What’s Happening With Millennials In Community College Geosciences Empowering 2YC Geoscience Faculty to Improve Student Learning Wake Technical Community College, Geology Department October 14, 2016 Dr. Kenneth L. Howard, LG
What’s Our Demographic and How Do We Assess Science Outcomes Background Questionnaire Level of Scientific Literacy Ability to Solve a Logic Problem Testing and Assessment
Background Questionnaire Students are asked questions about their experience, educational background, interest, and views on a variety of topics including: Geoscience background, Past science courses, Use of the ILC (Individual Learning Center), Overseas travel, Sources of news and information, Interest level, and Course expectations. Data compiled from FA2007 through FA2016
Significant Results and Trends Data Show Significant Changes in Student Response in FA2013 Geoscience Background: Since FA2013, 91.4% of students report having taken an Earth Science unit in high school. Prior to that date only 81.0% reported such exposure. First College Science Course: Prior to FA2013, 44.5% of students were taking Geology as their first college science course. Since then the percentage has risen to 50.6%. Biology is the most common course already taken.
ILC Usage: Reported usage has declined sharply since FA2013 from 56 ILC Usage: Reported usage has declined sharply since FA2013 from 56.8% to 40.8%. Overseas Travel: Students who report overseas travel experience have dropped from 61.5% to 56.9% since FA2013. However, the period prior to FA2011 showed 65.7% overseas travel because of a high proportion of returning veterans. Sources of News: Students dominently obtain their news from internet, friends, and social media. Marked changes since FA2013 include; Network TV down 4.2%, Newspapers down 17.5%, Cable TV down 10.0%, and News Magazines down 10.5%. Internet Activity has remained quite uniform at 95.4%.
Student Interest Levels: Since SP2011, students have consistently reported taking geology to satisfy their science requirement at a very higher level than in previous years(88.4% versus 50.1%). In Fall 2012, a corresponding decrease in expressed interest in course content occurred (53.0% to the current level of 33.6%). Student Expectations: Throughout the survey period, students have reported expectations of A and B grades with less than 10 hours per week of expected effort.
Level of Scientific Literacy
Ability to Solve a Logic Problem Students must arrange five statements in proper order from initial observation to conclusion. From Fall 2009 through Spring 2016, a total of 1027 students have been asked to solve the question. 28% have not been successful. 24.1% of those who fail withdraw versus 12.9% for those who find the correct sequence. Grade outcomes on tests over the semester average 8.86 points lower for students who fail the question than for those who place the choices in correct order.
Testing and Assessment Changes in Scientific Literacy (Pre- and Post-Test) Scientific Literacy Results by Science Common Objectives and Exam Questions
Changes in Scientific Literacy
Scientific Literacy Results by Science
Common Objectives and Exam Questions The WTCC Geology Group tests for student outcomes on 12 course objectives during final exams and monitors long-term results. Other student learning outcomes are also being testing with on-line, topic specific quizzes, but data are still preliminary.
Common Exam Question Results Since Fall 2011, test scores on 8 objectives have fallen (5 – 15%), one objective has not changed, and three objectives have increased (1 – 3%). Students currently achieve 70% success on only 6 of the twelve objectives.
Note decreasing scores since 2013 Bloom Level = Understanding Note decreasing scores since 2013
Bloom Level = Evaluate
Summary of Observations Significant shifts in student demographics began in Fall 2013. These changes include: Most students have been exposed to Earth Sciences in high school. Scientific literacy test scores at entrance have increased slightly. Scores on common final exam questions have declined. Students have abandoned print media and television. Students appear to be younger and have not used ILC. Students have had less foreign travel exposure. Scientific Literacy results in Pre- and Post-test show increased student learning for materials taught in the course, but geology scores are still at <70% success level at the end of the semester. Common Objective and Exam Question results show a decline in student mastery of the basic elements of the course over time. Over 25% of entering students are unable to solve a simple logic problem. Those with poor logic skills are less likely to succeed.
The End – and the Beginning