journey as a gift to the Church and society. Objectives: 1. Listen to the testimony of a new leader in the diocese. 2. Bear witness that the Church is prepared to empower a new generation of pastoral agents that arise from our own communities. Keep in mind a. Choose the presenter of the reflection in advance. Make sure this person is comfortable talking to a large audience. b. Help the presenter prepare to stay focused on the topic. Ask them to have an outline of what they are going to talk about. c. The presenter should emphasize how motivated they are to actively serve as a missionary disciple in the evangelizing mission of the Church. They should invite others, especially young people, to always be open to the possibility of pastoral service and leadership. d. Carefully observe the times indicated in the schedule.
BREAK [15 minutes]
“BEARING FRUIT” Prophetic Urgent Long-term Global Achievable Criteria (from 1 to 5) 5 = extremely 1 = not at all Prophetic gives witness to Gospel values Urgent addresses a vital need in the (arch)diocese Long-term lays the foundation to reach lasting goals Global widespread throughout the (arch)diocese Achievable the resources to make it happen are within reach Ripple effect leads to positive outcomes in other areas [30 minutes] Objectives: 1. Continue to reflect on and discuss the Recommendations in the Diocesan Working Document prepared by the Diocesan Team. 2. Identify the top Recommendations in each pastoral Area to better serve the pastoral and spiritual needs and aspirations of Hispanic Catholics, especially young people. Keep in mind Each group should have a facilitator, a note taker and a presenter. The person who takes notes may also be the presenter. When submitting to the plenary, ask the person representing the small group to share only one point. Each table or small group’s final worksheet scoring the Recommendations and pastoral Areas should be collected and submitted to the Diocesan Team. During the plenary, listen to as many people as possible. As far as possible, give priority to adolescents and young people. Facilitated process in the small groups: Ask for volunteers willing to take notes and/or present during the plenary session. The person who takes notes may also be the presenter. We recommend asking for new volunteers so the same people are not taking on this responsibility again. Explain that during this time they will be working to identify the top Recommendations in each pastoral Area to better serve the pastoral and spiritual needs and aspirations of Hispanic Catholics in the (arch)diocese, especially with regard to young people. Each participant should report their final score for each Recommendation to the facilitator who will add up the total and record it on the extra (arch)diocesan priorities handout to be submitted to the Diocesan Team at the end of the event. Discuss and rate each pastoral Area as a whole by working together as a group to assign a consensus rating for each of the Rule of “Thumb” (PULGAR) criteria, then add them up to obtain a score. Again, the facilitator should record the responses on the same extra Diocesan Priorities handout and submit it to the Diocesan Team at the end of the event.
“BEARING FRUIT” DIOCESAN PRIORITIES REGIONAL PRIORITIES Which areas of pastoral concern should be the top priority for our (arch)diocese? Which areas of pastoral concern reach beyond our (arch)diocese? Identify in small groups two pastoral Areas that could benefit from collaboration with other regional dioceses Identify in small groups the top two Areas that the (arch)diocese should focus on in the next few years [30 minutes] What actions are necessary for the future? • Identify 3 to 5 Areas that need to be implemented in the diocese in the next two years. • Identify 2 or 3 Areas in which the regional team can promote the evangelizing mission of the dioceses. Keep in mind a. Each group should have a facilitator, a note taker, and a presenter. The person who takes notes may also be the presenter. b. At the time of reporting, ask the person representing the small group to share an idea that indicates one or two priorities in response to the Diocesan Working Document. Everything else must be submitted in writing to the Diocesan Team. Facilitated process in the small groups: Explain that the focus for this discussion is to identify actions necessary for the future at the Diocesan and Regional levels. Begin with the Diocesan priorities. In small groups, identify the two, highest-rated Areas from the previous exercise, as well as the top three Recommendations in each of those areas. Select one Recommendation to share in the plenary from one of the two highest rated pastoral Areas. Next, focus on the regional priorities. Regional priorities are those areas of pastoral concern that reach