The implementation of the UN CRPD by the EU - the way forward Anna Ludwinek September 10, 2015, Thessaloniki EESC
Overview UN CRPD implementation – review of European legislation, policies and programmes Agenda for Jobs, Growth, Fairness and Democratic Change How to overcome barriers for successful employment Key Results from the 2011 LFS ad hoc module on employment of people with disabilities
Employment rates for people reporting a work limitation caused by long-standing health problem and/or basic activity difficulty (%) - 1
Employment rates for people reporting a work limitation caused by long-standing health problem and/or basic activity difficulty (%) – 1 - by age groups
Employment rates for people reporting a work limitation caused by long-standing health problem and/or basic activity difficulty (%) - 2 Men Women Limitation None EU 28 41 74 36 62 Bulgaria 20 64 16 60 Ireland 22 66 21 58 Latvia 63 43 Slovakia 32 70 27 56 UK 38 81 35 71 Sweden 78 75
Activity rates for people reporting a work limitation caused by long-standing health problem and/or basic activity difficulty (%) - 1 Limitation None EU 28 29 58 Bulgaria 23 70 Ireland 28 72 Latvia 43 69 Slovakia 20 57 UK 31 Sweden 62 81
Young people with health problems or disabilities Often with mental health problems Aged 15-24 years (generally) Two distinct groups: School leavers with no previous employment history Young people who develop an illness/injury during their early career and become disabled Factors associated with vulnerability to exclusion in young people More likely to be involved in temporary or part-time work Greater risk of low earnings Lower training opportunities Often not entitled to unemployment benefit Vulnerable to health and behavioural problems Health – ill-health increasingly a factor in social inclusion
Inclusive labour markets Access to quality services Active inclusion EU strategy that aims to promote the social inclusion and social protection of those furthest from the labour market by addressing issue within 3 pillars Inclusive labour markets Access to quality services Adequate income support
Joint action and co-ordination The role of local authorities Can play a significant role in co-ordination and as direct employers or in relation to providing employment services New services for new needs (digitalisation) The role of Public Employment Services (PES) PES need to develop the range of services available (in areas such as capacity assessment, job matching, advocacy, job coaching) and the capacity of staff to deliver them The role of NGOs In many countries a major part of the services for young people are supplied by NGOs.
Policy pointers Principles of approach Skills development, training and job placement – an integrated approach is needed to these essential steps to employment After training ensure rapid placement in a real job if momentum is to be maintained and skills are to remain relevant Empowering the individual to take control of their career path – individuals should be able to make real choices in this area Employers may need support with the recruitment, training and retention of some young people, e.g. those with disabilities Good projects evolve over time
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