York University Libraries in
What is Moodle? Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment A free open-source course management system (CMS) created by Australian programmer Martin Dougiamas -search box, website, e-resources, account management -show two links to the York University Library Information Page -show resources on the York University Library Information Page -show Ros Woodhouse’s website, show Sophie’ s course AK WRIT, Ilo’s course (Roberto Quinlan)
Additional Features Integration with Passport York – which means that instructors do not need to do extra work managing their class lists or creating new users introduction of Web 2.0 technologies such as Blogs, Wikis and RSS feeds ability to view usage statistics for individual students Moodle was designed for academic use, and most students and instructors will find it more intuitive and more user-friendly ability to continuously add new features for free -search box, website, e-resources, account management -show two links to the York University Library Information Page -show resources on the York University Library Information Page -show Ros Woodhouse’s website, show Sophie’ s course AK WRIT, Ilo’s course (Roberto Quinlan)
Agenda Accessing Moodle General Course Organization Editing a Course Uploading Files Adding Text and Images Creating Blocks Using Forums Integrating Library and Information Resources into Moodle Questions -York University Library Box in Moodle Interface (will be standardised –web standards), include library logo
Accessing Moodle Log into Moodle using your Passport York Account http://moodle.yorku.ca Today we will login: http://moodletraining.yorku.ca -search box, website, e-resources, account management -show two links to the York University Library Information Page -show resources on the York University Library Information Page -show Ros Woodhouse’s website, show Sophie’ s course AK WRIT, Ilo’s course (Roberto Quinlan)