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Presentation transcript:

Protecting Your Rights Jeopardy Federal Courts Supreme Court Protecting Your Rights Useful Vocab Lovely Latin $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy

Federal Courts for $100 The first 10 amendments.

What is the Bill of Rights? Federal Courts for $100 What is the Bill of Rights?

Federal Courts for $200 Workhorses of the federal judiciary system

Federal Courts for $200 What district courts?

Issues indictments in federal criminal cases. Federal Courts for $300 Issues indictments in federal criminal cases.

Federal Courts for $300 What is a grand jury?

When a court has the “right” to hear a case first. Federal Courts for $400 When a court has the “right” to hear a case first.

What is original jurisdiction? Federal Courts for $400 What is original jurisdiction?

Federal Courts for $500 The United States Court of Appeals had this type of jurisdiction in all federal cases.

What is appellate jurisdiction? Federal Courts for $500 What is appellate jurisdiction?

Officially called the Opinion of the Court Supreme Court for $100 Officially called the Opinion of the Court

Supreme Court for $100 What is Majority Opinion?

Supreme Court for $200 Written explanation of one or more judges who disagree with a decision reached by the majority

Supreme Court for $200 What is Dissenting Opinion?

Most cases heard by the Supreme Court are cases dealing with this Supreme Court for $300 Most cases heard by the Supreme Court are cases dealing with this constitutional issue

Supreme Court for $300 What are Civil liberties?

According to the Constitution, which is correct: Supreme Court for $400 According to the Constitution, which is correct: Government cannot draw distinctions between people. No person can be denied equal protection of the laws

What is “No person can be denied equal protection of the laws”? Supreme Court for $400 What is “No person can be denied equal protection of the laws”?

A person is guaranteed the right to media coverage for their trial Supreme Court for $500 True or false: A person is guaranteed the right to media coverage for their trial

Supreme Court for $500 What is false?

Protecting Your Rights for $100 Under this rule a person cannot be tried twice for the same crime.

Protecting Your Rights for $100 What is double jeopardy?

Protecting Your Rights for $200 Illegally obtained evidence cannot be used in a federal court.

Protecting Your Rights for $200 What is the exclusionary rule?

Protecting Your Rights for $300 Federal officers who make arrests and secure jurors?

Protecting Your Rights for $300 Who are federal marshals?

Protecting Your Rights for $400 When judges travel to hold court in assigned regions is called…

Protecting Your Rights for $400 What is riding the circuit?

Protecting Your Rights for $500 This amendment forbids cruel and unusual punishment.

Protecting Your Rights for $500 What is the 8th Amendment?

A case involving a non-criminal matter. Useful Vocab for $100 A case involving a non-criminal matter.

Useful Vocab for $100 What is a civil case?

Inflicts punishment without a court trial Useful Vocab for $200 Inflicts punishment without a court trial

What is bill of attainder? Useful Vocab for $200 What is bill of attainder?

Blanket search warrant (as in a warrant for every house on a street) Useful Vocab for $300 Blanket search warrant (as in a warrant for every house on a street)

Useful Vocab for $300 What is writ of assistance?

The government must create fair policies and laws. Useful Vocab for $400 The government must create fair policies and laws.

What is substantive due process? Useful Vocab for $400 What is substantive due process?

Useful Vocab for $500 This clause – be specific – guarantees each person may believe whatever he or she chooses to believe regarding religion.

What is the Free Exercise Clause? Useful Vocab for $500 What is the Free Exercise Clause?

Lovely Latin for $100 This term means “friend of the court” and is a legal opinion in the form of a brief.

Lovely Latin for $100 What is amicus curiae?

Lovely Latin for $200 A person can obtain this if they are held in jail for several days without a hearing.

What is a writ of habeas corpus? Lovely Latin for $200 What is a writ of habeas corpus?

Lovely Latin for $300 Individuals cannot be tried for violations of these – acts committed before the passage of laws.

What is an ex post facto law? Lovely Latin for $300 What is an ex post facto law?

Lovely Latin for $400 An order by the Court directing a lower court to send up the record in a given case for its review.

What is writ of certiorari? Lovely Latin for $400 What is writ of certiorari?

Lovely Latin for $500 This term means “let the decision stand” and is often associated with legal precedents.

Lovely Latin for $500 What is stare decisis?

Final Jeopardy - The Courts Federal judges in Constitutional Courts obtain their positions this way and serve for this length of time

Final Jeopardy Answer What is appointed by president and confirmed by the senate…they serve for life?