President Nixon Republican President from California First Republican President since Eisenhower Elected after the liberal Lyndon Johnson Johnson was responsible for escalating the Vietnam War Nixon was elected solely on his guarantee to end the war
Nixon’s success Very successful at foreign policy Reopened China to the United States Established detente with the Soviet Union Widely supported because of these actions
SCANDAL The Pentagon Papers Pentagon’s secret papers (detailed account) of the U.S. actions in Vietnam
Pentagon Papers These secret documents would be leaked to the public They explained actions that the U.S. public were unaware of including Fire bombing neutral countries Presidential lies about war plans
Pentagon Papers The government has lied to the people, and now it looks currupt Nixon tried to censor the newspapers that were printing the stories and original documents Denied Nixon sued in a final attempt The Supreme Court rules in favor of the paper High treason was not committed
Watergate Nixon’s downfall Investigation started with the break-in at the Democratic Committee offices
Watergate These men who broke in were connected to White House staff Upon further investigation they were also connected to the Committee to Reelect the President They were contributing/receiving from an illegal campaign fund
White House Tapes Tapes of recorded conversations in the oval office had been taken for years Nixon’s tapes were subpoenaed Nixon originally refused to give them up United States v. Nixon The President is not immune from prosecution and investigation
White House Tapes Reveal that Nixon knew about the break-in Nixon acknowledged an attempted cover-up Ordered his staff to try and stop the FBI investigation
Violating the Law Nixon was up for impeachment Congress organized three arguments against Nixon
Obstruction of Justice Lying to investigators Refusing to give up evidence Interfering with a police investigation
Abuse of Power Using power in a way unbecoming an executive officer Using his power in malice Abusing his authority
Contempt of Congress President cannot interpret, create, or define law This violates the separation of powers Nixon tried to give himself immunity
Others? Assuming Nixon ordered the break in... Violation of search and seizure laws Must obtain a warrant for wire taps, and entrance to a facility Violating 1st Amendment, Freedom of Press? Accepting illegal campaign funds? Those who broke in revealed the fund