beyond the local diocese. In small groups, identify two pastoral Areas that could benefit from collaboration with other regional dioceses. Propose two or three Strategies in each area to promote the evangelizing mission of the dioceses through collaboration. Select one Strategy to share in the plenary. Everything else must be submitted in writing to the Diocesan Team. If time allows, discuss whether there are any important pastoral needs in the Hispanic/Latino community that were not addressed in the recommendations listed in the Diocesan Working Document (or the Diocesan Priorities handout). Let the participants know that they will be invited to write any additional ideas on the Evaluation, to be handed out at the end of the Plenary. Propose Strategies to promote the evangelizing mission of the dioceses through collaboration Select one Recommendation to share in the plenary
BREAK [15 minutes]
PLENARY 2 Share one diocesan and one regional priority… [40 minutes] a. During the plenary, listen to as many groups as possible. As much as possible, give priority to young people. b. Have a team of two or three people take notes during the plenary. Instructions: Each small group presenter will share one diocesan Recommendation and one regional Strategy, including the pastoral Area that it is focused on, during the plenary. The facilitator should collect the notes from the note taker and submit the notes and the extra Diocesan Priorities handout to the Diocesan Team at the end of the event. The plenary note-takers will then summarize what has been heard, identifying 3 to 5 preliminary Areas that stand out as priorities for the (arch)diocese, as well as the top 2 or 3 Areas for collaboration at the regional level. PLENARY 2 Share one diocesan and one regional priority…
DISCERNMENT OF DELEGATES MUST HAVE PARTICIPATED IN: The five sessions and missionary actions The Parish Encuentro The Diocesan Encuentro IS INVOLVED IN THE LIFE OF THE PARISH OR ORGANIZATION IS AVAILABLE TO ATTEND THE REGIONAL AND NATIONAL EVENTS (ARCH)DIOCESAN DELEGATES ALLOTTED: # delegates for the Regional Encuentro # delegates for the National Encuentro [5 minutes] Objective: 1. Gather information on the possible delegates who will officially represent the (arch)diocese at the Regional and National Encuentros. Provide information on the steps to be followed in the discernment of delegates (see the Instructions for Discerning Diocesan Delegates document). Also provide information about the Regional and National Encuentros and who is invited to participate. Distribute the ballots for the selection of delegates to gather information on possible delegates to the Regional and National Encuentros. PRAYERFULLY DISCERN A CALL TO PARTICIPATE INDICATE WILLINGNESS TO PARTICIPATE AND PROVIDE CONTACT INFORMATION ON THE PROVIDED BALLOTS
OUR REGION Double Click on the states in your region and change the color to showcase your region.
Discernment of Delegates Important Details Regional Encuentro [Insert location and dates of the Regional Encuentro] National Encuentro Grapevine, Texas – Gaylord Texan Resort September 20-23, 2018 Cost Sharing Regional National Total estimated cost: Registration, travel, lodging, and meals $W,XYZ.00 (Arch)Diocesan contribution $XYZ.00 Recommended parish contribution Recommended delegate contribution [5 minutes] Objective: 1. Gather information on the possible delegates who will officially represent the (arch)diocese at the Regional Encuentro and National Encuentro. Provide information on the steps to be followed in the discernment of delegates (see the Instructions for Discerning Diocesan Delegates document). Also provide information about the Regional and National Encuentros and who is invited to participate. Distribute the ballots for the selection of delegates to gather information on possible delegates to the Regional and National Encuentros.
EVALUATION [15 minutes]
CELEBRATING Instructions for Mass or Closing Prayer Service Objectives: Celebrate as a Eucharistic community the joy of being missionary disciples of Christ Jesus. Present the ballots for the selection of delegates with the information of the possible delegates to the Regional Encuentro during the celebration of the Eucharist. Offer in prayer the main pastoral priorities of the diocese and the recommendations made to the region to better serve Hispanics and promote their leadership at the service of the Church and society. Celebration of the Mass, presided by the bishop or priest delegated by him. Recognition and thanks to the Diocesan Team and the facilitators. Keep in mind... a. Coordinate this moment with the liturgy team. b. Talk to the person who presides over the Eucharist to see when diocesan priorities can be offered. c. Include in the PowerPoint or in a handout any special prayers, music, readings, etc.